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      Download our FREE kids daily devotional app! Now available for both Android and Apple devices. Therefore, the members have with no cost, representation before the public and private sectorforthesolutionofspecificproblemsoftheirtradeoperations. Tiene la facultad discrecional de suspender y negarlosmismos. Ley de Comercio Exterior y su Reglamento. Ley Federal deArmas de Fuego y Explosivos. Documentos que comprueben el cumplimiento de regulaciones y restricciones no arancelarias: This way,the current work serves as a guide for an enterprise already established and will start foreign trade operations,knows what to do and where to go to realize its procedures.

      Here,is a description of these and their functions: Republic Federal Procurement PGR In foreign Trade,it is the organism in charge of inspection in the entrance and exit points of the country,in order to fight drug traffic and illegal trade. It is also the organism in charge of psychotropic import and chemicals. Ministry of Communications andTransportation SCT This Ministry is in charge of watching and regulating the diverse transportation that provide services to foreign trade processes. It regulates the movement of cargo in the country and infrastructure related.

      ThisMinistryhasthediscretional faculty of avoiding permits. Ministry of the Economy SE This Ministry is in charge of establishing international trade treaties, promoting foreign trade through programs,give import and export permits and support Mexican industry. Ministry of Governance SEGOB This Ministry has an indirect role in foreign trade, by officially validating therequireddocumentationrequiredbyothercountriesandprovidepermits for some special products. Ministry of Natural Resources en the Environment SEMARNAT Is in charge of formulating treaties and international covenants in the environment area, and to give permits forcertain commodities that can endanger human,vegetal or animal health,and the ecosystem.

      Ministry of Health SSA This Ministry watches, regulates and certifies the sanitary quality of the products that will be exported and imported. Mexican Institute of Industrial Property Its objective is to protect the patents and trademarks which becomes very important in foreign trade in order to not face problems regarding property rights. In here are also contained the franchise registries. Mexican Council for Coffee This council is in charge of regulating the trade,export and import of coffee in Mexico,and therefore the necessary certificates. National Financing Institution NAFIN Is the one in charge of financial promotion for productive means,in order to enhance the competitiveness in local and foreign markets.

      ProMexico Is the decentralized organism that serves as the promotion arm of the Mexican government,in order to improve and augment trade and investment. Non-Government Organisms There are some private organisms that help importers and exporters, and regardless their different objectives than foreign trade, they help sometimes. Specialized organisms in foreign trade 1. Among the main objectives that an affiliate has in ANIERM is the representation before the public institutions involved in foreign trade,as well as permit operations and consultancy on tax and non-tax barriers for exporting or importing.

      Commerce Code This code is applied to all the acts derived from trade,that is every acquisition, rentverifiedforcommercialpurposes,maintenanceofcommodities,furnitureor merchandise in a neutral,labored or manufactured state. Also to the activities derived from public contracts,state enterprises,public construction,factories or manufacturers,sea trade,and internal and external shipments. FederalTax Code This code indicates that the persons and enterprises ara obligued to contribute to public expenditure,according to the law,that is,it regulates all the payments that should be done to the State for the concept of sell of commodities, services, import and export of the same.

      This Code is complemented by the Custom Law. Custom Law and its Regulation This is one of the main parts of the judicial frame, because it regulates the entrance or exit of every commodity and service from or to the country,and the means of its transportation,custom dispatch,and the deeds derived from this. ForeignTrade Law and its Regulation This law has as objective to regulate and promote foreign trade, increase competitivenessofthenationaleconomy,enhancetheefficientuseofproductive assets of the country and integrate in the best of ways the national economy in the international framework.

      Also,it establishes the faculties of the Executive to regulate,restrict,or prohibit import or export,or transit of commodities. Federal Law of Rights This law establishes the fees applied to the international transit of commodities that arrive to the country and that have as destiny foreign countries. For the services in offices abroad, for the use of the public goods, signed by the Congress.

      It also establishes the fees to pay for the storage of commodities in custom dispatch, fees for import permits and the means of payment, fees for the phitosanitary and zoo sanitary certificates,and the fees related to guns and munitions,also the use of national piers that are property of the nation. General Law of Ecologic Equilibrium and Environment Protection This law has the purpose of establishing the guidelines of regulation and restriction to import and export of wild flora and fauna, to avoid trade of this specie, and trade in other countries.

      It also regulates trade related to plaguicides,fertilizers,toxic substances,and dangerous residualsinforeign markets. Health General Law His law is occupied of the sanitary permits in the import process of medical equipment, proteases, diagnostic devices, chirurgical material and hygienic products, as well of food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, medicine, perfumes,tobacco,among others.

      FireWeapon and Explosives General Law It applies to the industrial, trade, import or export activities of guns, weapons, munitions,gunpowder,explosives,chemical related to explosives. Animal Sanity Federal Law It supervises import and export possible plagues in animals. SpecialTax Law on Production and Services This law applies fees to import or export of special products such as tobacco, alcohol,beer,diesel,and gasoline,gas,as the trade or franchise of these.

      GeneralTax Law of Import and Export This law groups through codes,every commodity to be imported or exported and the taxes applied to each one. RevenueTax Law This law applies to the income tax of every person or enterprise based in Mexico. Ad valoremTax Law This law is applied to every commodity traded in national territory,or imported.

      General Character Rules related to ForeignTrade This are the guidelines for every law and rule related to foreign trade. To the date,almost every commodity is free of tax. To the date,almost every commodity is free of tax,butVenezuela abandoned it in To the date, almost every commodity is free of tax 6. To the date, almost every commodity is free of tax 7. To the date, almost every commodity is free of tax 8.

      To the date, almost every commodity is free of tax 9. To the date, almost every commodity is free of tax Tothedate,almosteverycommodity is free of tax To the date,almost every commodity is free of tax Highly Export Enterprises ALTEX in Spanish This program was created in order to support enterprises that export in big quantities,with the benefits of erasing the obstacles and simplicity of tax procedures and those of foreign trade. ForeignTrade Enterprises ECEX This scheme has as main objective the promotion of Mexican products in foreign markets, as well as the identification of commercial opportunities for Mexican commodities.

      CustomAccount Mechanismthatfunctionsasguarantythroughbankdeposits,thepaymentofthe obligatory contributions and fees in a foreign trade operation. Program for the Promotion of the Manufacturing Industry and Export Services Thisprogramwascreatedinordertoprovidefacilitiesandstimulusforenterprises to import temporarily from abroad and without the tax payment, added value tax and in its case, the compensatory fees in the categories of raw material, machinery and equipment,and export services.

      In this sense, the necessary documents are: Import Pediment Document provided by the custom and presented by the custom agent in the custom dispatch, and through which the enterprise performs the legal import of the commodity, as for the tax that should be paid and the requirements needed. Commercial Invoice Documentinwhichisstatedthevalueincurrency,characteristicsoftheproduct, and can be issued by a national or foreign enterprise,and it should be issued when the value is superior to USD or equivalent in other currencies.

      Transportation Knowledge,Air Guide,or document of transportation Is the document through which the enterprise gives the merchandise to the transportation company. Pack List Is the document needed to identify the quantity and packing way of the merchandise in custom border 5.

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      Right Letter It is needed for the custom agent have the right to be in charge of the import operation in behalf of the importer 6. Insurance Needed for the insurance of the merchandise in the transportation and handling process. The importer can claim any damage due to these circumstances 7. Value Manifest and Calculus Sheet Theimporterhastodeclarethevaluethatwillbetakenasrealforthemerchandise declared in custom border 8. Export Pediment Document provided by the custom and presented by the custom agent in the exit of custom to declare the merchandise that leaves the country 2.

      Commercial Invoice Document in which is stated the value in currency,characteristics of the product, and can be issued by a national or foreign enterprise, and it should be issued when the value is superior to USD or equivalent in other currencies. Quality Certificate With this document,the exporter certifies that he fulfills the quality standards of the buyer or the country of destination.

      Despacho aduanal para importaciones y exportaciones. Jorge Elizondo Mattar Presidente Ing. Especias,semillas para consumo,frutas secas,fruta en conserva,arroz, chiles secos,pescados secos. Aceros especiales,cables de acero y cribas. Aceros y metales; S. Compra y venta de aceros y metales. Industrial San Pablo Xalpa,C. Kleinschmidt Gerente General Ing.

      Johan Palme Sierra Presidente Lic. Ropa casual de mezclilla. Materia prima para alimentos en general. San Francisco Cuautlalpan, C. Rossana Estrella Gabilondo Presidente Srita. Colorantes,aditivos e ingredientes para alimentos. Distribuidor de colorantes,aditivos e ingredientes para alimentos. Servicio de carga a mismas regiones. Cable y alambre de acero al alto carbono. Jorge Espinosa Mireles Presidente Lic. Formas impresas para oficina.

      Joe Farach Director de Operaciones Lic. Eduardo Uribe Jefe de Compras Lic. Ricardo Miner de la Concha Presidente Lic. Fernando Con y Ledesma Presidente Lic. Agentes consignatarios de buques. San Pedro de los Pinos, Deleg.

      Jesus Kumate Rodriguez Km. Productores de tomate,pepino y chiles. Eduardo Quijano Garmendia Director Lic. Ana Luisa Rojas Controller Sr. Topete Castillo Gerente deVentas Srita. DavidYee Director General Lic. San Felipe Ixtacuixtla, C. Bosques de las Lomas, Deleg. Mexico - Nogales Km. Santiago ParedesTirado Presidente C. Productor y empacador de productos del mar.

      Comercializador de productos del mar. Desierto de los Leones No. Norberto Ferrara Director General Lic. Servicios integrales de seguros. Peter Kummer Senn Presidente Sr. Manuel Bala Director de Operaciones Lic.

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      Sergio Brachet Presidente U Tels. Ricardo Castanedo Gerente General Ing. Tlalnepantla - Cuautitlan Km. Richard Carnew Director General Ing. Productos alimenticios en general,procesados y naturales. Muebles residenciales de madera. UgaldeArmenta Director General Lic. Productos de limpieza para el hogar. Marcelo Piriz Gerente General Ing. Rolando Reyes Kuri Presidente Ing. Almacenaje en bodega refrigerada. Ignacio Portillo Director General Lic. Candelabros,jardineras,pedestales de fierro forjado. Dov Charney Presidente Sr.

      EduardoVillarreal Director General Sr. Prendas de vestir,calzado,textiles y accesorios. Calzado de seguridad industrial y todo tipo de accesorios para la seguridad industrial. Lomas de Chapultepec, Deleg. Alex Mas Presidente Sra. Chantal Doyon Vicepresidente U Tels. Francisco Morel Contralor C. Pedregal de Santo Domingo, Deleg. Arturo Uriostegui Palacios U Tels. Fabienne Frubert Presidente Lic. Venkataramanan Chief Executive Officer Ing. Felipe Escalante Castillo Presidente Arq.

      San Pedro de los Pinos,Deleg. Elena Herrera Director de Operaciones Lic. Juan Manuel Ramos A. Defensa de los intereses de los agentes aduanales. Gerardo Molina Director General Sr. Medicamentos uso humano tenormin,tenorectic,inderal. Materias primas y productos a granel. Alce Manzana 15 No. A Lote 14; Col. Super Manzana 20; C. Vinos y licores,equipo para hoteles,refacciones,ropa y calzado,jamones curados. San Miguel Chapultepec Deleg. Servicio de transporte de carga,almacenaje y mudanzas. Los Reyes Zona Industrial C. De Los Sauces No. Armando Robles Contador General Lic. San Mateo Iztacalco; C.

      Maquinaria y materia prima. Mayorazgos del Bosque; C. Marcos Douek Director deVentas Srita. Transporte ferroviario de carga e intermodal. Parques del Pedregal, Deleg. Hubert Kirschey Director General Sr. Paseo de La Reforma No. Productos y servicios financieros. San Pedro Barrientos C. Lorenzo Barrera Segovia Presidente Lic. Ciudad de los Deportes, Deleg. Ricardo GuajardoTouche Presidente Lic. Insumos y producto terminado.

      Productos para el tratamiento de la piel. Santa Clara Coatitla; C. Transporte multimodal puerta a puerta. Aluminio en rollo,papel y maquinaria. Articulos escolares y para artistas en general marca crayola. Bosque de CedrosAcceso Radiatas No. Federico BaurAltdoerfer Presidente Ing. Marcus Baur Director General Lic. Aluminio,diversas partes y componentes. Fritz Lengheim Presidente Srita. Soldaduras y fundentes E. Soldadura A B C. Medicinas micardis,dulcolax medicamentos para hipertensos y laxantes. Equipo de bombeo bombas,motores y partes para bomba. Venta y posventa a traves de distribuidores.

      Fernando Campos Presidente U Tels. Horst Schinagl Soellradl Presidente Srita. Ricardo Brockmann Director General Lic. Agente de seguros,corredor de seguros,seguros,fianzas. Muebles y accesorios para el hogar. Productos ferreteros y del hogar. Ropa casual para dama. Corrado Franchi Director General Srita. MiraYasinovsky Director General Srita.

      Quijano Llano Director General Lic. Michael Scherer Diestel Presidente Sra. Cachuchas y guantes de estambre para invierno. Goma de mascar y caramelos en general. Jun Iwasaki Presidente Sr. Hiroshi Shimiso Director C. Mantenimiento de equipos y desarrollo de software. Agencia aduanal por aduana de Nuevo Laredo. Lomas de las Palmas,C. Carnes,visceras y despojos comestibles congelados de bovino,porcino,ovino,pollo y sus partes y pescados.

      Heroes de la Independencia,C. JimWitzerman Director General Ing. Torre Diana,Paseo de la Reforma No. Tim Maretti Presidente Sr. Francisco Salazar Director de Finanzas Lic. Pierre Froidevaux Director General Ing. Clinker y cemento portland,I. Clinker y cemento portland. Comercializadora de plagicidas y fertilizantes.

      Generadores de vapor,pre-calentadores de aire regenerativo tipo ljungstrom. Productos de acero laminados y tubulares. Carta Blanca Piso 3 Col. Mar de la Serenidad No. Barrio San Miguel Deleg. Ingredientes alimenticios cultivos,saborizantes,colorantes,sazonadores,oleoresinas,cuajos, etc.

      Ingredientes alimenticios cultivos,saborizantes, colorantes,sazonadores,oleoresinas,cuajos,lactosa,etc. Servicio de autotransporte federal en el movimiento de contenedores al Puerto deVeracruz. Olivar de los Padres,Deleg. Presidente y Director General C. Vinos y licores,productos alimenticios enlatados. Distribuidores y representantes de empresas extranjeras. Paseo de la Reforma No. Productos para el cuidado del cabello y la calvicie. Campestre de PaloAlto, Deleg. Productos de hule natural y sus derivados. Pattyn Presidente y Director General Lic.

      Tomas Suero Pareja Socio Ing. Othon de Mendizabal No. Camino Real aToluca No. Celulosa y fibra secundaria. Director Comercial U Tels. Carne de porcino,bovino,pescados y mariscos. Parque Industrial la luz,C. Bosques de Salazar No. Muebles de acero forjado. Joel Quijano Ocegueda Director Lic. Bombas y motores de agua. Todo tipo de procesos en vidrio flotado. Vidrio y espejo flotado en diferentes espesores y medidas,tiras adhesivas de plomo. Materia prima hule de caucho,cupo,fleje de acero,curativos ; S. Tanetoshi Hirasawa Director General Lic. Yumi Hirasawa GerenteAdministrativo Lic.

      Ampliadoras y accesorios para cuarto oscuro. Reed Presidente y Director General Lic. Enrique Ortega Jefe Depto. Joyas del Pedregal Deleg. Agregados para concreto y minerales. Prestador de servicios de control de plagas. RafaelValencia Robledo Presidente Lic. Valencia de la Rosa Director General Lic. Paseos del Pedregal No.

      C Piso 10; Col. Roberto Romero Gerente de Operaciones Srita. Varios tipos de calzado.

      Teléfono atención clientes Multipack

      Guido Riveros Presidente Srita. Peter Stoessel Director General Lic. Todo tipo de saborizantes,colorantes y esencias para alimentos. Saborizantes,colorantes y esencias para todo tipo de alimentos. Materia prima para aplicaciones de los saborizantes. Estructuras para invernaderos,sistemas de riego por goteo,material de empaque,refacciones para empaques. Bosque de las Lomas,Deleg. Eduardo Zea Director General C. Olaf Busch Director General Lic. Productos para la industria de alimentos. TitoVidaurri Director General Lic. Servicio de despacho aduanal C. Venta,renta y servicio a copiadoras.

      Soportes para motor y bases de amortiguadores y todo lo relacionado a hule y hule-metal. Comercializadores de autopartes del after-market. Lourdes Rubalcava Contadora Lic. Equipos para hospitales y laboratorios. Paseo de las Palmas No. Jorge Barreda Gerente deVentas Ing. Diversos productos que se utilizan en la industria petrolera. Venta de productos duty pay. Frutas y legumbres frescas. Iran Urbina Director General Lic.

      Marcos Larios Barrios Director Lic. Rodolfo Camargo Merino Presidente Sra. Aparatos,material y reactivos para laboratorio. Tapones para concentradores de refrigeradores. Antenas y equipos de telecomunicaciones. Antenas,software,y en general,equipo de telecomunicaciones. Materia prima,graneles y productos terminados. Bernhard Conrad Presidente Sr. Emblemas bordados,terminados y parches. Emblemas bordados e impresos terminados. Emblemas automotrices y publicitarias en general.

      Abdol Rasoul Khaledi Presidente C. Cerrada de Olivo No. Materias primas para alimentos. Terminales punto de venta. Agencia aduanal servicios de comercio exterior: Licores diferentes marcas envasados de marca propia. Pedro Carmona Director General Ing. Jorn Sorensen Nielsen Presidente Sra. Servicio de maquinado CNC,maquila,rolado. Director General U Tel.

      Ropa desechable para hospitales e industria. Papel y materias primas. Gerd Grimm Presidente Sr. Relojes en general y sus accesorios. Lomas de Barrilaco, Deleg. Dominique Spiranski Director General Lic. Materia prima textil y maquinaria. Asistente del Director U Tel. Troy Ryleey Director General C. Servicios de comercio exterior como: Grabado de todo tipo: Vicente Lledo Director General Lic. Torres Rocha Contador U Tels. Municipio de Emiliano Zapata,C. Sacos de polipropileno laminado y sin laminar diferentes medidas ,paneles de privacidad cualquier medida,maquila de prendas de vestir.

      Telas de polipropileno,sacos de polipropileno,velcro,hielo y bies. Roby Brown Vicepresidente de Operaciones Lic. Richard Clair Director General Lic. Maurizio Masullo Director de Operaciones Lic. BacaVillanueva Director General Arq. Bosque de Ciruelos No. Bosques de las Lomas,Deleg. Servicio de transporte de todo tipo de carga por ferrocarril.

      Comerciante en obras de arte. Herramienta en general para la industria. Edgar Chahin DirectorAdjunto Lic. Walter Borisenck Presidente Q. Premezclados de vitaminas y minerales. Mier y Pesado No. Servicio post-venta,para todos nuestros productos. Condominio Industrial Cuamatla, C. Servicios financieros para la industria en general.

      Carlos de Kruyff Director General C. Botanas y productos de cacahuate. Leche pasteurizada,jugos,leche de sabor,quesos. Maquinaria,insumos,ganado vacuno,insumos alimenticios,materiales varios. Azuara y Montero Director General C. Servicios de valor agregado: Kai Schmersahl Director General Sr.

      Willian Hidalgo Relaciones Gubernamentales Srita. Materias primas y producto terminado. Medicamentos de uso humano y productos de consumo. George Christensen Presidente Ing. Javier Cervantes Director Comercial Ing. Productos en general comercializadora. Refrigeradores de tipo comercial,congeladores horizontales.

      Partes y componentes de refrigeradores de tipo comercial,refrigeradores completos, congeladores horizontales,despachadores de agua. Papeles superficiales y thiner. Grisi Urroz Director General Lic. Productos para el cuidado personal o de tocador,productos medicinales y complementos alimenticios. Productos para el cuidado personal o de tocador,productos medicinales y complementos alimenticios I. Sergio Romo Medrano U Tels. Humberto Guillen Zapata Director Sr. Cerro de las Campanas No.

      Director de Operaciones Sr. Materia prima y partes de equipos de proceso. Ex-Hacienda Guadalupe Chimalistac, Deleg. Cabrera Murillo Vicepresidente Lic. Agencia aduanal y reexpedidora de carga. Agencia aduanal y asesores en comercio internacional. Perno conector de cortante autosoldante. Sarah Guinzberg Marketing U Tel. Carlos Olazabal Presidente Lic. Xavier Olazabal Director General Lic. Galletas,pastas alimenticias y chocolates. Antonio de Haro Presidente Lic. Javier Barros Sierra No. Tabacos,cigarros,accesorios para fumador,encendores y licoreras. FranciscoAlbo Gerente de Exportaciones Lic.

      Leon Cukiert Grolman Presidente Sr. Ropa fina para dama y juniors. Miguel Munera Director General Ing. Custodia y resguardo carretero. Serrano Segovia Presidente Dr. Equipos de seguridad industriales,textiles y productos para el mantenimiento industrial. Harry Mazal Presidente Sr. Luminarias a prueba de vapor,rejillas,luminarias industriales. Michael Kuhlmann Director General C. Tornillo de banco,sargento para carpintero,mandril pulidor y con broquero,trompo para carpintero, prensa para taladro,avellanador para tubos de cobre,trompo de mesa,tornillo para carpintero.

      MarcosTuachi Michan Subdirector Lic. Botones y accesorios para prendas de vestir. Roberto Ramos Casas Presidente C. Rigoberto Contreras Contralor Lic. Lydia Zelinski Director General Lic. Parque Industrial La Joya,C. Rafael Ramos Director General Ing. Ignacio Manuel LuyandoAguirre Presidente k e-mail: Ferrocarril de Cuernavaca No. Nueva Santo Domingo No. Pablo Bravo Director General Lic. Tornillos,tuercas y herramienta industrial.

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