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    Adrienne Lindholm has written a book about her path from mountain newbie trying to prove herself to becoming more interested in the journey. Clean Winter predictions and activities. Will winter bring snow, or will we wait through thaws, rain and darkness? On the next Outdoor Explorer, we have a climatologist to talk about the predicted El Nino that is expected to bring warm, gloomy conditions this winter. In Alaska, dogs can be team members with mushers and also with hunters, using their abilities to extend our own. But first, someone has to let the animals know how to do those jobs.

    Judging by the dogs we've seen around Anchorage, many of us are not ver. Clean Enjoying the fall season. Fall lasts a long time around here these days-- we can easily get three full months o. One of the most spectacular biological events in the world is going on in Alaska right now, the migration of hundreds of thousands of caribou from their northern calving grounds to wintering areas to the south.

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    Clean Using your feet. This Outdoor Explorer is about feet.

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    Clean Rockwell Kent centennial. Rockwell Kent was one of the most important artists to picture Alaska. And the legendary winter he spent with his son on Fox Island, in Resurrection Bay, happened years ago.

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    Clean Organic gardening and beekeeping. Gardening without chemicals turns out to be the right way, according to our next guest. Clean What happened to Kenai salmon? As the summer winds down, Outdoor Explorer looks at one of the worst years of salmon fishing in memory in southcentral Alaska. Solar panels are small and portable enough now that it makes sense to take them into the backcountry to charge batteries, extending your electronics and communications indefinitely.

    Clean Bike fitting and the Texas Clean Women of polar science. So why did she go on a voyage to Antarctica? Sue was invited to join a. Clean National park journeys. On this next Outdoor Explorer, meet Mikah Meyer who traveled to every national park. And not only the big ones, but also all the historical parks and the obscure places, a trip that has taken years.

    Clean Inclusive playgrounds and museum summer activities.

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    On the next Outdoor Explorer, we'll meet an 11 year old girl and her mother who made a huge change in our city. Clean Revisiting training for fitness. Host Charles Wohlforth will be joined by a coach, a physical therapist and a dietitian to talk about how to. Clean Revisiting minimizing your impact. Most of us who recreate outdoors like to think we do a good job of this. We pack out our trash. We travel across landscapes w. Clean Nature as therapy.

    They met in Anchorage while serving in the Army. They were both deployed to combat in Afghanistan. They both came back with trauma from their wartime experiences. But as a couple they supported ea. An interview with a pioneer who made a lifelong career of floating remote rivers with inflatables.

    A story by a Minnesotan who got in some trou.

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