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Contents:In particular, more countries and International organizations should participate in the WIC. During such collaborative process, we must keep in mind that countries under various development stages have their respective challenges both domestically and externally.
Each and every country has the right to choose its way of development in cyberspace. Policymakers are not seeking an identical way forward but the mutual trust on which the global rules and norms for cyberspace could be built. That being said, it is highly advised that governments should play a greater role in promoting all actors to participate in international events relating to cyberspace, such as the Internet Governance Forum, the World Summit on Information Society Forum and the World Internet Conference.
All in all, the international community should work far more closely to deepen strategic mutual trust, improve the governance mechanisms and promote the implementation of rules in order to improve the global Internet governance process to reach a new stage. IGf serves as a way to make people understand what are the opportunities and challenges brought by ICTs to countries under their variant development stages, so as to understand their mentality and practices in the Internet governance measures.
Based on such understanding, our respective roles are clear as much as the resources we need. All these shall serve as a catalyst for further dialogue, negotiation, and cooperation featuring openness, transparency and efficiency, which in turn can help us to define what a smart political resolution should be. It is recommended to summarize and publish the consensus and divergence that existed at IGF.
In this way, the IGF will substantially expand the consensus on Internet-related issues. We should make the IGF more planable. For example, it is recommended to approve the MAG earlier so that they can start work at the beginning of the year. And we need a digital world of mutual trust and collective governance. The international community should work far more closely to deepen strategic mutual trust, improve the governance mechanisms and promote the implementation of rules in order to improve the global Internet governance process to reach a new stage.
The multistakeholder approach in G20 and G7 discussions related to digital economy. Rita Forsi, Ministry of Economic Development. After welcoming speech made by the moderators, representatives from governments and other stakeholders delivered presentation. In the last part, the floor was open to all participants and free discussion was held. There was broad support and consensus on the view that multistakeholder approach is crucial to discuss public policy issues pertaining to the Internet.
Main specific comments from the speakers are as follows. Participants agreed to strengthen the multistakeholder approach in the discussion regarding Internet Governance issues. Some participants stated that it is essential to take gender balance into account when adopting the multistakeholder approach to ensure diversity.
We should work via innovative projects for further implementation of SDG goals; 2. Forums on Innovations should be new platforms for further expansion of IGF ecosystem; and 3. Capacity building of institutions is pivotal for the success of the IGF goals. The goal of the relevant programmes is to provide assistance in the restoration of the transport infrastructure of the newly independent states of the region, establish shortest transport corridor connecting Europe and Asia and thereby integrate the region into the West, simultaneously serve as the platform of concentration for the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway line that was commissioned last year.
Likewise more than forty government services were developed in the framework of the E-government portal, which is leading to successful foundation of Mobile Government, High frequency broadband radio communication systems were created to increase the number of frequencies for radio-electron broadcasting and public wireless internet was initiated as a pilot project. Innovative methods of IGF expansion, particularly via projects, forums and capacity building programs. Gender based innovative projects. The importance of the Internet Community being involved in the policy development process; especially commenting on the Reports, concerning a subsequent process for issuing new generic top-level domain names gTLDs ;.
The importance of ICANN, and other entities from the Technical Community, providing factual information, where appropriate, to policy makers and legislators, on the effect of specific measures on the stability, security and openness of the DNS System and the Internet. In that vein, ICANN has engaged in several rounds of extensive community dialogue and in discussions with European data protection authorities, and has also created a temporary specification.
This temporary specification is an adjustment to the contract between ICANN and their contracted parties to have publicly and non-publicly available information, to comply with the GDPR, she explained. Theresa pointed out that the ICANN63 meeting gave the board the liberty to limit or lessen the liability of contracted parties, and explore a possible avenue for unified access that is scalable and which works globally. Sarah Deutch , ICANN Board, spoke about one of the issues that resulted from the implementation of the technical specification — the third-party access to non-public registration data.
The technical specification requires ICANN's parties to provide reasonable access to personal data to third parties, based on legitimate interest, as defined in the GDPR. Ultimately, she emphasised, it is up to the community to recommend a model for implementation. Ill thought out but possibly well-intentioned legislation could make it impossible for people to access the Internet, or connect to other people on the Internet.
He also pointed out that a balance between transparency of the WHOIS system and the protection of privacy of data should be struck. Gathering and discussing issues, some of which arose from the previous round of the programme, of which there were over 90, had lasted over year. The policy development process PDP Working Group has been working through them methodically, in sub-groups and in plenary, and is putting out comment periods — two have already been released and the Comment period on Geographic Names is expected very soon.
There are several proposals to what kind of round the next one should be and how long it should last, and also several proposals about the succession timing of such Rounds. ICANN has received comments, reviews, and advice from almost every constituency within the Community, and needs to reconcile different viewpoints before the second round of the new gTLD programme. He acknowledged that not all community members agree whether the next round should happen or not.
He stressed that input from the community is key for the outcomes of the different processes that feed into possible subsequent rounds of gTLDs. The importance of policy makers and legislators national, regional or global taking into consideration the input from Technical Community, such as ICANN, when formulating regulation or policy. There were no specific gender issues discussed; though it was noted how important it was to have a diversity of voices when discussing Internet issues.
Robert Hayman , Manager, Events and Acting Manager, Capacity Development and Training, Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation Intergovernmental organisation In-person moderator Remote participation was not working for this open forum, there was no technical support in the room and as the session started late due to an earlier session over running, there was no choice but to continue without remote participation.
There were no presentations during the session. There were opening comments which have been integrated in other parts of this report, as they covered the same topics. Moving on to the consumer argument, the rights of the individual rely on the unprecedented growth of personal data. Trust online also addresses issues relating to democratic governance, ethics and the fundamental rights of individuals with regards to privacy. Data can be quickly and easily transferred on to a third party to another jurisdiction, whether other principles apply.
This can undermine the data privacy clause. This is of course what happened in October where the Irish authority asked the European Courts of Justice, whether data can be transferred across the Atlantic under the Safe Harbour principle without any further checks the Schrems case. The Courts of Justice said these arguments were not valid. A new privacy framework has now come into force the Privacy Shield , but that does not mean that the issues are resolved, we are in constant discussions with the US and we are still unclear over the transfer of data across borders to the US is a safe place to go.
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In the age of borderless data flow there has never been a more important time for a global coherence on data protection and data privacy. The divergence of data across jurisdictions leads to the uneven levels of protection between jurisdictions, which leads to the need for legal controls over data across border flows and this is to prevent the growth of a more autocratic regime.
The Information Commissioners Office of the United Kingdom makes a recommendation too that there should be a more coherent regulatory approach with regards to cross border transfers But while there is no silver bullet or model to replicate at the moment, we can take a positive in that there is a lot of common groundin terms of the underlying principles openness, fairness, purpose specification and collection limitation, use limitation, data security, accountability and individual access.
The divergences in approaches mean that we cannot consider that there is a perfect way to legislate or regulate and, as best next thing, we should ensure interoperability between the different regulatory systems. The Common Thread Network is a forum for data protection and privacy authorities of Commonwealth countries.
It has been established to promote cross-border cooperation and build capacity by sharing knowledge on emerging trends, regulatory changes and best practices for effective data protection. Currently within the Commonwealth, there are approximately 30 Commonwealth member states, with data protection legislation or policies, and this means that there are a large number of jurisdictions that do not have policies.
Furthermore, there are a number of Commonwealth countries that do have a legislation but have not implemented it or have no oversight body to monitor the implementation. The Common Thread Network exists to find commonalities and discuss together with other professionals what the issues are in terms of data protection. In last April in London, there was recommendation on cyber security and connectivity agenda for trade and investment which pushed governments to overcome barriers in regulation that had previously existed to facilitate implementation of coherent policies and improve cooperation.
Gender Reporting - Estimate the overall number of the participants present at the session: There were approximately 30 total participants. Approximately 15 participants were women. The panel itself was gender balanced, with five out of seven speakers being women. However, it did consider challenges in how technical community, government and public sector security teams can successfully cooperate with civil society organizations. AN members on the panel, Wafa Ben-Hassine and Matthew Shears, provided insights into the activities of the FOC Advisory Network in its first months of being established, including through contributions to the drafting of FOC statements, learnings and strategy calls.
Panellists discussed the various threats and challenges to civil society in the digital age, and noted the common responsibilities of governments in supporting civic voices online. Mr von Heynitz, speaking for the German Chair, noted that governments can cooperate if they share the basic concern that human rights as upheld in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are essential. Lisa Vermeer, speaking for the Netherlands, raised the importance of the Digital Defenders Partnership DDP which has a dedicated program focused on the swift protection of human rights defenders.
The Netherlands encouraged those concerned by internet freedom issues across the world to raise FOC membership to missions and embassies, to raise awareness to the FOC. Governments can additionally ensure that civil society can participate in multilateral forums. Human Rights, Gender and Youth. Freedom of Expression online. Asked what Self-regulation on hate speech should deliver, participants mentioned: There was fear companies concede to governmental pressures; questions about company, government or user based regulation models and realization users need to learn to report hate speech for it to be effective.
The needs regarding self-regulation of users affected by hate speech can be summarized as: Quick, Transparent both of procedure and argumentation for decisions , Accessible meaning clear reporting system and no financial barriers. Internet Businesses strive to have open platforms, clear user guidelines and notice systems. Self-regulation can complement internal assessment processes to address complex cases, this would require access to topic experts, time to make the assessment, clarity on national legislation and liabilities of the company when implementing decisions of a self-regulatory body.
It can be quicker and less costly but should not substitute or block possibilities to start court proceedings. Taking the EU Code of Conduct and the German Network Enforcement Law as examples, it was pointed out that self-regulatory bodies and platforms alike need to be transparent about their procedures, decision making processes and their outcome.
The panel and participants voiced commitment to reconvene at the next IGF in order to follow up on progress and challenges with self-regulation in combating hate speech online. If self-regulation and self-regulatory bodies are suggested as a new way for dealing with online hate speech, the IGF community offers crucial resources to gather expertise from all stakeholder groups, so that platforms, intermediaries, regulators and new bodies are able to take informed decisions that protect individual user rights and the democratic society.
The IGF can work as a forum for monitoring progress and challenges that arise with applying models of self-regulation and co-regulation. Cybersecurity, Trust and Privacy. Data privacy and protection. The following presentations and the discussion then zoomed in on the use of biometrics. The participants agreed that while there may be clear benefits of biometrics technology for security, trust but also convenience, it is linked to serious risks, often affecting the vulnerable and marginalised. Biometrics should therefore be deployed with caution.
States should only use biometrics for clearly defined purposes and on the basis of informed consultations with all stakeholders. The discussion demonstrated broad support for the recommendation not to rush the deployment of biometrics but to move deliberately and slowly. Any deployment of biometrics needed to comply with international human rights standards. This included that it needed to be done in a transparent fashion, on the basis of clearly defined laws, for specific purposes and in accordance with the necessary and proportionate principle.
The discussion also highlighted the necessity to maintain effective grievance and redress mechanisms. The need to leave silos and work interdisciplinary and with all stakeholders was emphasised by several participants. As was pointed out in another session, digital identity is a building block of the digital society and economy.
The OECD Open Forum brought together a panel that discussed an issue that was understood by experts to be one of the less discussed side of digital security: It was agreed that in general, hacking back should not be encouraged or permissible, due to its potential economic, social and political collateral impacts. While the size of these practices are still unclear, since in many countries it is considered illegal, some indicated that there is a growing body of arguments favouring these kind of responses from the private sector.
All agreed that in order to advance in this conversation, better frameworks and concepts are needed, as there is confusion about definitions and typology of hack back practices. It was suggested that the first step towards finding solutions for this issue is clarifying concepts and types of hack back practices. This could be done based on the intent e. Moreover, it was agreed that more international and multistakeholder cooperation is needed to provide guidance for technical and regulatory approaches to address private sector hack back.
Panellists agreed that the IGF can be a very useful forum for discussions due to its multi-stakeholder approach, allowing for an informed and diverse debate of emerging issues such as the one of concepts, limits and approaches for hacking back from the private sector. It was said that during the transition, it was necessary the training of the staff was needed through workshops, presentations, etc. The discussion took place in a progress to follow about how it should be the precise deployment based on different steps, the first is the training for the implementation of IPv6 is the training of the responsible personnel for implementation This have the purpose to familiarize the staff with the concepts and logic of the protocol's operation; second, to perform an audit of all the hardware and software used in the organization.
This list must include the corresponding models and versions, as well as the details on their compatibility with IPv6; third, determine the type of IPv6 addressing according to your needs. IPv6 addresses of all types are assigned to interfaces, not to nodes; therefore, each interface can use different IPv6 addresses simultaneously. The promotion of the deployment of IPv6 is one of the actions that the Institute is carrying out with the approach of participating in the digital ecosystem. The future regulation of the digital ecosystem is a key issue, at a time when the pace of regulatory changes is not reaching the speed of transformation in the digital world.
Therefore, to meet the expectations of the rapidly evolving digital ecosystem, regulators have to adapt and create more flexible, innovative and less invasive regulatory frameworks that transcend the traditional telecommunications sector to take into account the multi-faceted and multipartite nature of the world digital. It was mentioned that this lack of transition has become a problem for years, since the rate of use of the IPV4 is running out, and almost all regions have reached the point where you are using the latest resources available policies already public implemented, with the exception of Africa which are not in the same situation; The panelist of the AUF is a clear example of the action of IPv6, the AUF is an association working in the academic field is made of regional bureau such as the one located in Yaounde Cameroon; it covered central Africa and great lakes areas; Therefore, it was necessary to understand IPv6 and implement it within their own networks; All ISPs in Cameroon have IPv6 prefixes.
The training of technical personnel in had a great influence on the implementation and designation. Previously, there was the v6 routing problem with CAMTEL's upstream provider, but justification defense management was driven by the Cameroon regional manager to use IPv6 in their networks; that is why it was necessary to intervene in the deployment of IPv6 within the government, the ministries, the presidency, the regional offices and even the regulator itself.
The group discussed that it is necessary that the websites of Internet have an IPv6 configuration; otherwise, the users will not be able to access its content and is more difficult to add new devices and grow the network. The adoption of IPv6 It is not a new issue, it has been trying to be implemented for more than 10 years, many technologies help to adapt the protocol and that it is granted free of charge by network operators having an effective result in their country, for example: The importance of properly disseminating information on the implementation of IPv6 and the role that has technological evolution, in this sense, should be addressed to the different sectors and involved in the development of the Internet, including users, creators and generators of content, service providers, technology providers, companies, entities of public administration and international organizations, must have knowledge of the operation and deployment of the IPv6 protocol to encourage use and achieve a rapid, efficient and safe transition.
Therefore, the Federal Institute of telecommunications of Mexico has been a promoter of the transition to IPv6, since in the country this transition is considered a platform for innovation, economic development and global connectivity. The activities that the Institute has carried out to promote the deployment of IPv6 the include issuance of guidelines and technical requirements. There was only one question. There were opening comment, which have been integrated in other parts of this report.
As we are launching a book to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the South School on Internet Governance our three questions are:. There was an extensive discussion about the evolution of the most important Internet Governance issues evolution during the last 10 years and also how they can evolve in the future, specifically the issues discussed were.
Privacy rules from Europe are somehow shaping the privacy discussion in Latin America. The relevance of capacity building and the publication of books like the one which was presented. The discussion was mainly focused on the evolution of the concept of Internet access and what it means today, access for women and girs, and accesss in those areas whre there is no connectivity using community networks.
Several participants spoke about the importance of the South School on Internet Governance in creating and enhancing the Internet Governance ecosystem. Emerging Technologies and Cybersecurity, Trust and Privacy. Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. There was time for more than 15 questions and comments including at least five from remote participants. There was support for added emphasis on: One questioner stressed the need for governments and the United Nations to do more to shape the use of the IoT and AI. Better communications with the national and regional IGFs could help recruit talent and comments.
The work of BPF identified the norms that exist and any best practices that can be learnt; and then looking into the question of a digital security divide in which some sets of users have better cybersecurity protections than others. It recognises that norms have become more important as a mechanism for state and non-state actors to agree on a responsible way to behave in cyberspace, partly because traditional law-making is generally not able to keep pace with the evolution of online security threats. It found that there are a great variety of norms, varying from the culture of cybersecurity within a company to behaviours of end users, including an example of a teacher in the classroom.
However, norms are often developed in relatively small and close communities which focus on their areas of expertise and do not involve or communicate with others. And they are often developed by a specific group of stakeholders or countries which can make it difficult to transfer them to a multistakeholder environment. The BPF output can be seen as valuable in raising visibility of norms developed outside the intergovernmental realm, which governments are sometimes less aware of. But many norms are developed between states or within the private sector. When norms are developed, it is important to find ways to bring in technical expertise and allow for the involvement of stakeholders.
The November Paris Call is an encouraging exception, with almost signatories coming from across governments, the private sector, the technical community and civil society, and a focus on working together with different stakeholders to tackle these challenges. It has a mandate very much focused on developing and implementing norms, and has recently adopted the Singapore Norm Package, providing six further norms to the two previously agreed, and with the express purpose of having them adopted by public and private sector actors towards an architecture to improve international security and stability in cyberspace.
However, the GCSC is a discussion just between governments, and only 25 of them. It could benefit from the expertise and knowledge of stakeholders, conscious that the technical community and civil society manages much of the Internet and the private sector owns most of the critical infrastructure. A major example of private sector efforts to develop norms is the Cyber Tech Accord which has brought together over 60 large and small companies representing network operators, software developers, social media companies and cybersecurity researchers.
Its work is based around some central norms — to protect all customers, to oppose cyber-attacks on innocent citizens and enterprises, and to help empower users, customers, and developers to strengthen cybersecurity protection. Beyond developing high-level norms, it also develops capacity among its members through sharing technical information and providing training. In taking responsibility for its role, a particularly important element for the private sector is the principle of security by design, which should be enshrined in many of these norms.
It is important to separate the security of the infrastructure, which this BPF is focused on, from questions of content shared online. Issues such as freedom of expression, data protection, intellectual property have their own separate legal frameworks and should not be taken within cybersecurity laws or norms. One panellist spoke of cybersecurity laws being adopted which also bring in non-cybersecurity measures, such as prohibiting the sharing of information over the Internet by public officials or making it illegal to question official statistics.
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Capacity building is needed in terms of both financial resources. More partnerships would be an important way to help achieve this, helping to get experts in various regional levels and at the ground level to spread expertise and norms into all parts of the world. In the discussion, it was suggested to think about the various steps required to have norms in place. This relates to identifying which kinds of bodies, beyond governments, could take on the authority for driving the implementation of norms, and could also extend to providing some kind of accountability for attributing non-compliance with norms and creating pressure which can help the norm become accepted over time.
The media can also play a role in shedding light on exploitations and subversion of cybersecurity norms or drawing attention to best practices. The IGF does not have a mandate to develop norms or to be any kind of authorisation body related to norms. However, there could be a role for the IGF to continue its intersessional work on cybersecurity by contributing to developing a narrative, e.
The session did not discuss cybersecurity in the context of gender; only cybersecurity as it relates to society as a whole. The success of Internet in a community apart of the availability of infrastructure is determined by the availability of local contents and local services in local languages. More of these contents and services are available in a community, more successful the internet is.
In some parties of the world there are already existing and consolidated models that today guarantee a flow of resources from TV and radio, film industry, publishers, etc. In the developed countries these mechanisms are slowly moving to extend their action also to internet contents. Face to the insufficient transfer of resources from the Internet platforms to local creators in local languages especially in small countries , the most efficient way to improve the quantity and quality of local contents and languages over the Internet is to accelerate and facilitate the conversion of existing models into the Internet market.
Cinema becoming digital and on line. TV and radio becoming digital and producing ad hoc contents for the on-line distribution. Printed media becoming digital publishers of web-based contents and services;. Effective national and regional laws could incentive this process of transformation, while International Treaties such as UNESCO on cultural diversity and WIPO on the protection of authors, performers, producers and broadcasters rights could represent a level playing field and provide appropriate framework for domestic policies.
The BPF session presents a series of case studies and successful practices that provide useful food for thoughts. There was broad support for the view that…; Many [or some] indicated that…; Some supported XX, whileothers. Full support was expressed to all experience presented, each one of the covering one specific need and perspective.
Roberto Gaetano explained the importance to develop more and more Internet identifiers for instance domain names and email addresses in non-ASCII scripts. Without that all non-latin languages and regions of the world are practically excluded from the effective access to Internet.
Lianna Galstyan presented the experience of Armenia educational platform, where -thanks to the state financing- educational resources have been made available on line to all educational institutes of the country. Ucha Seturi presented the Tusheti project in Georgia where the valorization of a specific territory and of its language has been made possible through an Internet platform that allows direct trade of local products and promotion of tourism in that region. Ema Edesio and Enyi Omeruoah from Nigeria presented the successful experience of a selfproduced movie: A community of Alain Modot from France but also representing the AUB African Union of Broadcasters , explained the project of Hub Africa, where -with the seed money from institutional partners such as EU or development funds publics or provates - a serie of programmes will be coproduced with a consortium of broadcasters, with centralized sales of advertising spaces for the TV and the on line distribution simoultaneously.
Gonzalo Laguado from Colombia presented the successful experience of the Colombian film fund Pro-Imagenes, that supports with state funding and with money from taxations of certain activities, the development of movies including one nominated best foreign movie at the Oscars , TV series and ,more recently, of web series. Putting in place the proper mechanism created by IGF for the BPF, that consists in identifying experiences models and enablers that could help to solve the lack of local contents in local languages, especially in underdeveloped countries.
Gender issue was not the main subject of discussion. Session participants examined the implicit and explicit governance and design elements present in existing blockchain technologies and decentralized systems and will explore the trade-off decisions communities engage in when selecting certain governance and design elements, and the benefits and costs of those trade-offs. Session participants discussed best practices in rooting out the values inherent in each governance and design choice and exploring the resulting implications for the community and the impact they have on each stakeholder group that comprises that community.
Session participants explored whether blockchain governance mechanisms can enable uses for social good, including new practices that better comply with the original ethos of the Internet, and help society more broadly deal with issues related to fake news, digital oppression or digital targeting, or issues of socio-economic disparity in access. There was broad support for the view that There was broad support for the idea that blockchain governance is an increasingly important topic increasingly gaining attention.
There was broad support for the idea that the Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technology should consider blockchain governance and weigh in on the issues. Further, there was support for the position that although blokchain technology enables decentralized governance, decentralized governance is not the same thing as the decentralization of power.
Thus, governance mechanisms are important aspects of acccess and control in blockchain technology. There was also broad support for the idea that blockchain technology allows new and emerging forms of governance but that if ecosystem participants are not careful they may end up re-creating existing exploitative systems of power.
There was discussion around the idea of replacing institutions with software, and a call to action by the panelists for participation from attendees in helping the blockchain ecosystem self-govern well. In response to audience questions about creating a protected space for experimentation with blockchain governance and questions of liability for governance decisions, the panel introduced a new dynamic coalition project on the interface between blockchain-based systems and the legal systems of the world.
The Dynamic Coaliton asked participants in the session to join in this new work, and to help resolve questions about protected experimental space and the need to avoid capture of blockchain goernance by outside actors. The panel did not discuss gender issues. All members of the DC COS are active within the IGF ecosystem, individually many are already active on aspects of this topic, raising awareness among policy makers, promoting research, etc. There was no mention of the gender dimension of the problem rather a mention of how relevant it is to consider age differentiation regardless of gender when discussing solutions.
Based on the discussions during the session, how can digital cooperation mechanisms be improved such as: Community networks CNs improve connectivity while empowering Internet users. CNs give rise to new infrastructures, new governance models, new business opportunities, and facilitate the free flow of information and knowledge, filling the lacunae left by the traditional Internet access-provision paradigm. Its goal is to provide guidance on how to build, organise, and deploy CNs. It offers toolkits, guidelines, and instructions to be used by all interested stakeholders for the concrete constructions of such networks.
All interested stakeholder are invited to join DC3 members for presentation of the CN Manual and to freely share it. Community Networks are networks structured to be open, unrestricted, and to respect net neutrality. They rely on the active participation of local communities in the design, development, deployment, and management of shared infrastructure as a common resource. There was broad agreement amongst panellists on the benefits of Community Networks as a promising strategy allowing individuals to build connectivity.
Policy and regulation should facilitate their development. Reduced regulatory obligations for community networks as regards license and authorisations, as they are generally small size non for profit organisation essentially acting in the public interest. Allow more flexible use of spectrum. Importantly, legal sustainability of Community Networks is also dependent on the ability of Community Networks to engage in advocacy and try to change telecom policy, which does not consider their specific needs and is tailored for large incumbents.
Policy-makers and CNs should address the various regulatory hurdles that hinder the growth and development of the CN movement and cooperate to move the debate forward. The work of the Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity was praised for as being an excellent venue for cooperation, synergy and elaboration of concrete outcomes. IGF should focus more on outcome oriented initiatives. Emerging last mile connectivity initiatives demonstrate significant diversity, and policy approaches to support the same require as much innovation and context-specific application.
The legislation prepared by working groups of the European Commission and European Parliament have had a significant impact on Core Internet Values. We focus on two specific processes: Specifically Article 11 and Article It therefore does not have a one-sided good or bad influence on the Internet's development. However, how it is implemented will be the defining factor on whether its support of the Core Internet Value of User Centricity outweights its conflict with a borderless Internet. Article 11 and 13 break a number of Core Internet Values, The fundamental problem with many of the mechanisms that are being developed is that they are not intended to allow the network to work, but to fix a social problem by messing with the underlying technology.
The fundamental problem with many of the mechanisms that are being developed is that they are not intended to allow the network to work, but to fix a social problem by messing with the underlying technology.
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The fundamental mistake made, a deep technical mistake, is that this is a centralised system that can be directed from above. Whilst the actual problems that need to be resolved are important, the legislation that is being brought forward is actually harmful to the end goal that governments are trying to achieve.
There was broad agreement in the room with the panellist positions. It was also added that such legislation, whether GDPR, Article 11 and Article 13 that might have been originally intended to target large Internet companies, will actually affect smaller players in a much more significant way, as they do not have the resources to address the new requirements. Work better to inform people that this new legislation is detrimental to the Internet. Join the "Save Your Internet" campaign.
A lot more has to be done to communicate the challenges posed by regulation issues that affect end users. Thanks for your time very much for the high quality and amazing guide. Thanks for every one of your effort on this web page. Most people learn all of the powerful method you give practical tips and hints through this blog and as well as boost participation from website visitors on the area plus our own simple princess has been studying a lot of things. You are always carrying out a splendid job. Thanks for all of your work on this site. Most people learn all relating to the lively ways you make practical suggestions by means of the web site and therefore recommend contribution from other individuals about this matter so our own daughter is actually becoming educated a lot of things.
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