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La Selva is located at the base of the last remaining intact rainforest transect from 30 m above sea level to m along the entire Caribbean slope of Central America. Steam SRP levels can be naturally high there due to regional, geothermal groundwater discharged at ambient temperature. Mean interannual SRP concentrations?? After January, the separate upland-lowland contributions to discharge and SRP load were determined monthly in the Salto. SRP in Upper Salto was low 19?? TP was positively correlated to the inverse of discharge in all three streams when ENSO data were omitted.
Annual SRP flux from the total Salto watershed averaged 2. A dye tracer injection showed that pore water environments were distinctly different between Upper and Lower Salto. Upper Salto had high surface water-pore water exchange, high. Componente de la envoltura en la discontinuidad de Balmer de estrellas Be. The Universe in a Box: El Universo Representado en Una Caja: O Universo Representado em Uma Caixa: This is a report of an activity of introduction to the study of Astronomy developed with a group of future Physics teachers at a Brazilian public university.
Such activity had the goal of giving privileged emphasis to notions of spatiality, alternative conceptions of the participants and the process of interaction among peers, and consisted of the representation, in a three dimensional space, of the models of the universe that the participants had. The results, which were categorized as miscellaneous, geocentric, heliocentric and acentric models of the universe, were qualitatively analyzed.
Analyses of the activity in the perspective of the participants are indicated and additional considerations are made regarding its use as a resource for teaching Astronomy and for teacher training. In this article, we aimed to present the activities developed by the Astronomy Study Group ASG to contribute to the dissemination and improvement of the astronomy teaching-learning. The results of a research carried out in schools of Umuarama-PR are shown, with the intention of checking the students' knowledge and interest in relation to Astronomy.
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It is reported the realization of workshops for Science teachers linked to the Education Regional Nucleus. The research and the workshop execution promoted the direct contact of the study group with the community; the results were used to diagnose the state of astronomy teaching-learning, in the basic education in Umuarama-PR. Uruguay, A Country Study. Least developed were the northern ranching departments along the Brazilian border- Artigas, Rivera, and Cerro Largo -and also Tacuaremb6. We relate in this article a didactic experience studying the moon phases with a group of middle school students of a private school of the municipality of Passo Fundo, RS.
Based on David Ausubel's Meaningful Learning Theory, we have sought to develop a proposal following a didactic model which simulates the phases of the Moon, as based on the previous conceptions of the students. The signs of learning were evidenced by means of memory registries of the activity. From the obtained results we believe that the proposal achieved its goals, since the students were able to identify, differentiate and transfer the phenomenon of the moon phases to new contexts.
Thus, it is concluded that a methodology focused on a meaningful content for the students is fundamental to the construction and genuine grasping of what is being learned. Boron can be determined quantitatively by absorption spectrophotometry of solutions of the red compound formed by the reaction of boric acid with curcumin.
This reaction is affected by various factors, some of which can be detected easily in the data interpretation. Others, however, provide more difficulty. The application of modern statistical method to the study of the influence of these factors on the quantitative determination of boron is presented. These methods provide objective ways of establishing significant effects of the factors involved. The main source of electric power generation in Brazil comes from hydropower plants, nevertheless, the installed power is expected to raise The increase at the hydroelectric sector will be responsible for a series of fish community impacts.
One of the impacts over the fish community is related to fish kills due to downstream passage through turbines or fish entrance at the draft tube from the tailrace. Although previous studies show that robotic telescopes have the potential to enhance student learning, there is comparatively little research that focuses on teacher perceptions of this technology. Pre- and post-tests, interviews, and surveys were collected during two weeks of a summer online course about robotic telescopes.
While pre and post-tests do not reveal a statistically significant gain in astronomy content knowledge, analysis of qualitative data reveals five themes which describe the most important aspects of using SLOOH according to participants: Evaluating Rotavirus and Norovirus transport processes in standardised and natural soil-water columns experiments.
In Uruguay, as in many developed and developing countries, rotavirus and norovirus are major causes of diarrhea and others symptoms of acute gastroenteritis. In some areas of Uruguay, groundwater is the only source of water for human consumption. In the rural area of the Salto district, virus contamination has been detected in several groundwater wells. Because sewer coverage is low, the most probable sources of contamination are nearby septic systems. This work aims to evaluate the transport of rotavirus and norovirus from clinic samples in two sets of column experiments under saturated conditions: Both viruses were seeded for 2 pore volumes onto the columns.
In the quartz sand column, both rotavirus and norovirus were removed two orders in magnitude. In the Salto sand column, rotavirus was removed 2 log10 as well, but norovirus was removed 4 log The fitting of the breakthrough curves indicated that blocking played a role for rotavirus in the Salto sand column.
These results are consistent with the field observation where only rotavirus was detected in the Salto aquifer, while similar concentrations in Salto sewer effluent were measured for both viruses. This work, besides reporting actual parameters values for human virus transport modelling, shows the significant differences in transport that human viruses can have in standardised and natural soil-water systems. New Studies in Generative Grammar, These two issues of volume 17, include the following articles: New Studies in Generative Grammar. This issue contains the following articles: Aguada, and provision of new service in housing complexes such as Parque Posadas, Carbe Aguada and Zapican.
IDB Contract One of the milestones A stepwise approach to stroke surveillance in Brazil: Stroke mortality rates in Brazil are the highest in the Americas. Deaths from cerebrovascular disease surpass coronary heart disease. The hospital-based data comprised fatal and nonfatal stroke Step 1. We gathered stroke-related mortality data in the community using World Health Organization questionnaires Step 2.
The questionnaire determining stroke prevalence was activated door to door in a family-health-programme neighbourhood Step 3. A total of patients 18 years and above, including incident cases, presented with cerebrovascular disease and were enrolled in Step 1 during April-May In Step 2, deaths from stroke were identified during In Step 3, subjects over 35 years old were evaluated at home, and cases of stroke survival were diagnosed via a questionnaire, validated by a board-certified neurologist.
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The population demographic characteristics were similar in the three steps, except in terms of age and gender. By including data from all settings, World Health Organization stroke surveillance can provide data to help plan future resources that meet the needs of the public-health system. Comparison of Rotavirus and Norovirus transport in standardised and natural soil-water systems. Rotavirus and Norovirus are waterborne viruses that are major causes of diarrhea and others symptoms of acute gastroenteritis.
An important pathway of these viruses is groundwater. In Uruguay, as in many developed and developing countries, there are areas where the only source of water for human consumption is groundwater. In the rural area of the Salto district, groundwater is commonly used without any treatment, as it is traditionally considered as a safe source. However, virus contamination have been detected in several wells in the area.
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The most probable source of contamination are nearby septic systems, since the sewer coverage is scarce. This work aims to evaluate and compare the virus transport processes for a standardised soil-water systems and for the Salto aquifer system. For this, the transport of Rotavirus and Norovirus from clinic samples was studied in two sets of column experiments: Both viruses were seeded for 2 pore volumes on the columns. In the quartz sand column, both Rotavirus and Norovirus were removed two orders in magnitude. In the Salto sand column, Rotavirus was removed 2 log10 as well, but Norovirus was removed 4 log The fitting of the breakthrough curves indicated that blocking played a role for Rotavirus in the Salto sand column.
These results are consistent with field observation where only Rotavirus was detected in the Salto aquifer, while similar concentrations in Salto sewer effluent was measured for these two viruses. This work, besides reporting actual. Manuel Andres Dibar Curuchet. Characterization of transport mechanisms and impacts on an agricultural area in Uruguay. In many areas of Uruguay groundwater is the only source of water for human consumption and for industrial-agricultural economic activities.
Traditionally considered as a safe source, due to the "natural filter" that occurs in porous media, groundwater is commonly used without any treatment. The Uruguayan law requires bacteriological analysis for most water uses, but virological analyses are not mentioned in the legislation.
In the Salto district, where groundwater is used for human consumption and for agricultural activities, bacterial contamination has been detected in several wells but no viruses analysis have been performed. In this area water is pumped from the " Salto Aquifer", a free sedimentary aquifer. Below this sedimentary deposit is the "Arapey" basaltic formation, which is also exploited for water productions on its fractured zones. A screening campaign has been performed searching for bacterial and viral contamination.
Total and fecal coliforms have been found on several wells and Rotavirus and Adenovirus have been detected. A subgroup of the screening wells has been selected for an annual survey. On this subgroup, besides bacteria and viruses analysis, a standard physical and chemical characterization was performed. Results show a significant seasonal variation on microbiological contamination. In addition to field studies, rotavirus circulation experiments on columns are being performed.
The objective of this experiments is to determinate the parameters that control virus transport in porous media.
The results of the study are expected to provide an insight into the impacts of groundwater on Salto 's viral gastroenterocolitis outbreaks. Viral and bacterial contamination in a sedimentary aquifer in Uruguay: Traditionally considered as a safe source, groundwater is commonly used without any treatment. The Uruguayan law requires bacteriological fecal analysis for most water uses, but virological analyses are not mentioned in the legislation. An initial screening campaign of 44 wells was performed in which, besides total and fecal coliforms, rotavirus and adenovirus were detected.
A subgroup of the screening wells 15 where selected for bimonthly sampling during a year. In accordance with literature results, single well data analysis shows that coliform and viral contamination can be considered as independent variables. However, when spatial data is integrated, coliform and viral contamination show linear correlation.
In this work we present the survey results, we analyse the temporal incidence of variables like precipitation, temperature and chemical composition in well contamination and we discuss the value of coliforms as global indicator of viral contamination for the Salto aquifer. These issues include the following articles: DELTA is a journal of theoretical and applied linguistics and covers a wide variety of material related to language, speech, and education. The journal publishes only original research and ideas presented in the form of articles, debates, squibs, overviews,…. HeartSCORE is a tool for assessing cardiovascular risk, basing its estimates on the relative weight of conventional cardiovascular risk factors.
However, new markers of cardiovascular risk have been identified, such as aortic pulse wave velocity PWV. This study is a sub-analysis of the EDIVA project, which is a prospective cohort, multicenter and observational study involving individuals of Portuguese nationality men and women aged between 18 and 91 years mean Only participants above 35 years old were included in the present re-analysis, resulting in a population of participants.
All MACE - death, cerebrovascular accident, coronary accidents coronary heart disease , peripheral arterial disease and renal failure - were recorded. During a mean follow-up period of The event-free survival at 2 years was Measurements were made at c. The distance between the detectors allows the beam neutrinos to oscillate to a different flavor. Therefore, a disappearance of the muon neutrinos from the beam is observed in the Far Detector.
The Far Detector has a special apparatus which makes possible the selection of atmospheric neutrinos and antineutrinos. The disappearance of the muon neutrinos was observed and the data has shown to be congruent with the oscillation model. These results are the most precise measurement of the neutrinos mass splitting using muon neutrino disappearance data only.
Soluble reactive phosphorus SRP transport and retention in tropical, rain forest streams draining a volcanic landscape in Costa Rica: In situ SRP amendment to streams and laboratory studies. There, SRP levels can be naturally high due to groundwater enriched by geothermal activity within the surfically dormant volcanic landscape, and subsequently discharged at ambient temperature. Combined field and laboratory approaches simulated high but natural geothermal SRP input with the objective of estimating the magnitude of amended SRP retention within high and low SRP settings and determining the underlying mechanisms of SRP retention.
No DIN response in either nitrate or ammonium was observed. High SRP retention even under biologically saturated conditions, absence of a DIN response to amendment, patterns of desorption following amendment, and similar patterns of retention and release under control and biologically inhibited conditions all indicated. Innovative dengue vector control interventions in Latin America: Background Five studies were conducted in Fortaleza Brazil , Girardot Colombia , Machala Ecuador , Acapulco Mexico , and Salto Uruguay to assess dengue vector control interventions tailored to the context.
The studies involved the community explicitly in the implementation, and focused on the most productive breeding places for Aedes aegypti. This article reports the cost analysis of these interventions. Methods We conducted the costing from the perspective of the vector control program. We collected data on quantities and unit costs of the resources used to deliver the interventions. Comparable information was requested for the routine activities. Cost items were classified, analyzed descriptively, and aggregated to calculate total costs, costs per house reached, and incremental costs.
Conclusions The interventions are promising, seem affordable and may improve the cost profile of the established vector control programs. The costs of the new components could be considerable, and should be assessed in relation to the benefits in reduced dengue burden. Total ankle arthroplasty TAA has historically resulted in inferior survivorship rates compared with total hip and knee arthroplasty, because of technical issues unique to ankle anatomy.
Medical records from index procedure to latest follow-up of primary TAA were reviewed. Complications were categorized according to the Glazebrook classification; additional complications were documented. Concurrent procedures were recorded, and radiographs were analyzed for alignment, subsidence, and cyst formation. Time to complication onset and learning curve analyses were performed.
One hundred four Salto Talaris TAA prostheses 96 patients , with an average follow-up of 46 months, were included. Salto Talaris TAA survivorship and reoperation rates in our series were comparable with previous reports, using either the same or similar mobile-bearing prostheses; new information regarding complication, radiographic, and learning curve analyses was presented.
Level IV, retrospective case series. An ERP study of agreement features in Spanish. The goal of the present study was to investigate whether two morphological agreement features, Person and Number, play a different role in the agreement process. According to the Feature Hierarchy hypothesis, different nominal agreement features have different degrees of cognitive strength e.
The P effect elicited by the NPD condition was larger than the agreement condition and that of ND and PD in the first window , while the three disagreement conditions elicited larger P amplitudes than the agreement condition in the second window There were no differences between the processing of person and number. Thus, the combination of number and person disagreement could be solved in parallel through an additive mechanism of the two features.
These results do not support the Feature Hierarchy hypothesis. Italian Word Association Norms. The feasibility of mapping the floating macrophytes mostly water hyacinth: The area occupied by the macrophytes was extracted by exclusion after the merging of two thematic masks representing the area of vegetation free water surface. One of the masks was obtained from a date when the vegetal cover is insignificant, while the other represents a large infestation episode. The bio-optical properties of CDOM as descriptor of lake stratification.
Multivariate statistical techniques are used to demonstrate the fundamental role of CDOM optical properties in the description of water masses during the summer stratification of a deep lake. PC1 was linked with dissolved species and PC2 with suspended particles. In the first principal component that the role of CDOM bio-optical properties give a better description of the stratification of the Salto Lake with respect to temperature.
The proposed multivariate approach can be used for the analysis of different stratified aquatic ecosystems in relation to interaction between bio-optical properties and stratification of the water body. The paper deals with the ammonium diuranate continuous precipitation with a high chemical purity degree from uranyl nitrate solutions, using 1. The precipitations were carried out in a continuous procedure with one and two stages. Head and neck carcinoma HNC represents one of the most fatal cancers worldwide, and a significant proportion of HNC expresses high levels of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins.
Dissolved inorganic nitrogen composition, transformation, retention, and transport in naturally phosphate-rich and phosphate-poor tropical streams. In Costa Rica, the Salto River is enriched by geothermal-based soluble reactive phosphorus SRP , which raises the concentration up to ?? Ground waters were typically high in ammonium relative to nitrate whereas channel waters were high in nitrate relative to ammonium. Sediment slurry studies indicated nitrification potential in two sediment types, firm clay 3.
Ammonium and nitrate amendments to each stream separately resulted in nitrate concentrations in excess of that expected after correlation for dilution using a conservative tracer. SRP concentration in the Pantano appeared to be regulated by abiotic sediment exchange reactions. DIN composition and concentration were regulated by a combination of biotic and abiotic processes.
The Iberian Peninsula in the Atlantic Community: Militares - Terceiro Encontro de Estudos Militares, , pp. In gymnastics every exercise finishes with a landing. The quality of landing depends on subjective e. The aim of our research was to determine which biomechanical temporal, kinematic and dynamic characteristics of landing best predict the quality of landing.
Stepwise multiple regression extracted five predictors which explained All predictors were defining asymmetries between legs velocities, angles. To avoid asymmetric landings, gymnasts need to develop enough height; they need higher angular momentum around the transverse and longitudinal axis and they need to better control angular velocity in the longitudinal axis.
SummaryA comparative study of Sr and Ca isotopes was conducted to assess solute sources and effects of biogeochemical processes on surface water and groundwater in four small tropical catchments located at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Three catchments are influenced by high-solute bedrock groundwater, while another catchment is primarily supplied by local recharge. Solutes in bedrock groundwater have a predominant geogenic origin, whereas local recharge is characterized by low-solute inputs from rainwater and minor in situ weathering releases from nutrient-depleted soils.
Microbial processes such as mineralization, nitrification and denitrification regulate nitrogen dynamics in the soil. The last two processes may produce nitrous oxide N 2 O. In this work N 2 O fluxes were quantified at four moments of the rice cycle, sowing, tillering, panicle initiation and maturity, in two sites that differed mainly in their soil organic matter OM content, Salto higher OM and Treinta y Tres. Potential net N mineralization, ammonium oxidation and denitrification as well as the most probable numbers MPN of ammonia oxidizers and denitrifiers were determined.
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Potential N mineralization did not vary with the soil type and increased at rice maturity. Neither ammonia oxidation potential nor MPN were different among the soils. However, the soil with higher OM exhibited higher activity and MPN of denitrifiers, irrespective of the rice stage. In turn, at the latest phases of the crop, the MPN of denitrifiers increased coinciding with the highest mineralization potential and mineral N content of the soil. Significant differences in N 2 O flux were observed in Salto , where the highest emissions were detected at rice maturity, after the soil was drained This work shows the importance of considering the soil type and end-of-season drainage of the rice field to elaborate GHGs greenhouse gases inventories.
Environmental chemicals originating from human activities, such as persistent organic pollutants POPs , may interfere with the endocrine system of aquatic organisms. The effect of these chemicals on biota and human populations is of high public concern but remains poorly understood, especially in aquatic environments of South America. POPs including organochlorine pesticides OCPs , polychlorinated biphenyl PCBs , and polybrominated diphenyl ethers PBDEs were determined in the reservoir water and tissue samples of tilapia after two months of exposure.
The PCB levels in water Similarly, concentrations of aldrin and its metabolites 6. The fish from this site also had a higher number of eosinophils observed in the testes. Although overt measurements of endocrine disruption were not observed in caged fish, alteration of CYP enzymes with co-occurrence of organochlorine contaminants in water may suggest bioavailability of contaminants from agricultural sources to biota.
Additional studies with feral or caged animals for a longer duration may be necessary to evaluate the risks of the waterways to humans and wildlife. Sorption of uranium in uranyl nitrate solutions on strong cationic resins and its elution with ammonium sulfate. Effects of EDTA on thorium decontamination; Estudos de sorpcao de uranio contido em solucoes de nitrato de uranilo por resina cationica forte e sua eluicao com sulfato de amonio.
This paper describes the studies of decontamination of thorium present as impurity in uranyl nitrate solutions, which was carried out through strong cationic resin where the thorium was partially retained. Then, the final decontamination was performed percolating the uranyl solution on a second cationic resin, after complexation of thorium and other impurities with EDTA.
The elution conditions were also studied as a function of eluent flow rate, concentration and acidity. Educacao Intercultural e a Dificuldade de sua Pratica: Intercultural Education and the Difficulty of Its Practice: Provides a brief historical report on pedagogical efforts to improve the integration of migrants and their families into German society. Examines the way in which the migrants' social situation has been dealt with in textbooks, particularly in books on politics, history, geography, and occupational education.
Gymnogeophagus setequedas is a rare and rheophilic species of tribe Geophagini, considered endangered in Brazilian red lists. Since its description no specimens have been collected in the original known distribution area. However, recent records of G. The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic diversity and population structure of G. Seven microsatellites loci were examined and a total of different alleles were obtained.
The number of alleles per locus N A was Twelve haplotypes in the D-Loop region were revealed, with values of h 0. Thus, both molecular markers revealed high levels of genetic diversity and indicated the occurrence of a single G. The pattern of mismatch distribution was multimodal, which is usually ascribed to populations in demographic equilibrium.

The number of alleles per locus NA was Analysis of the first USV flight test. The mission ended at The flight itself was very good, with a nose-up manoeuvre under transonic conditions, reaching a maximum Mach as high as 1. The mission target was completely achieved as some 2 million measures were taken related to flight data, housekeeping, as well as aerodynamic and structural experimental sensors.
Unfortunately, the vehicle has been damaged more than expected during splash-down. Many national and international institutions and industries contributed to the mission carrying out, under the supervision and technical guide of CIRA: The paper reports the actual status of post-flight data analysis. One of the primary objectives of the firing test is to correctly characterize the dynamic response of the SRM in order to apply such a characterization to the predictions and simulations of the VEGA launch dynamic environment.
The activity is articulated in three parts: Response of phytoplankton to an experimental fish culture in net cages in a subtropical reservoir. This study aimed to evaluate nutrients concentration and spatial-temporal changes in phytoplankton biovolume during an experimental fish culture in net cages in a lateral arm of Salto Caxias reservoir, Brazil. Two sampling stations were placed in the affected lateral arm and other two in a cageless lateral arm.
Neither abiotic variables nor phytoplankton biovolume presented significant differences between the treatments. Only temporal changes were confirmed by the analysis performed. Both lateral arms were classified as oligotrophic, reflecting low influence of the net cages. Phytoplankton growth seems to be limited by nitrogen. Biovolume values were, in general, low and five major functional groups were recognized E, F, G, K and P. In summer higher biovolume values were observed and representatives of Chlorophyceae and Cyanobacteria belonging to the functional groups F and K, respectively, were the most important.
In winter phytoplankton was mainly composed by Bacillariophyceae taxa from P group. G group was also restricted to winter and E group occurred in winter and summer. The variations recorded in phytoplankton structure appear to have been mainly influenced by seasonal changes in temperature, precipitation and nutrients availability. The effects of net cages on the abiotic variables and phytoplankton biovolume appear to have been small, probably due to the small number of net cages employed and the system dilution capacity.
However, a permanent monitoring of phytoplankton is recommended, since this environment has a carrying capacity, from which the trophic state may increase. This work assesses the environmental impact from chemical emissions due to military tests and routine activities in the area occupied by the Italian Inter-force Test Range PISQ , located at Salto di Quirra, Sardinia, Italy. After reviewing the military activities carried out at PISQ, such as rocket launching, blasting and armament destruction, projectile and mortar fire impact, the associated pollution is evaluated.
Chemical analyses were performed by means of Scanning Electronic Microscopy and Energy Dispersion Spectrometry on biotic and abiotic matrices. A review of experimental data on air, water, soil, milk, forage and animal tissues obtained by various Public Agencies of Sardinia proved that toxic element residues often exceeded the legal limits.
Cd and Pb contents in the liver and kidneys of sheep living in farms at PISQ and in control farms that were located more than 20 km away from PISQ were higher than the legal limits. This work was performed to investigate concentration of xenobiotics in ecosystems emitted from PISQ activities. This assessment could be useful to focus future epidemiological studies carried out in PISQ and its neighbouring areas. In Uruguay, groundwater is frequently used for agricultural activities, as well as for human consumption in urban and rural areas.
As in many countries worldwide, drinking water microbiological quality is evaluated only according to bacteriological standards and virological analyses are not mentioned in the legislation. In this work, the incidence of human viral Rotavirus A, Norovirus GII, and human Adenovirus and bacterial total and thermotolerant coliform and Pseudomonas aeruginosa contamination in groundwater in the Salto district, Uruguay, as well as the possible correlation between these groups of microorganisms, was studied.
From a total of groundwater samples, 42 Results also show that Rotavirus presence was not associated with changes in chemical composition of the aquifer water. Bacteriological indicators were not adequate to predict the presence of viruses in individual groundwater samples well scale , but a deeper spatial-temporal analysis showed that they are promising candidates to assess the viral contamination degree at aquifer scale, since from the number of wells with bacterial contamination the number of wells with viral contamination could be estimated.
Taking innovative vector control interventions in urban Latin America to scale: Scaling up refers to deliberate efforts to increase the impact of successfully tested health interventions to benefit more people and foster policy and program development in a sustainable way. Spatial and seasonal changes in optical properties of autochthonous and allochthonous chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a stratified mountain lake.
A novel approach was used to describe the shape of CDOM absorption between nm distribution of the spectral slope, S lambda and a new fluorescence ratio is used to distinguish between humic and amino acid-like components. Solar ultraviolet irradiance, dissolved organic carbon DOC , DOM fluorescence and absorption measurements were analysed and compared to other physicochemical parameters. We show that in the UV-exposed mixed layer: In the unexposed deep layer of the water column and in the entire water column in winter , humic-like CDOM presented high values of molar absorption coefficients and low values of S lambda.
The S lambda curve was used as a signature of the mixture between photobleached and algal-derived CDOM with respect to the unexposed chromophoric dissolved compounds in this thermal stratified lake. Aedes aegypti from temperate regions of South America are highly competent to transmit dengue virus. Background Aedes aegypti is extensively spread throughout South America where it has been responsible for large dengue epidemics during the last decades.
Intriguingly, dengue transmission has not been reported in Uruguay and is essentially prevalent in subtropical northern Argentina which borders Uruguay. Conclusions There is a potential risk of establishing DENV transmission in Uruguay and for the spread of dengue outbreaks to other parts of subtropical and temperate Argentina, notably during spring and summer periods. Nitrate reduction in sediments of lowland tropical streams draining swamp forest in Costa Rica: Nitrate reduction and denitrification were measured in swamp forest streams draining lowland rain forest on Costa Rica's Atlantic slope foothills using the C2H2-block assay and sediment-water nutrient fluxes.
Under optimal conditions, denitrification enzyme activity averaged 15 nmoles cm-3 sediment h Scrutiny of potential inorganic N sources suggested that mineralized N released from the streambed was a major source of the inorganic N increase. To contribute to the prevention of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika, a process of scaling up an innovative intervention to reduce Aedes aegypti habitats, was carried out in the city of Salto Uruguay based on a transdisciplinary analysis of the eco-bio-social determinants.
The intervention in one-third of the city included the distributions of plastic bags for all households to collect all discarded water containers that were recollected by the Ministry of Health and the Municipality vector control services. The results were evaluated in 20 randomly assigned clusters of households each, in the intervention and control arm. The intervention resulted in a significantly larger decrease in the number of pupae per person index as a proxy for adult vector abundance than the corresponding decrease in the control areas both areas decreased by winter effects.
Wirelessly controlled micro- and nanostructures for bioapplications. As caracteristicas hidrologicas da Ria de Aveiro foram investigadas atraves da realizacao de varias campanhas de amostragem, tendo sido efectuadas medicoes de altura de agua, salinidade, temperatura da agua e velocidade da corrente em varias estacoes distribuidas ao longo de quatro canais principais da laguna.
The canyon head traps most of the sediment "excess" of the beach system. Winter waves erode the beach and generate a weak littoral transport to the south where sediments are trapped by the canyon head. Also, because the mouth of the El Salto arroyo is just in front of the canyon head, the debris flows during catastrophic rains are dumped on the canyon and a small portion remains to form a fan delta whose sediments are later removed by waves to feed the eroded beach in both direccions, as we observed during the path of Hurricane Juliette.
Restoration of painless function to the lower limb by ankle fusion after failure of total ankle arthroplasty. Loose total ankle replacement. Severe ankle destruction and axial deviation in rheumatoid patients. Severe osteoarthritis in the subtalar and ankle joints. Infected total ankle replacement. Severe arterial occlusive disease of the affected extremity.
Transfibular approach to the subtalar and ankle joints. Osteotomy and resection of the distal fibula cm proximal to the tip of the lateral malleolus. Removal of the prosthetic components, synovectomy, and revitalization of the remaining bone surface. Removal of any residual articular cartilage from the subtalar joint surfaces. Determination of the extent of bone loss and defect filling with horizontally or vertically placed tricortical and cancellous bone graft from the resected fibula and, if necessary, from the ipsilateral anterior iliac crest.
Tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis by retrograde insertion of a retrograde locking nail. Wound closure in layers. Mobilization with below-knee cast without weight bearing for 6 weeks. Dynamic locking of the intramedullary nail. Partial weight bearing with a walker up to 20 kg for an additional 6 weeks. Gradual increase in weight bearing in accordance with radiologic evidence of consolidation.
Fitted orthopedic shoe with rocker-bottom sole, and made to measure insoles. From January to September , 15 patients with infected ankle prosthesis loosening six Thompson-Richards prostheses, eight S. All patients underwent tibiotalocalcaneal interposition arthrodesis with femoral nailing in retrograde technique. One patient developed a nonunion and revision surgery will have to be performed.
Another patient with delayed wound healing and skin necrosis needed plastic surgery. A relatively thick and extensive, previously unnamed, lower Miocene sandstone unit occurs in the central Sierra Madre and in the Hurricane Deck area of the San Rafael Mountains of northeastern Santa Barbara County, California. It is underlain conformably and interfingers with a dark mudstone that correlates with the Soda Lake Shale Member of the Vaqueros Formation; it is overlain conformably and interfingers with a brown shale that correlates with the Saltos Member of the Monterey Shale.
Northeastern exposures along the north flank of the Sierra Madre are almost exclusively medium to coarse-grained, structureless sandstone with scattered pebbly conglomerate beds. Toward the southwest in the Hurricane Deck area of the San Rafael Mountains, the unit becomes thicker and more extensively interbedded with mudstone. Lithology of the unit consists of 0. The interbedded mudstone commonly is bioturbated, so bedding is indistinct. Thickness ranges from m in the central part of the area to m toward the southwest and 92 m toward the northwest.
The unit most likely represents deposition in a submarine-canyon and fan complex that had its channel head in the northeast and spread southwestward into a thick sequence of submarine-fan sandstone lobes, which were confined in a narrow west-trending trough. The influence of landing mat composition on ankle injury risk during a gymnastic landing: The most injured joint is the ankle. The current study examined the effect of mechanical properties of landing mat on ankle loading with aims to identify means of decreasing the risk of ankle injury.
A subject-specific, segment rigid-body model and a mechanical landing-mat model were built using BRG. The landings were simulated with varied landing-mat mechanical properties i. Real landing performance could be accurately reproduced by the model. Further, the peak joint-reaction force and joint torque were more sensitive to friction than to stiffness and dampness of landing mat. Loads to ankles during landing would increase as the stiffness and dampness of the landing mat increase.
Yet, increasing friction would cause a substantial rise of the ankle internal loads. As such, the friction should be a key factor influencing the risk of injury. Unfortunately, this key factor has rarely attracted attention in practice. Late Pleistocene lithostratigraphy and sequences in the southwestern Mesopotamia Argentina: Evidences of the last interglacial stage.
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It displays sedimentological, paleontological and geochronological evidences that characterise the last interglacial-glacial cycle. This unit is formed of complex fluvial deposits, which contains a heterogeneous collection of sub-environments, of ages ranging from to 60 ky BP. The clast-supported gravel facies containing sparse boulders indicate high flow during a humid climate. The large and middle-scale architectures of fluvial sedimentary bodies evidence the relationship between the sediment accommodation and the sea level oscillations.
Three sub-sequences identified in the succession suggest a transgressive trend during the MIS5e, a highstand stage in MIS5c, and a minor transgressive cycle during MIS3. A Brazilian faunal association collected at the bottom of the sequence and sedimentological interpretations display wet and warm climatic conditions, typical of tropical or subtropical environments. Such environmental conditions are characteristic of the maximum of the last interglacial stage MIS5e and show a signal stronger than the signal of the current interglacial stage.
All these data show a direct correlation between the increases of paleodischarges and the elevation of the sea level. As several media reports suggested an increase in cancer mortality in the surrounding area, we investigated the mortality experience of the military personnel of the Interforce shooting range of Salto di Quirra PISQ in Sardinia, Italy.
Based on the PISQ registers, we reconstructed the cohort of 6, military personnel who had been employed at PISQ for at least six months on January 1, or entered subsequently up to June 30, We searched for life status or date, place, and cause of death of each cohort member up to December 31, Based on job and operating department, we preliminarily assessed exposure of each cohort member to radiofrequencies, solvents, nanoparticles, servicing in shooting ranges, participation to peacekeeping operations abroad, and undergoing vaccination procedures while in service.
Mortality from all causes showed a significant decrease over the expectation, based on the national and regional mortality rates based on national rates: We observed two deaths from neoplasms of the haemolymphopoietic system against 0. We did not observe any significant increase in mortality from all causes or specific causes of death in relation to the exposures we investigated. The study size was too small, and the follow-up not prolonged enough to conclude whether the operational activities at PISQ did result or not in increased risks of specific causes of death, including cancers, among the military personnel.
Further follow-up will be needed before final conclusions can be drawn. Violacein, an indole-derived purple-colored natural pigment produced by Janthinobacterium lividum, inhibits the growth of head and neck carcinoma cell lines both in vitro and in vivo. Violacein VIO; 3-[1,2-dihydro 5-hydroxy-1H-indolyl oxo-3H-pyrrolylidene]-1,3-dihydro-2H-indolone , an indole-derived purple-colored pigment, produced by a limited number of Gram-negative bacteria species, including Chromobacterium violaceum and Janthinobacterium lividum, has been demonstrated to have anti-cancer activity, as it interferes with survival transduction signaling pathways in different cancer models.
Head and neck carcinoma HNC represents the sixth most common and one of the most fatal cancers worldwide. We determined whether VIO was able to inhibit head and neck cancer cell growth both in vitro and in vivo. We provide evidence that VIO treatment of human and mouse head and neck cancer cell lines inhibits cell growth and induces autophagy and apoptosis. Taken together, our results indicate that the treatment of head and neck cancer cells with VIO can be useful in inhibiting in vivo and in vitro cancer cell growth. VIO may represent a suitable tool for the local treatment of HNC in combination with standard therapies.
Epidemiology and genetic diversity of classic human astrovirus among hospitalized children with acute gastroenteritis in Uruguay. The aim of this study was to determine the molecular epidemiology of Classic HAstV from clinical samples, being stools and 22 vomits, collected from pediatric hospitalized patients with AGE in Salto city, Uruguay, from January to December Amplicons were sequenced and phylogenetic analyses were carried out in order to determine genotypes and lineages.
Classic HAstV were detected in 18 out of analyzed samples A higher detection of Classic HAstV infections was observed in autumn for both years of surveillance, and the majority of the positive cases were observed in The group of children between 2 and 5 years old presented the higher percentage of infections. To our knowledge, the present study represents the first report of astrovirus from acute gastroenteritis cases in Uruguay, evidencing its role as a relevant etiologic agent in severe cases of this disease. Centennial and millennial-scale hydroclimate changes in northwestern Patagonia since 16, yr BP.
The most recent megadrought occurred during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. We identify a cold reversal that spans the Antarctic Cold Reversal ACR and the Younger Dryas YD chrons with stronger-than-present westerly influence during the former and enhanced variability during the latter. These results extend the northern limit of strong cooling and increase in precipitation during the ACR and the southern limit of influence of strong hydrologic variations during the YD in terrestrial environments, suggesting an overlap in the spheres of influence of processes originating from southern and northern polar latitudes.
An extended warm southern westerly wind SWW -minimum interval is evident between and 11, yr BP, followed by a rapid shift to cool-moist conditions between and yr BP brought by a mid-Holocene SWW maximum. Since then we observe centennial-scale hydroclimate variability, which has driven biodiversity and fire-regime shifts of evergreen temperate rainforests. Se evaluaron las siguientes variables: Surgeons disagree about the safety of adding adjuvant procedures requiring separate incisions during total ankle replacement TAR. This study tested the hypothesis that complication rates for patients in the first year after TAR would be greater when combined with procedures through separate incisions.
A retrospective review was performed on a consecutive series of patients who underwent total ankle replacement between and Demographics, case-specific data, and postoperative complications over the first year were collected. A chi-square analysis was performed to compare differences in complication rates among patients with and without additional procedures requiring a separate incision. This study did not demonstrate an association between additional procedures requiring a separate incision during TAR and early complications.
Overall complication rates were similar to. Courtship behavior of different wild strains of Ceratitis Capitata Diptera: Moscas de Madeira cortejaron mas tiempo y el macho moviosu cabeza y zumbaba sus alas mas prolongadamente que las otras cepas. Identification of kimberlite bodies in Brazil from a 3D audio-magnetotelluric survey. We report on a succesfull identification of kimberlite bodies in Brazil through the use of the electromagnetic technique audio-magnetotelluric AMT.
Macnae writes that "In one large survey in South Africa, electromagnetic EM techniques have proven to be remarkably effective in detecting the presence of weathered clays or epiclastic kimberlite contained within the pipes. The survey was located in the NW portion of the Mato Grosso state, Brazil, in na area of thick jungle coverage. During the AMT survey, few outcrops were seen because of the dense forest cover. Usually, the occurrences found were of sand deposits, indicating the occurence of Fazenda Casa Branca and Utiariti Formations and gravel from Salto das Nuvens Formation, widely used in paving trails n this region.
Kimberlite Area 1 - a classic kimberlite in the region, with the crater facies with different clasts and distinct size. We noted the occurrence of a red-brown soil and an unusual vegetation in this area. The resistivity model provided confirmed the presence of Kimberlite Area 1 and was used to identify other two areas.
Area of Interest 1 - area with atypical vegetation along a trail. There is an excavation that displays soil of white color with several blocks present, there are small quartz crystal agglomerates in these blocks. The resistivity model cleary shows a conductive body here, indicative of the presence of a kimberlite. Area of Interest 2 - the presence of a kimberlite was confirmed, not exactly where the targeted Area 2 was, but the southwest of it. Close to this area, there was a very fine rock and a few blocks of pure silica, probably indicating a kimberlitic intrusion.
In summary, the 3D resistivity model in depth obtained from inversion of the AMT data confirmed and identified. This unit corresponds to the base of the Gondwana I Supersequence and is composed of continental to marine glacial and interglacial deposits. Based on some macrofloristic, lithostratigraphic and palynostratigraphic data, a formal scheme of the macrofloral succession is herein proposed for this interval, comprising five associations in ascending stratigraphic order namely: Surface water originating from the Copahue volcano crater-lake was analysed for total arsenic and four arsenic species: A novel in-field technique for the preconcentration and separation of four arsenic species was, for the first time, used for the analysis of geothermal and volcanic waters.
The change in arsenic species is potentially a result of an increase in redox potential and the formation of iron-based precipitates. This study highlights that chemical speciation analysis of volcanic waters is important in providing ideas on potential chemical toxicity.
Jumping in aquatic environment after sciatic nerve compression: To evaluate the effect of jumping in aquatic environment on nociception and in the soleus muscle of trained and not trained Wistar rats, in the treatment of compressive neuropathy of the sciatic nerve. Twenty-five Wistar rats were distributed into five groups: The training was jumping exercise in water environment for 20 days prior to injury, and treatment after the injury.
Nociception was evaluated in two occasions, before injury and seven after injury. On the last day of the experiment, the right soleus muscles were collected, processed and analyzed as to morphology and morphometry. The Control Group showed higher nociceptive threshold in paw, compared to the others. Resistance exercise produced increased nociception.
When performed prior or after nerve damage, it proved effective in avoiding hypotrophy. The combination of the two protocols led to decrease in diameter and area of the muscle fiber. Publication I, Washington, D. Study of the Electrical Impedance Scanning. A Study of the Mechanical Almanaque Abril 9 - Aggravation of social differences: According to data published by Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e.
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