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Because there are no limits when im in the zone Of all the places you will go! What y'all trynna do?! In the Cathedral complex there is also the Open Chapel of San Jose which is one of the oldest in the continent. Aside from the main sanctuary, there is the atrium, the fountains, the atrial cross, the temple of Carmen, the temple of the Third Order of St. Construction of the buildings on this site was started between and and probably ended in When the Diocese of Cuernavaca was created in the church became the Cathedral.
On the walls inside the sanctuary are frescoes that depict the life of San Felipe de Jesus; an image of Jesus ascending not crucified. There is a Portiuncula door facing to the north, which is typical of Franciscan construction; and in the choir there is one of the first representations of the Virgin of Guadalupe. The tower was added to the mainbuildinginthe17thcentury and has been through many modifications, but still retains its proportions in spite of earthquake damage.
In the atrium there are several funerary monuments as well as fountains, the monuments to the Martyrs of Chiconcuac, and to the second Bishop of Cuernavaca, Francisco Plancarte y Navarrete as well as a cross called the Cross of the Mission. On the second floor of the cloisters is the Art Gallery. On the ground floor of the cloisters there is a mural painted in the 16th century and a statue of St. Christopher carrying Jesus as a boy on his shoulders. There is also a small store selling religious articles and books. The Temple of the Third Order of St.
Francis is in a corner probably built over a corner chapel. It is a beautiful example of the popular baroque style. The altarpiece is in a Churriguresque style with many wooden statues covered with plaster and gold. It is believed that Nicolas Jerez oversaw the building in The Open Chapel of San Jose was built before the main sanctuary. The Temple of Carmen was built by Fr. It is a simpler construction with a semicircular front, smooth walls, and a single nave, next to the Open Chapel and next tothemaingatetotheCathedral Complex.
Aerial view of Cathedral complex. Free entrance on Sundays. During the colonial period Manuel built this home in Cuernavaca as a vacation home for his father. He planted hundreds of fruit trees and ornamental plants that were brought on the Manila galleons, along with local plants and ones brought from Europe. He finished the construction in including the artificial lake.
The following year he built the Church of Guadalupe next door. Over the centuries the property has had different func. It was a vacation home, botanical garden, an inn, postal delivery station, public offices, a summer residence for Emperor Maximilian and Empress Carlotta, a hotel and restaurant, a night club and now as a museum and the offices of the Cultural Institute of Morelos. Today many cultural events, art exhibits, dance, theatre, and concerts take place on the grounds. There is a restaurant, several rooms for different types of exhibits, a concert hall, a museum with furniture and clothing from the 18th century, along with copies of documents from the time of the Empire, a library, the lakeside theatre, rowing on the lake and of course the gardens that are still maintained.
Robert Brady collected art throughout his life. The collection also has Mexican featherwork, Persian rugs, a Byzantine Mosaic from Ravenna, Canadian totem poles, Christ figures from Puerto Rico, colonial oil painting from Peru and much more. The museum has an audiovisual room where art. Robert Brady did not follow art trends. He bought what he liked. His collection is eclectic but there is consistency in its color and design. Brady died in this home on June 20, His ashes are buried in the garden along with his beloved dogs.
On February 18, the Museum was opened to the public. Free entrance This shrine was built in for the pilgrims who traveled to Chalma. Because it had a cross, it was called El Calvario. In when it was consecrated to the Virgin of Guadalupe, her image was put in the shrine. It was taken down in In it was discovered hidden in the basement of the Cathedral in Mexico City, and was brought back to Cuernavaca where it was reinstalled in the shrine.
Next to the shrine there is a lovely hexagonal fountain built out of quarry stone, a replica of the fountain at the convent in Ocuituco. The Church of San Jose was built to one side of it at the beginning of the 20th century. The altars and pulpit are also built with the pink quarry stone. There is a large image of the patron San Jose in the altarpiece.
After Mexico gained its independence any references to Spain had to be removed from public buildings. However, in the northwest corner of the shrine you can see the coat of arms of Spain with the lion represented in two of the quadrants and the castle in the other two quadrants. In the city government made it into a museum with period furniture and a permanent exhibit of vintage photographs from 19th century Cuernavaca. Free entrance A four hundred feet walkway winds through the ravine and provides a pleasant tour of this ravine. The entrance is next to the Porfirio Diaz bridge.
The view of the Porfirio Diaz Bridge from below showcases its surprisingly sophisticated architecture. Free entrance The waterfall is over 40 meters high. There is a stairway that descends into the ravine with several observation points. The barrio of San Anton is known for its pottery. Here you will see pots and plants for sale in the nurseries that line the avenue. An environmental group called Friends of the San Anton Waterfall was formed to monitor the water in this ravine to keep it clean.
The basaltic rock formation on the walls of the ravine as you walk down the stairs. The museum houses a variety of cactus, orchids, ornamental plants, herbs and plants native to Morelos and explains the traditional practices related to medicinal plants in Mexico. The Museum offers workshops on preparing ointments and tinctures as well as conferences, exhibits and guided visits. The other two were Diego Rivera and Jose Cle. Siquieros lived the last ten years of his life in Cuernavaca and built this huge studio where he produced monumental artwork. Free entrance on Sunday for Mexicans with a ID card In Zapata laid siege to Cuernavaca and during a skirmish one of the canons that went off uncovered part of the pyramid.
This site is one of the most important in this part of the state.
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There are 14 monuments here, including the Twin Temple dedicated to Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli which make up this pre-Hispanic complex. It was built at the same time as the Aztec Temple in Mexico City, though not as large. The round structure is probably dedicated to Ehecatl, the wind god.
There are three water channels flowing into the lake that has a fountain and rowboats. There is a 1. There is a vet on site who takes care of the animals. Open Monday - Sunday from 8: On Sunday afternoons the City of Cuernavaca offers concerts as well as dance performances and magic shows. There are bike paths around the park where you can use rented bicycles and little battery-run motobikes for small children, as well as a miniature train that goes all around the park.
This large open air park has a bicycle path, a small lake for rowing, a restaurant, soccer fields, volleyball, basketball, roller skating rink and a small street layout where children can learn about road signs. There are sand boxes for small children as well as inflatable play areas, and many shops that sell toys and snacks. The city administrative offices for parks and gardens are located at the west end of the.
The Convent of Saint James the Apostle, in the center of town, is a magnificent 16th century building with a peacefulatrium. Insidethechurch is a recently restored baroque altarpiece and in the cloisters there are 16th century murals. Convent of Saint James the Apostle. Hotel Camino Real Sumiya is located in the huge complex that once belonged to the heiress Barbara Hutton. She searched all over the world for a location with a perfect climate and historical roots. She chose Jiutepec as her refuge, where her people created a Japanese palace, complete with a Kabuki Theatre, an exact replica of an ancient theatre in Kyoto, Japan.
The course has 18 holes, par There is a club house, a practice tee, classes for beginners and a Pro Shop. Hotel Mision del Sol. The Ex-Hacienda de Temixco, the main attraction in the town, was a 17th century sugar hacienda. It was acquired by the Alvarez family and converted into one of the most modern water parks in Latin America, with eleven water slides, a river and a pool with waves, a miniature golf course, and twenty two swimming pools.
It is open every day of the year from 8: Just south of town you will see signs for another water park called Ojo de Agua. It has a pool and river with waves, restaurant, eight swimming pools, and playgrounds for children. Tetlama and Cuentepec are two traditional communities near Temixco whose inhabitants still speak the indigenous Nahuatl language and continue making pottery using ancestral techniques. The people of Tetlama operate fish breeding farms.
There you can find rustic restaurants that offer fresh fish on the spot. Just south of Temixco is the Xochicalco archeological site see page Soon there will be international service. Crafts in leather are made in Cuentepec and they are sold along the highway as you head south on the highway. Ex-Hacienda de Temixco water park.
The Santa Fe Golf Course is located here, as well as two beautiful haciendas. San Antonio El Puente, in the center of town, has recently been remodeled and gets its name from the old stone bridge. Santa Catalina, in the community of Chiconcuac, has a meter long aqueduct that is still in good condition. Both haciendas are popular settings for social events, especially weddings.
Waterfall in Palo bolero water park. In what was once the cloister of the convent, across the street, is the Cultural Center with a library and historical archive. On the small hill near the Jardin Zapata you can get a nice view of the valley and the downtown area.
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Several restaurants are locatedalongthehighway. World Trade Center Morelos. Los Pericos serves rabbit and Barra Vieja is known for its seafood. Hacienda San Antonio El Puente. The ceramic industry predominates in Zapata, and hundreds of producers and vendors have their establishments in the Colonia Tres de Mayo, where you will find decorative and utilitarian ceramic items at low prices.
Visit the market downtown: The ruins of Hacienda San Vicente Zacualpan are located on the outskirts of the main market. One of them is Tepetzingo, where you can find the ruins of an old church on the road to the town. Tetecalita and Tezoyuca are two additional communities in this municipality which offer the quiet streets and fresh air typical of the provinces.
Sandals at the market. Kiosk in the main square. The old aqueduct still works and supplies the swimmingpoolswithwater. It has large garden areas, water slides, sport fields, restaurant and bar. Party in Tetelpa, Sept. MORELOS, Tourist Guide Jojutla is conveniently located close to many of the water parks as well as Lake Tequesquitengo, where a variety of activities are offered including water sports, hang gliding, paragliding, etc. Given the hot weather in Jojutla, several water parks have been constructed.
La Plata water park is found in the community of Buenos Aires. Aerial view of Lake Tequesquitengo.
Entradas recientes
The Santo Domingo convent, built in the 16th century, is located in the center of town. It is found on the north side of the church and has a jubilee door similar to the one in the Cuernavaca Cathedral, but facing south. The corner chapels are facing the side door. There are remains of the original murals on the walls. Remains of codices were found in the convent. Near the Convent is a small museum dedicated to the agrarian leader Ruben Jaramillo. There are several haciendas in this region, such as San Juan Reyna and Ixtoluca which is now a rustic water park with overnight facilities.
Take a walk through the ruins of this old hacienda next to the Chinameca river. You will see beautiful yellow Amate trees with roots that have grown over the arches and rock walls reaching down over 5 meters to the ground. The Chimalacatlan archeological site is an hour south of town on a dirt road. There is a small museumintownsetupbyseveral people including Moises Cruz Arredondo with fossils on display that have been found in this region. Today the building is a museum, which displays many objects and documents from the Revolution, including the clothes Zapata wore when he was shot.
In the Dominicans built the convent of San Miguel. It has battlement walls, a small atrium and a two story convent on the north side of the temple. He chose Tlaltizapan because there is a black Christ figure in the church here of which he was a devotee. The patron saint is San Miguel and his feast day is celebrated on September During Easer week there are many processions and reenactments of the crucifixion held in town, and on the three Tuesdays following Easter there are more celebrations. Carnival is observed 5 days before Ash Wednesday.
Santa Isabel and Las Brisas are also closeby. Restaurants along the road from Tlaltizapan to Las Estacas offer regional dishes. La Palapa del Venado is known for its venison and rabbit dishes. Mausoleum built for the leaders who fought for land in the southern part of Mexico. Hacienda Xochimancas, sugar mill. Puente de Ixtla shares Lake Tequesquitengo with Jojutla. The lake is a popular destination for water and extreme sports. Hacienda San Gabriel Las Palmas. San Mateo archeological site.
The ancestral villages in this area are in the mountain region known as the Ajusco-Chichinautzin Corridor, in the foothills of the Popocatepetl volcano. The mushroom soup is excellent. This is Huitzilac welcoming you to Morelos. If you are on the federal highway follow the signs towards Zempoala and you will arrive in Huitzilac, which is located on the cool slopes of the Ajusco volcano. The patron saint of Huitzilac is honored on June On September 1 the return of San Juanito is observed.
Legend has it that the image of St. John the Baptist disappeared during the Revolution. The Lakes of Zempoala are within the municipality of Huitzilac. Stone that marks the limits of Morelos and D. The park is administered by the Natural Resources Ministry. There are seven lakes surrounded by mountains. The air is cool, there are hiking trails, horses for rent, and you can register to camp by the lake. There are playgrounds for the children and restrooms. Smallrestaurantsoffercecina, quesadillas and other Mexican specialties. It gets cool in the mountains, so dress accordingly.
Open every day all year round. You can start your visit with a hike up the El Tepozteco cliff to visit the pyramid with the same name. The hike takes at least an hour. The temple honors Ometochtli Tepoztecatl, god of pulque and also of fertility and good crops. It became a popular pilgrimage site for people from as far away as Central America. Open from Monday to Sunday from 9: After hiking back down enjoy lunch at the food market in the main square or at one of El Tepozteco archeological site.
The ex-convent of the Nativity La Natividad is not to be missed. There is a museum, library and an observaEl Tepozteco archeological site. A lot of the original 16th century mural is still visible. In the atrium there isahugecross,thebattlement wall, the remains of the corner chapels, an open chapel, and old gravestones.
The front of the church is decorated in the plateresque style, with a Virgin Mary, saints, angels, cherubs, heraldic shields of the Dominican Order, Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Dominic of Guzman, the founder of the order. El Tepozteco archeological site. There are guided tours to these places as well as ecological hikes in the mountains in Amatlan de Quetzalcoatl. There are several places that offer the traditional steam bath temazcal and traditional medicine demonstrations. The Parque Vacacional IMSS Oaxtepec has a convention center, cable car, an Olympic stadium, cabins for rent, and a beautiful domed medicinal herb garden.
The El Bosque water park is also in Oaxtepec. There are three water parks in Itzamatitlan which is next door to San Carlos. It has a 9 hole golf course, a chapel, discotheque, rooms for events with a capacity for people, and a beautiful swimming pool. All of this in a renovated former sugar hacienda. In the residential area of Cocoyoc there is an 18 hole golf course.

It was built by the Dominicans in the 16th century and you can visit the two story convent with its cobblestone atrium and murals. At the base of the tower there is an inscription that has the date which could be the date the remodeling of the primitive convent was finished. The feast day is celebrated on August 15 as well as Carnival with Chinelo dancers. It was built around and thus probably one of the first built by the Dominican friars. It contains all of the elements used by the Dominicans except for the atrium as the highway now cuts through it.
There is a small museum in the cloisters and a library on the second floor. The mural painting is interesting as well as the stone tracery. Located in the northeastern part of the state, stands out as a town that retains its traditions. It is known for its pottery. You will find everything from pots for plants in all sizes and shapes and enomous cazuelas with two and four handles, to other decorative figures including angels, cherubs, suns, moons, and animal figures. Start your visit at the exconvent of San Juan Bautista on the main square.
There is a museum, in what was the refectory, the sacristy and the presbytery. When the floor was repaired several years ago mummies were discovered which are now on display. The front of the church is topped with a beautiful belfry. The atrium is enormous and within it is the cloister with its arched ceiling and evidence of the original murals in a renaissance style, as well as the sacristy which is twice the height normally used in these buildings.
It is the cultural center that is in a building from the 16th , 18th and 19th centuries. The access to the museum is through the pretty portico. Open from Monday to Sunday, from 9: There are many restaurants serving regional dishes. One is Los Duendes, but there are many other options you will see as you browse the streets near the main square.
This convent was built at the end of the 16th century when five villages united to form a new town. The complex consists of a medium sized atrium, the churchwithatower,aclockin the facade, and the cloisters with remains of original fresco murals. Today the atrium is used as a theatre and for festivals throughout the year, such as Pentecost towards the end of May or early June. The feast day of Saint Bartholomew is observed on August 24, in the suburb named after him. Seven kilometers from the city center are ruins of a pre-Hispanic temple. Two kilometers away in Santiago there are some ancient walls.
You can also visit the ruins of other Nahuatl towns, Teopancasholtitla and San Felipe. Jorge de Avila of the Augustinian Order, is the highlight of Totolapan. The atrium is clearly defined with its processional path and remains of the corner chapels. It is one of the few convents that still has its garden. Stepping through its gates is like going back in history as there is total silence. The interior cloister has two stories and the remains of the original murals.
This convent is one of the eleven on the World Heritage list. The church is a single-nave. It is the only 16th century church with this type of decoration. Under the rose window there is a niche for San Guillermo. The most important religious festivals are on February 10 for San Guillermo, August 28 for San Agustin, as well as the Easter week observances. Convent of San Guillermo. In the Convent of San Mateo was built by the Augustinians. This convent stands out because of its height. The open chapel on the north side of the church has threenaves.
The baptismal font is carved from a single piece of stone and you can see the influence of the indigenous workmen who carved the emblems and symbols of the Augustinian Order. Many old traditions are observed here, such as the priest offering mass in Latin with his back to the congregation, and the Gregorian chants. On September 2, the feast day of Saint Matthew is observed. They also celebrate the blessing of the corn. The Cultural Center sponsors many events.
XVI century lower and upper cloister Ilustration: Conventos de Morelos, de Alfonso Toussaint publicada con el permiso del autor. You can order it by the kilo in the main market and have it cooked on the braziers right there, adding cream, cheese, salsa and avocado. Accompany it with fresh tortillas. Over 40 tons of Convent of San Juan. The majestic convent of San Juan was built in by the Augustinians and is also on the World Heritage list of convents. What stands out is the gothic rose window crafted from stone that is 3 meters in diameter.
When the sun shines through, it lights up the whole church. In the cloisters as well as in the sanctuary itself there are remains of the original murals along with stonework, such as the pulpit, the choir railing and the ribs of the lower choir. There are two solar clocks in the cloister patio. The main festivities in town are the Tianguis Grande and the Festival of Cecina during the last two weeks of October. A market is held every Monday where livestock and related items are sold.
Convent of San Juan. It is one of the prettiest towns in northern Morelos. Thereisacopyofthisfountain at the base of the shrine at El Calvario in Cuernavaca. Saturday is market day and people set up their stalls all around the main square. Two of the World Heritage convents are in the municipality. The atrium is large and uneven in relation to the street level. The structure is representative of a fortress-church. The original murals are visible in the cloisters. The second convent is in the community of Hueyapan, about20minutesfromdowntown Tetela del Volcan.
This building is much more austere, with a single floor cloister, and roofs of beams and tiles. It is a beautiful example of religious art. Hueyapan is famous for its woolen textiles which are woven on backstrap looms. You will see extensive fruit orchards and many varieties of peaches that grow in this climate. In Tetela del Volcan you can hike through the Barranca de Amatzinac, which is a ten kilometer cobblestone trail that follows a small river fed by the melting ice from Popocatepetl.
Along the path you will enjoy beautiful mountain sceConvent of San Juan Bautista. At the end of the trail is a waterfall called El Salto. It is a beautiful fortresschurch of large proportions which still has its original murals. There is a wall all around the huge atrium, the remains of the corner chapels, and an open chapel that is two meters higher than the atrium.
ZacualpanishometoLaCasa de los Arboles, a world-class hotel and spa offering beauty treatments, massages, facials, and anti-stress treatments, built on 50, square meters of land surrounded by fruit trees and beautiful gardens. A variety of handcrafts are sold in town including clay pottery.
The church of Temoac, dedicated to San Martin, was built on a small hill next to the main square. You can see its towers from everywhere in town. Traditionally, the townspeople take turns cleaning and opening the churches every day. Themainfestivalisonthefifth Friday of Lent, though there are many others in the neighborhoods.
Throughout the town, you can find stands selling regional sweets. The shrine of Santa Catalina is a couple of kilometers south in Huazulco. The wall around the large atrium is painted blueandinfrontofthechurch there is a small plaza with a well which is believed to have healing waters. Well which is believed to have healing waters. The shrine of Santa Catalina. Eastern Morelos has weathered many important epochs of Mexican history from the early preHispanic settlements in Chalcatzingo, to the War of Independence and the Mexican Revolution. Dramatic battles of the War of Independence took place here and you will see that the names of the streets downtown are named after some of these events.
Start your tour at the old train station, which is located in what was once the orchard of the 17th century San Diego TOur TwenTY six cuautla Tourism office telephone: Jose Maria Morelos Museum. Here you will see a narrow gauge steam locomotive. It is the only one of its kind in Mexico that still runs. Walk into the cloisters of the old convent which is now the Jose Maria Morelos Museum which also houses the library and the local tourism offices. Just south of here is the city center. The 16th century Convent of Santo Domingo de Guzman is on one side of the square and the Municipal Palace is on the other.
After Zapata was ambushed and shot, his body was displayed in the archways of this palace on April 11 and 12, Nurseries growing ornamental plants, fruit trees, flowers, and exotic plants. Zapata is remembered as the hero who lost his life defending Liberty, Justice and the Enforcement of Law. Cuautla also offers recreational activities.
Agua Hedionda and its thermal pools are just outside of town. The sulphurous waters are famous in Mexico and worldwide. There are several pools with slides, parks and private pools. Tosampletheregionalcuisine we recommend Las Golondrinas, located in the patio of an old mansion downtown, and La Flor de Morelos on the highwayneartheexittoMexico City.
Cuautla is in a fertile valley with many nurseries growing ornamental plants. It is worth a visit to see the variety of flowers and fruit trees that thrive here. The house where he was born is now a museum with a beautiful mural describing his life. In another part of the municipality is the Chinameca Hacienda where Zapata was ambushed and killed on April 11, There is a small museum dedicated to him and a sculpture of Zapata on his horse on the site where he fell.
Ayala was named after Francisco Ayala who fought Chinameca Hacienda where Zapata was ambushed and killed. The Church of San Jose in the main square of Ayala celebrates its patron saint on March 19 with processions, a fair and fireworks. You can see the ruins of the hacienda from the highway. Other haciendas in this region are Apatlaco and Tenextepango.
For local cuisine try La Curva that is on the highway and specializes in fish tamales. The house where Emiliano Zapata was born.
The Coahuixtla Hacienda was the scene of several battles during the Mexican Revolution. In the convent there is a museum honoring Matamoros where you can visit his room and see documents and paintings that depict his life. Opening hours are Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a. What was once the atrium of the convent is now the main plaza of town with a statue of Mariano Matamoros.
A principal festival is celebrated on July 25, dedicated to the Apostle James. The outside wall is complete, but the cross is missing. The convent is north of the temple, similar to the Church of the Nativity in Tepoztlan. There are several 16th century murals in the convent and the Main square. The walls of the open chapel have been plastered over, but you can still make out the arches just to the left of the entrance to the church. There are tombstones in the wall on the back side of the church that date back several centuries. If you look carefully you will see bullet holes from the Revolution in the front wall and in the tower.
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Two archeological sites found in Jonacatepec are Chalcatzingo and Las Pilas. Chalcatzingo was probably one of the first settlements in the state of Morelos with Olmec influence. It is located on ejido property, and has picnic areas and a small restaurant. El Pastor is the train station where Zapata and Guajardo arranged their meeting at the Chinameca Hacienda, where Zapata was betrayed and murdered by Guajardo.
Las Termas de Atotonilco. In the center of town you will see the Tepalcingo Sanctuary where the image of Jesus of Nazarene is worshiped. An annual fair is held here on the third Friday of Lent, one of the biggest of its kind in Mexico. At the fair you will find handcrafts, gold and silver jewelry, baskets, pottery, religious items, hats, etc. Pilgrims arrive from all over Mexico for this event. Martin and the Ixtlaccihuatl and Popocateptl volcanoes. The Museum of the Sanctuary of Faith is located to the side of the church and displays religious art and images. The Chapel of St. The main activity is livestock.
There are several interesting places to visit. The lovely chapel of Saint Paul built by the Franciscans in the 16th century, is located in the center of town. It has a large atrium and a statue to the left of the chapel dedicated to the patron saint. During the Festival of St. Paul, held from January 9 — 31, the traditional dances called Los Tecuanes and Los Doce Pares de Francia are represented in the atrium on the 24th and 25th of January.
TOur ThirTY One axocHiaPan Tourism office telephone As you enter town, notice the lake on the left which fills up during the rainy season- a rare sight in this very dry part of the state. Thursday is market day in the main square where you can find handcrafts as well as traditional herbal medicine, which is commonly used here. The lovely chapel of Saint Paul. Morelos was the third largest sugar producer in the world in this period of Mexican history. On the highway that goes by Xochicalco you will see El Rodeo, a lake, on the left, which offers camping areas.
The church of St. Thomas, the patron saint, is on the town square. His feast day is celebrated on December 21 with fireworks, dances, processions and a fair. The city hall is on the main square as well as a small kiosk with fountains. Coatetelco, a suburb of Miacatlan, is found on the Coatetelco Lake. There are many restaurants on the shore that offer fresh fish prepared in different ways.
The church of Saint John, located on the main square, was built in the 16th century. The festival for St. John is celebrated on June 24 and a big celebration for Candlemas is observed on February 2. The Coatetelco archeological site is a couple of blocks from the church. It is of Tlahuica Coatetelco archeological site. Coatetelco archeological site musem.
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