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Contents:The great thing about art is that people appreciate it differently. Its all a matter of taste. Alright then, carry on with the war. Iced tea and cake and hugs for all are in the next room when you tire of it. There was none of that when I first became a fan of hers. What I did have when I first listened to her music was a sense of feeling so grateful that this person had written these songs. Songs that I identified with.
I feel you, dude. I still like her music. One of my favorites. One of my first thoughts after reading about this project was, "Ha! Sounds like she's read some Katherine Dunn lately! The themes of Evelyn and Evelyn have been used hundreds of time in books, plays, music, and other art as pure fiction. Yes, it happens in real life. People go through even more than the twins did. If every bad or touchy thing that happened to someone as a child was off limits for stories, then TV is going to get really boring. And So is music. THIS cannot be the real reason everyone is so upset.
This has nothing to do with the the story. Nothing to do with the twins in general. It has to do with the fans and their relationship with Amanda. They want to think Amanda has changed. Other people are just now catching on to how fun, crazy, and talented she is. The only thing that has is how the fans want to perceive her. She is who she is and always has been. There are worse and more serious things going on in the world for you to be concerned about. Not for her artistic endeavors, per se, but posting a huge back story on a blog is a bit much — again, for her BLOG.
And now that I type that, I realize how badly it dates me. Maybe we both should have just said Sasha Fierce. And now, I need to go take a nap and some Geritol. I have agreed to illustrate this graphic novel and album because the story is strong and important. It reminded me of the following: There are children living today who are sold into slavery.
Elephants are not commodities. They should be in the wild and not in circuses or zoos. The conditions farm chickens live in are disgusting. I stopped eating chicken after reading this story. Women who are too poor to get proper medical care frequently die in child birth. There are doctors who care more about their own agendas than the welfare of their patients. People should never impose their religious beliefs on others who may not have the same beliefs. SVU is noir police-procedural fiction.
The narrative left me thinking: I took a terribly painful episode and de-clawed it, and now I can tell you about it. Norah, thank you for this lucid and well thought out response. You put into words what I could not. Just a general remark before I tackle this post specifically: As for stereotyping, it is only bad if it remains unchallenged. If stereotyping did not exist we would forfeit much of our shared reality and our ways of identify things would be seriously hampered.
Since stereotypes exist, and are not going away, it is better to get it on a platform and discuss it than sweep it under a carpet of political correctness. Amanda is well known for her dark twists. I could argue as a person who experiences acute social anxiety amongst many other troubling mental ailments that the reality of the eccentricities of EE are easily accounted for by damaged lives for whatever reason the damage has been caused by. The pressurising is not evident aside from what can be misconstrued from that tone. As for the victims of sexual abuse.
How is it possible to generalise about what might become of them? That is far more common that most people realise. I applaud your eloquence. I disagree with you, almost completely. But, I respect your right to an opinion. What she is doing is brining all sorts of issues into the light. These issues are serious, they are life-altering for some. But they deserve discussion. No matter how controversial the response. She has created a story. I think the fact that people still get freaked out about real-life atrocities such as child pornography and human trafficking is more of an issue than anything AFP has done.
We should be addressing them. Nothing is off limits for art. Are you kidding me? Did you see how many people signed to defend Polanski? This might be a better way to actually get people to care about this shit. Should Catherine Dunn not have written Geek Love? Should she be banned? When Amanda hinted at this project before, I thought perhaps it was real. What I read was a project that symbolized several things, but at the core it is about people exploiting other people. Like the record labels do with their artists, and so-called-lovers to each other.
The idea of the graphic novel, while a venue that could be beneficial for discussing hush-hush, sweep-it-under-the-rug concepts such as child pornography and rape, is reduced by being tied into the larger project. But I can see why they would use such a tone in presenting the story.
Honestly, I can think of 2 songs about rape Tori Amos, Fiona Apple and one about child molestation Lush , and while the first two are dark the second one about molestation is a sing-song almost happy sounding song. I know this has probably already been said, and more than once, but I would just like to ask…. I can barely walk around a normal store, and having to use a wheelchair is painfully embarassing. It should be left unsaid that people with certain disabilities need some assistance. But we just want to be people.
We just need to sit for a while, or special clothing. In other words, my complaint is about project management or lack thereof, in this case. Art is what it is — subjective. A similar argument broke out when Bitch Magazine fumbled the ball with a list of recommended reading. I think the issues are the same, as was the reaction from those involved on both sides of the debate. And in the end, it boiled down to a badly handled project.
I agree — Painful things should be looked at! Including all these criticisms. I tweeted the following earlier on this subject: Everybody went off the handle on this without getting their shit straight. Unfortunately, outrage travels at the speed of the internet nowadays.
What an insensitive whore!! This is a project. If an artist took into account every single person their work could possibly offend, there would be no art. Maybe not the route I would go, but damn creative. All I know is this. I Love Amanda Palmer. This music she makes… Something about it speaks to me and makes me … well… makes me not feel so alone after all. If you feel conned, you conned yourselves.
I know a 6-year-old, an 8-year-old, and a year-old who would laugh at any adult who believed these sisters actually existed. Go go gadget concept album! Great attempt to twist words. But thanks for playing our game. Like you just did. Like all of these people are doing over this little project. Please feel free to tell me the obvious again whenever you get the free time. The meaning behind the post was, wow, there are idiots who actually believed the sisters themselves existed.
Their names were Daisy and Violet Hilton, and they are long gone now but their actual story was highly borrowed, whether intentional or not, by Amanda and Jason. So basically you researched performing conjoined twins, and said that maybe Amanda knew and maybe not whether intentional or not, as you said , and applied that. I just said a pair of conjoined sisters named Evelyn Evelyn do not exist. And it is so depressing that I have to specify my words, when that should have been obvious all along. How is that not getting through? People believed that the sister, Eva and Lynn existed.
Nicholas existed, and here is the proof of his history! No writer or performer is YOUR writer or performer. To treat it as a personal affront and to use such emotional language is really blurring the line as to what it means to be a fan. But to take any project from any artist to such an emotional level probably says more about you than it does the project in question. I read all of the comments on here. Well, okay, I skimmed some of them. And I read the disabled feminist article. Said so on Wikipedia. And there was that picture of Amanda and Jason showing them to be EE.
So I am really confused. I get that people less familiar with what Amanda does artistically would misinterpret the EE record and think it is dissing people with disabilities. And that goes for Neil fans as well. I mean come on, fellow fans. I thought we were for the most part intelligent, creative, artistic-freedom type people. I thought we were all in this together.

The information was there; all you had to do was look. Agree or disagree with my take on things. I really just needed to vent about this unnecessary fracas you guys have created over nothing. She seems to provoke a lot of those. I am fan—I am still a fan. I look forward to seeing how Amanda addresses the fallout of her creative choices, and I will defend to the last her right to make those choices.
What I will not defend is the blanket dismissal of those who criticize her. She made the art; she hurt some people. What happens next is important. She also seems to take any sort of criticism of her work VERY personally and seems to get upset and hurt by it very easily. She does, because art is very personal. When criticism happens, it is going to be very personal. And there is nothing wrong with that. However, at the same time, there is nothing wrong with an alienated fan voicing their discontent or walking away from an artist.
It is not wrong to desire more from an artist, just as it is not wrong to defend your art and refuse to alter it. But the badgering and dismissive tone on both ends of the spectrum is not productive. If anything, it is counterintuitve. I think the amazing thing happening here, all the controversy aside, is the bridge-building, the encouragement of conversation by people like Jo.
A call to collectively think and talk about this. No one is trying to nail her to a cross and damage her career. I see a lot of people who are very confused, for various reasons, and a little upset. I see some people wanting to have a dialogue with her about this, and what they find objectionable. This is the cool thing about an artist opening themselves up the way AFP has, on Twitter and on her blog. That said, if she chooses to address child abuse, disenfranchisement in porn culture, social isolation, and physical disability, I would hope that she would expect some discussion about how those concepts are presented in her work and how they affect her fans.
Her reaction to and interaction with criticism and fan support is more what I was talking about. I would never want to discourage anyone from taking risks and wrestling difficult issues. I hope she keeps talking to us about this. THAT makes me a fan. Seeing her live, buying her stuff, supporting her, makes me a fan. The act of enjoying her performance makes all of us fans. We are all real fans of different levels of support and interest and devotion and obsession.
No one is better than anyone else. We have the right to be offended by the ableism that runs throughout everything she has done and said on this, and what you have said. You do not and will not know what it is like until you live it. Until you become disabled yourself. No, breaking your leg and being on crutches does not count. You have to live it for the rest of your life. This is not an experience you want to say you have. I think this goes very much for Amanda too, she just had no idea.
Which is sad, and yet par for the course with ablebodied people. And if musician Amanda Palmer can get away with it, then the trend will just never freaking stop, will it? The thing about playing to a bleeding heart, desperate to be offended, politically correct audience is that eventually they will be offended by you. The trick is to not get jaded when it happens, or to just start catering to a audience of middle aged conservative white guys like me.
You are just trying to be outraged. Oh and you should probably stay away from public parks.
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There might be people having three-legged races. You know who thinks the fantasy of conjoined twins abused as children for child porn is fun? Pedophiles think that is fun. Psychopaths think that is fun. I hope you and your apologists are having a really good time. Child abuse is a hoot, hysterical! I have traveled interstate to see her more than once. I have bought the merch. I have followed the blog, and the tweets, and all that.. I filed it away as something to check out once it got released.
When the album was released, it was on my list of things that will probably be awesome to check out. Like Zoe, the beautiful girl who creates breathtaking, inspiring soundscapes using nothing but a cello and a looper. Or the dance troupe, the Danger Ensemble that manage to be funny and heartbreaking and thought provoking and entertaining all at once. She has a knack for that. When she spoke of the difficulties with the project, her frustration, her struggle, I admired her determination to see it through. Who would not exploit them or ruin them, but who would let them shine.
I could see her approaching this with a respectful attitude — and I felt.. Because that, for me is what AFP is about. She is an artist who has shown others how it can be done. You can be yourself, flaws and all, you can reveal your personality and your true self to your audience. You can show them your soul. Let them in, and you will find your fans. When this blog was published, I read the story of the twins. My heart went out to them. I am speaking my truth, as AFP has done all the way along. I just would have ruefully cursed my own gullibility and let it go.
The thought of actually contacting the celebrity in question.. With her — I felt I had to speak. But I fell for this. And the revelation that it was a joke was a punch in the guts to me. And the namecalling and accusations? Thank you for this Omega, you pretty much summed up my reaction and feelings about this. Very well put indeed. It was because of trust, and you really expressed it wonderfully. I hope the quick-to-judge, better-than-you-because-I-knew-all-along commenters actually stop to think about this.
It tackles difficult subjects in difficult ways, yes. But the childlike aspects of it make it more approachable to me. Childhood can be horribly scary, and some people have horrible childhood stories behind them, myself included. As an old person, these stories get buried — time and experience pile on top of the memories.
the story behind "Evelyn Evelyn"
So far, this project has reminded me of them — but in an artistic medium, not journalism. That helps, for me. I now have a 2 yr old boy. There are definitely scary aspects of childhood…things like the Grimm fairytales were supposed to help kids deal with issues in their own lives upfront, by scaring them and promoting a healthy cathartic reaction.
Then everything got all disneyfied and we seem to have lost appreciation for this. I have less than no problem with you creating however many alter-egos you think are useful to advance your creative ends. I like your art a lot, and I want it to grow and be great. I want to support you. Offensive is not the problem, actually. Dismissive is the problem. Privileged is the problem.
We carry you, we love you, we watch you on the internet, we cheer when you have hairy pits at the Golden Globes, we feed you, we respect you, we bring you wine, and we want you to be happy. I would argue that in the context of a project that has made some of your fans feel really insulted and dismissed, you have a responsibility to that connection.
I want to get it. Maybe we should talk to her about it. These defenses are woefully familiar to anyone who has ever had a real conversation about racism and white privilege. Living as we do in a world that is full of hurt and riddled with ideological tar pits, we are all going to put our feet in it sometimes. We will probably even put our feet in it when all we are trying to do is make beautiful art and talk about important ideas.
Thank you for all your work and all your art. I will continue to support you, I will continue to talk back, and I will not be buying the EvelynEvelyn record. And with Twitter, especially, those quick off-the-top-of-my-head, character responses can come across as… well… snide, curt, and dismissive.
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But when communicating, you have to consider the method you are using if you want to be sure people understand your way of thinking. We live in a complicated world, though, and in the end, the fact of hurting people is more important than good intentions. Roads to hell, and all that. What I want from Amanda is the same thing I work toward and expect from myself: If you hurt someone and they do you the favor of telling you how and why, listen to them and think hard about it. Just to be clear: Again, I really doubt that is her intent. And that merits an actual reasoned, thoughtful response — not just offhand tweets.
No artist works in a vacuum, and all art is about risk: The more alternative or experimental the art, the higher the risk. I honor the risk-taking as an artistic act. But as I pointed out earlier, while this sense of adventurous risk has worked really well for AFP so far, on this project, again IMO she and her teammates missed the mark. I want AFP to keep trying, though, because her successes are so awesomely pleasing. We feel part of the conversation. I believe these traits feed into her art, and make her a pleasure to watch and follow.
I believe AFP sincerely likes communicating with her fans. I wonder if she realized just how big her fan-base really is, and how many of us may not normally engage with her online or in person, watching silently in delighted awe as she makes her art. I wholeheartedly agree with all of this. I really hope that she can keep engaging with us. I was probably the second or third person to misinterpret this, the other night when it got posted, and my inability to put my discontent as lyrically as Jo has is probably largely responsible for me catching Class-1 shit about my reaction.
So thanks, Jo, for that thoughful response. Good luck getting the reply you all await; I too hope you do. She has said a new blog is on the way. Thank you, Jo, for writing this. And for doing it directly to Amanda, and so eloquently and respectfully. I still love you. People get so PC crazy. Some people are even saying that the vacant look on Jasons face looked like he was taking the piss out of a mentally handicapped person? To me it just looked like him pretending to be a slightly nervous kid.
Do any of you actually have reason to care about this? AFP and the dolls have always focused on circus-y freak show stuff, and death, and various other dark material. It doesnt seem to have bothered you before. How about the whole who killed amanda palmer stuff? That was focusing on murder and if you choose to look at it in this light violence against women. She chose to focus her material on this and some people liked it and thats cool. I can understand that people might not warm to the idea…and I can understand how people might not warm to the idea of WKAFP…but to actually get offended and abusive towards her about it…just seems stupid.
You also must remember…she is only human. Shes done some awesome things that youve loved. You may not love this current project. No need to throw a hissyfit and disown her. Just get on with your own lives. I fell in love with your aesthetic, your energy, your moxie, and your voice. This means that everyone, at some point or another, is going to make a mistake and be called on it. As a performer a really accessible, indie performer with a socially engaged fan base, you are going to get it a little harder than a lot of people, I think.
Partly because you are so accessible, and partly because our expectations of you are so high. What matters is how you respond to it, and the choices you make in the aftermath. And, backstory issues aside, I think the EE music is all really fun and catchy. That damn elephant song, in particular, is a Brain-Eating Earworm of Doom. This means that everyone, at some point or another, is going to make a mistake and be called on it This is very nicely put.
Some readers, I am certain, have their mind made up, and neither reasoned argument nor name-calling will convince them to regard the Evelyn Evelyn project differently. Even if Amanda and Jason were to clearly lay out for everyone what their intent was in creating this project, still people will judge as to whether they were successful or not, or whether they were sensitive or not, or so forth. I must say, I remain confused by the reactions. Regarding the criticism that Amanda and Jason have been lying to their fans and continue to do so; some of you might be familiar with the works of Lemony Snicket?
Can Handler similarly be accused of lying? It was always my understanding that it was a slyly winking and incredibly entertaining means of building on the mythos he was writing. It would not have been half as much fun if Handler had not been insistent that he was not Snicket. Lemony Snicket shares something else in common with the Evelyn Evelyn project; a whimsical-gothic-circus styling which presents stories of utter despair and misfortune.
Topics of exploitation of people with differences, of child pornography and of social alienation are not funny, that much we can all agree on. We must come to terms with the fact that it is an unkind world; art can handle this in different ways. This can be a straight faced, realistic but nevertheless every bit as fictional faux-expose on a topic, or it can be handled with a more whimsical, less realistic approach. Both have its drawbacks, and both have its benefits. I hope this has provided some further things to consider when trying to assess Evelyn Evelyn, but I would like to stress that no one can fairly judge this project since we have yet to hear the whole album, nor read the graphic novel … we have heard none of the songs that deal with these topics which some people are objecting to.
From what we have heard, our impression of this album as a completely light-hearted, silly vaudevillian throwback may be inaccurate. I look forward to hearing the whole album, to see how it handles this story that Amanda and Jason have created. Yeah that makes so much sense! Many fans were taken in by this story, which is problematic. Clearly the reveal has caused a great deal of head scratching, mis-trust, and suspicion.
No matter how good a work of art, the entire story tends to color the way it will be remembered. Would you read his book now and considering it a work of honesty from a troubled soul? The problem with hoaxes is that playing in the real of alternative identity tends to muddy the waters of artistic intent, and artistic integrity. This is what separates Evelyn Evelyn from James Frey. If indeed Jason and Amanda set out to fool us, I will concede that they are as guilty as Frey of hoaxing.
That story must be regarded as part of the whole project. I will agree, there may have been better ways to reveal the back story — a personal blog is probably not the best place to deliver fiction, so, yes, the launch may be badly managed, as NJ notes. My suggestion to wait and pass judgement until we have heard the album or read the graphic novel was simply to dissuade people who seem to be attempting to judge the entire project based on this back story alone, similar to judging an entire book by a review in a paper or on an interview with its writer.
They are portraying creative, sensitive characters that they created who are conjoined. I just need someone to explain the anger rather than just expressing anger — why is it offensive to you to see AFP and JW play music in the guise of conjoined twins? If an actor with perfect vision is portraying a blind person who also happens to be an ice skater is that offensive to blind people in general?
Probably, not but maybe sometimes. We see non-disabled actors in movies and plays act as if they are disabled all the time and these performances are often beautiful and help us to understand a perspective different from our own. LOTS of music does that from the Beatles to many operas! Great artists meld genres and tones. That is what postmodernism is all about — the blending of parody and self awareness, irony and playfulness sometimes focused on nonsense and sometimes focused on the horrors of the human condition.
Keep up the great work, Ms Palmer. You are brave and we love you! You do them a disservice by dismissing them so. I went back and read some of the other posts and I feel bad. I just remember from the first time I recall her mentioning EE in her blog it was usually with a link or photo of her and Jason. But who knows, maybe this is how she will take over the world. However there are a great MANY attacking type posts here and on twitter and they are what inspired me to respond, not the well thought out rational comments.
Nah, really I only feel disconcerted because of all this uproar. Great artists meld genres and tones, from the Beatles to the Velvet Underground. Keep up the great work, Ms Palmer!!!!! Cause people thought they were real. The possibility that anyone believed that seriously never crossed my mind until I saw this blog. How in the hell could people not have known? Rather, how could fans of Amanda or Jason not have known. It honestly makes NO fucking sense! Anyone who heard, and bought, the original LP had to have known that this magical, musical creation was indeed Amanda and Jason.
In my opinion, I never felt like a lie was occurring. I felt like I was part of a beautiful story. I can not wait to hear the masterpiece! I had no idea people actually thought the twins existed, but I always thought that the project was fairly straight forward. Fiction should be consensual. You are a hilarious person. I am going to feel so unsafe walking to my car tonight after work. I still have no respect for anyone spouting vitriol and essentially asking for censorship rather than free exploration of the darker sides to humanity.
Amanda Palmer is not your bitch. Not about Leeds United, and certainly not about this. It was a celebration of our closeness as friends that first brought it about, and to this day, I still consider it as such when I am making something new for Evelyn Evelyn. After explaining the controversy to my husband who does not listen to AFP and reading some of the comments to him, I have to agree with his theory. Clearly, Jason and Amanda have been tasked by a coalition of governments to run Operation Stupid Storm.
The end goal of the operation appears to be capturing all the stupid people and then releasing them somewhere they cannot hurt the rest of us a remote island I suppose, perhaps specially built to give them something to do. Such is the Stupid Paradox.

That is how politicians keep getting elected. Every time you read the word: See how long it takes you to get blitzed. I think that a good novelist, for instance, who was writing about characters who were conjoined twins, would probably do so with compassion.
Probably conjoined twins would be able to laugh at themselves sometimes, just as regular people can laugh at themselves; likewise some things would be off-limits, sensitive points that are not laughing matters. Probably conjoined twins would react to hardship in a way that many humans would; still, some of their coping mechanisms would likely be unique to their personalities and situation.
The musical Side Show comes to mind as an example of conjoined twins who are respectfully drawn, with discretely individual personalities rather than one shared personality. Hopefully, with time, Amanda and Jason will evolve Eva and Lynn into something more interesting than a personified palindrome. Hopefully Evelyn and Evelyn are more than a talented curiosity. I like hoaxes in the name of art. I read the first book of Promethea by Alan Moore last year, and I was completely delighted to realize that I had been fooled into believing that Promethea was an actual series of literary and comic book characters that Moore was reinventing.
Moore created this illusion through a fake forward talking about the various Promethea characters. Like a blog, forwards are expected to be factual. By subverting this convention he allowed me to believe, briefly, in his story, and to think about the nature of fiction once I had discovered the truth.
Rather than creating purely flat exoticized characters, Jason and Amanda sat down and tried to build realistic, complex histories for the twins. Certainly they could have handled it with more finesse and thought. I just wanted to share that I had a good discussion with my partner this morning on the whole drama unfolding.
I was a little torn about the whole thing because there are two sides to everything. Unlike AFP, I am a feminist. I think that the discussion that has come forward is really nice because it helps us to consider social narratives and how they A effect real life people who have the experiences being portrayed and B give us a chance to mindfully consider how narratives reflect the norms and taboos of our society.
IMHO I think people expected AFPs response to be equal to the appropriate response of someone who works in the field of social work, politics, political activism etc or has a back ground in anti-oppression or an understanding of marginalization and critical analysis. I think that AFPs response was pretty natural for someone who was engaged in a creative process that she invested time and effort into without malicious intent.
He obviously considered the issue and presented himself in a very non confrontational way, clearly a natural practitioner of verbal judo. I personally got that evelyn evelyn were not real. I think maybe some of the anger comes from people feeling gullible? Which would be sad. As for the backstory, it is a story.
Since when did we start demanding characters with only happy past lives? Why is Tori singing Me and A Gun somehow considered acceptable art and a story of conjoined twins abused in a circus not acceptable? Anyone should be able to make art about abuse victims. Not in an exploitative way, but in an honest and truthful discussion. Should she not mention that circuses have exploited people, particularly the disabled or unusual? That would be weird, and it would come off as false.
And someone brought up the point that elephants should not be in circuses? Are we not supposed to talk about it? Not create art about the distasteful parts of the world? How else does one affect change? Some really good discussion on here, but I can seriously predict the response or follow up blog. There will be mention of her own problems or things overcome in the past.
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It bothers me because there really is a difference here. Fiction and storytelling are one thing and when done well-very moving and effective or even just fun. This whole backstory is just sort of lame and not handled well at all. Everyone is free to make art, that is cool-but…but just bothers me personally when certain topics are not handled well.
I just read all comments on your blog and am absolutely fascinated by the level of response your Art has provoked. I think this is a really wonderful thing and I appreciate the thoughtfulness of many of these comments, as well as that fact that all these people are now thinking about these issues of disability and child pornography. I see this as another situation where people are choosing to be upset about something and make a big deal out of it. Part of what intrigues me about all of this is finding out if the conjoined twins are real or if this is all just a story my guess.
Either way I will be happy. What is the twist? That is the wonderful about art — you can enjoy it, or not. Except that in the fictional backstory, AP and JW are actively exploiting marginalized people by coaxing them out of their troubled past and onto a stage to entertain people that paid to see a show.
There are many interesting elements and angles to this story, but most potential was lost in the execution. No one is claiming that this was a malicious act or ill-intentioned. It is only the resistance to consideration that make us insensitive. I think people are missing the mark when they assume that those upset are aiming for censorship, political correctness, or demanding some sort of amendment, alteration or apology. While I agree that one can enjoy a particular work of art or not, I would disagree that is what is wonderful about it. What is wonderful, in my opinion, is the conversation it facilitates.
Shutting out that aspect of it is completely counterintuitive. Are you saying that you are upset the AFP and Jason are unaware of how exploitative of the twins they sound?
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I read that with the knowledge in my own mind at least that AFP knew exactly how horrible she sounded about her treatment of the twins. Actually that final paragraph is exactly what I think this project failed to do, what makes it seem different from Oasis, and what makes me cringe. Amanda and Jason have written a story, folks, no different than Jeffrey Eugenides Middlesex in some ways.
EvelynEvelyn are characters, they have a backstory, and in place of dialogue and plot they have Amanda and Jason to speak and move for them. The key to ending oppression is the ability to imagine a world where people of all abilities, colors, education levels and sexualities are judged for the content of their characters and the work of their lives. People who enjoy relative privilege and power in our society, such as Amanda and Jason, do carry the responsibility of creating that world thoughtfully and respectfully, but the process is not going to be neat and clean.
Much like I do with most other media I consume. Who are the people who honestly thought that Evelyn Evelyn were real? If you have ever listened to Amanda and Jason play before, you could hear their voices easily. Piano, Accordion and Ukulele. All of which are the trademark instruments by Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley. If people want to get offended at the back story of these characters, it is well within your right to do so.
This is just blatant attention seeking, if you had simply done a little background check you would have realised far before this blog that EE did not exist. Even now part of my brain says there still really ARE a pair of twins. Simply put, I am not disabled. I have never been abused.
I am a liberal and try to be sensitive to the concerns of the marginalized, but what the hell do I know about the pain caused by alienation, abandonment, and mockery? Buying their album would have been one small thing I could have done to make their lives better. Now it is looking increasingly like they do not exist. Part of me is relieved, actually. Another part of me is just numb. Maybe the shitstorm will die down. Hey, this controversy will probably be good for sales. Maybe I should be. However, I just think that the disability experience, so to speak, is so wide and varied, and there is plenty of room for poking some fun at disability.
I, personally, feel like the disabled can handle this project without it causing us any harm. The child pornography thing is bothering me, though. I really wish Amanda and Jason would retract this detail from the Evelyn Evelyn story or find a way to artistically redeem it, because right now it just seems to be there for shock value, and that really rubs me the wrong way. I hope Amanda and Jason will put some more thought into it and give the whole issue a more respectful treatment somehow.
Frauds master our minds; magicians, like poets and lovers, engage them in a permanent maze of possibilities. Then, I want you to watch it. I want you both to do nothing but watch that show at least 5 times in a row. And I want you to LEARN what it has to teach you about Violet and Daisy Hilton, the women that you are not-very-successfully ripping your story from, from the side-by-side conjoining to the twisted circus to the various fears. I want you to see them as people, the strong, powerful, yet vulnerable women they were.
Violet and Daisy were real, actual people. This is not of the caliber people expect from you. You can absolutely do better than this, your brain is capable of sheer brilliance. Comment on the Evelyn Evelyn controversy and the communal role of cabaret theater: Actress Marlee Matlin has recently expressed some relevant perspectives on her Twitter feed that could just as easily have been written in reference to the Evelyn Evelyn discussion.
The album comes out the day before my birthday, making it the best birthday gift ever. I am going to pretend that was planned just for me too. She used them superficially to sell a product, but she failed to address the issues. Many people trivialise serious issues in their lives to help them cope, but for other people, this is hurtful, especially coming from someone who did not experience those hardships firsthand, as far as we know. Even if she did, it would be presumptuous to act as though no one else should be hurt by it. Oasis is a commentary about trivialising serious issues, and it was fantastic, thoughtful, and right on the money.
I mean come on, the album comes out two days before April 1. Why has this theory not been considered more in depth? At least I hope everything will turn back to normal. I saw them perform. I would have felt compelled to try and support their art. As it is, this concept album gives me the creeps. This is the first time I write a comment. I very rarely linger on virtual communication.
But this was impossible to ignore. I am an artist, and as such I understand the vital importance of freedom of expression and freedom of thought when processing ideas and producing work. I also understand that, as a consequence of that, I have to take full responsibility for whatever I may think or say in my work.
An audience has the right to react to the work in whatever way they want- to be delighted and inspired by it, to feel offended or hurt by it, resentful because of it, remain completely indifferent to it, and so on.
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This is not because I am indifferent to the people I am trying to communicate with, but simply because my art is my own personal language, and as such it can only express my own sensibility, my own response to the world, my own idiosyncratic way of experiencing being alive. And this is the way it should be. It should not be a cause for disappointment or frustration if something I say may not appeal to my audience as much as something else, quite the opposite, it should be a springboard for constructive and supportive dialogue.
Once upon a time, artists, scientists, explorers, were commissioned by the church to paint a picture of the world that had to reflect a selective and censored perspective of it, that excluded the vast majority of the truth, that left no space for speculation or reflection and that, as such, would perpetrate a uniformed ideal and breed unquestioning and unchallenged minds.
Galileo, Caravaggio, Michelangelo, to name a few, paid a dear price for their rebellion to such dogma. We are blessed to live at a time when, both as active contributors and as spectators, we can take advantage of the freedom to express ourselves, to ask questions, to disagree, to make mistakes, and though taking responsibility for them, to learn from them and continue our process unscathed and unmarked by the fear of making even more mistakes on our quest to self-expression and understanding. Art is a tool through which we ask questions, it is not a way to inflict belief on other people, it is not an attempt to explain the world with facts.
Storytelling has always been a precious tool through which to explore dark and treacherous areas of our existence: It is dangerous beyond all belief to identify reality with myth or storytelling- both of them have their own distinct, incalculable value in the order of things and they need each other to be able to hold together.
We could not face a life without stories, just as stories could not exist without a direct experience of life. But losing perspective on the distinction between the two is what causes religious fanatism and wars. We should feel lucky to have the opportunity to turn pain, sorrow and tragedy into something beautiful, poetic, even funny. It is what allows us to survive. We all experience such things, whether daily or on rare occasions, but it is deeply human to come into contact with the worse and still be able to smile at the absurdity of life.
Here is my opinion:. I was sexually abused as a child- and have close family members with disabilities -but I am not in the slightest bit offended by what Amanda is trying to portray. Why should I be? She is not mocking people who have been through these things. If anything, Amanda is giving out a message that these horrors can be overcome, no matter what. And why should mentioning child pornography be seen as a taboo?
We are in the modern world. We should feel free to discuss issues like that without people tearing us down for it. It is as it is; a terrible thing. I think this is the stupid outcry over Oasis all over again. If we are not allowed to take the darker things in life and still smile, then how can we ever bear them? Being light-hearted can help people in these difficult situations regain strength emotionally, and I say this through experience. She is trying to show that if you have suffered, you can get through it and be happy.
Without it, this may just be a bizarre little act with little substance. With the story behind it, Evelyn Evelyn has become something with a far deeper message. She is not the first to use this method, nor will she be the last. Many underground artists use alter egos with back-stories in their acts.
However, stating that Amanda is trying to be offensive, or that the elements of her act are offensive, is something I have a problem with. This is coming from a feminist and a survivor of abuse. People are looking at this the wrong way. I see a friend of two very talented young women who really want to help them out. Not Applicable Alexa BackLinks: No Risk Issues Siteadvisor Rating: Not Applicable Alexa Rank: Not Applicable Domain Authority: Page Title of espiarwhatschat. Meta Tags of espiarwhatschat.
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