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Contents:Both the total white blood cell WBC count and the monocytes were significantly P less than 0. Chicks fed processed soya bean generally had higher number of monocytes. Physical properties determined were specific gravity and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The latter was significantly P less than 0. Of all these, chicks fed RSB had significantly P less than 0. Examination of the safety of gamma-irradiated soya flour. Fat-free soya flour was used as model food for demonstrating the safety of food additives decontaminated with ionizing radiation. Important medical-biological tests were performed for evaluating the potential toxicity of irradiated food products.
The parameters studied were: The results were summarized in five tables. To look up the implementation of a technologic package for the soya 's double production we did two experiments: Silage was did in heavy plastic bags and added 3 doses of formic acid, 3 doses of formaldehyde and the final combinations of both additives 16 treatments that was applied 3 times. Hay was did in bales that weighted between kg. AI though it demonstrated the possibility to use the hay and silage of soja's forrage for conservation, no differences was found between additives studied on the silage.
Protein determination in soya bean by fast neutron activation analysis. For a non-destructive determination of the protein content in soya bean samples, MeV neutron activation analysis was applied. To check the method, the results obtained by X-ray fluorescence analysis and the Kjeldahl procedure were compared.
Colletotrichum acutatum y C. Colletotrichum acutatum and C. In this work, the specific primers designed to discriminate bo Full Text Available Abstract. It was planned to detect the cognitive processes that mentally retarded children used when solving math problems, through the use or metacognitive strategies. The work was done whit a sample of twenty mentally retarded children that attend integrated classrooms from de provinces of Heredia and Alajuela.
The results show that the more cognitive engaged the children are, the more difficulty they will have when using cognitive processes to register the information in the short term memory. The advanced kids could use the processes in a better way, but with interferences and difficulty to recover the information form the long term memory and give correct answers to the cognitive task they are working on. The following tests were performed: It was only pos Full Text Available Resumen: In an academic environment it is possible that, under certain circumstances and for different purposes, some kind of descriptive report on a case of plagiarism or attribution will be required.
This task must be performed by a fully trained linguist and, at the time of writing his analysis, this one should apply a compact and a systematic methodology. This article, in this sense, outlines an action protocol, using some tools that facilitate the detection of plagiarism in an academic framework. Detection of Seed-Borne Fungal pathogens on Soya beans. Soya beans Glycine max max L. Seed-borne diseases cause significant losses in seed, food production and quality of seed and grain. Studies on seed borne diseases in Kenya have not been given emphasis on very important seed crops among the soya beans.
The identification and rejection of the seed crop is mainly based on visual appraisal in the field with little or no laboratory work undertaken. Three methods were used to analyse the health status of fifty two soyabean seed samples collected from the National Plant Breeding Research Centre-Njoro and farmers' fields in Bahati division of Nakuru district. The analysis was carried out in the laboratory.
The objective of the analysis was to identify and inventory seed-borne fungal pathogens of soya beans grown in Kenya. The normal blotter, herbicide and germination test methods were used. The tests revealed the presence of several important fungal pathogens on soyabean seed samples.
Among the pathogens recorded Phoma sp, phomopsis sp, fusarium sp, Hainesia lyhri and Cercospora kikuchii were frequently recorded on the seed samples. Results of the germination test between paper method showed low germination Hainesia lyhri was a new record on the soyabean seeds. Effects of calci soya balance and vitagnus on menopausal symptoms. Menopause is a period of women's lives with changes and symptoms that affect their work, sleep and quality of life. Therefore, it is important to overcome these symptoms.
The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of Calci soya balance and Vitagnus on menopausal symptoms. This double-blinded controlled trial study was performed in public health centers of Tehran University of Medical Sciences Seventy postmenopausal women with menopausal symptoms were randomly divided into two groups of treatments with Vitagnus and Calci soya balance. Data were collected using interviews, answering Cooperman's index questionnaires before four and eight weeks after the treatment. Descriptive and analytic statistics were used for analyzing the data. Mann-Whitney test did not show any significant differences between the two groups, before and after four and eight weeks of treatment.
The results showed that both Vitagnus and Calci soya balance were effective on reduction of menopausal symptoms to a similar extent and medical community can administer each of these two drugs based on patients' conditions and costs. Effect of raw soya bean particle size on productive performance and digestion of dairy cows. Differing soya bean particle sizes may affect productive performance and ruminal fermentation due to the level of fatty acid FA exposure of the cotyledon in soya bean grain and because the protein in small particles is more rapidly degraded than the protein in large particles, which influence ruminal fibre digestion and the amounts of ruminally undegradable nutrients.
The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of raw soya bean particle size on productive performance, digestion and milk FA profile of dairy cows. Cows were fed 4 diets: Uncorrected milk yield and composition were not influenced by experimental diets; however, fat-corrected milk FCM decreased when cows were fed soya bean treatments. Cows fed cracked raw soya bean presented lower nitrogen in faeces than cows fed WRS. The addition of raw soya bean in cow diets, regardless of the particle size, did not impair uncorrected milk yield and nutrient digestion, and increased the concentration of unsaturated FA in milk.
Cows fed cracked raw soya bean presented similar productive performance to cows fed whole raw soya bean. Identification of prenylated pterocarpans and other isoflavonoids in Rhizopus spp. Phytoalexins from soya are mainly characterised as prenylated pterocarpans, the glyceollins.
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Extracts of non-soaked and soaked soya beans, as well as that of soya seedlings, grown in the presence of Rhizopus microsporus var. Soya -lecithin in extender improves the freezability and fertility of buffalo Bubalus bubalis bull spermatozoa. Egg yolk is routinely used as a cryoprotectant in semen extenders. However, it may contain cryoprotective antagonists, and there are hygienic risks associated with its use.
Proteins of plant origin, like soya -lecithin, lack these hazards. The aim of this study was to use soya -lecithin as a cryoprotectant in extender and to investigate its effects on in vitro quality and in vivo fertility of buffalo semen. Semen from three buffalo bulls was frozen in tris-citric extender containing 5.
Sperm motility, plasma membrane integrity and viability were assessed post-dilution, pre-freezing and post-thaw. High levels of whole raw soya beans in dairy cow diets: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of high levels of whole raw soya beans in the diets of lactating cows. Soya and isoflavone intakes associated with reduced risk of oesophageal cancer in north-west China.
To ascertain the association between soya consumption, isoflavone intakes and oesophageal cancer risk in remote north-west China, where the incidence of oesophageal cancer is known to be high. Information on habitual consumption of soya foods and soya milk was obtained by personal interview. The intakes of isoflavones were then estimated using the US Department of Agriculture nutrient database. Logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the association between soya consumption, isoflavone intakes and oesophageal cancer risk.
Participants were incident oesophageal cancer patients and hospital-based controls. Logistic regression analyses showed an inverse association between intake of soya products and the risk of oesophageal cancer. Similarly, inverse associations with apparent dose-response relationships were found between isoflavone intakes and oesophageal cancer risk.
Habitual consumption of soya products appears to be associated with reduced risk of oesophageal cancer in north-west China. Isolated soya protein with standardised levels of isoflavones, cotyledon soya fibres and soya phospholipids improves plasma lipids in hypercholesterolaemia: The objective was to study whether a yoghurt containing isolated soya protein with standardised levels of isoflavones, cotyledon soya fibres and soya phospholipids is more effective in lowering total and LDL-cholesterol than a placebo.
One hundred and forty-three subjects were randomised to the soya group n 69 or to the placebo n The mean baseline levels were 7. Fasting serum lipoproteins were assessed five times during the 8-week intervention period, and 4 weeks thereafter. The results were analysed by a mixed model for unbalanced repeated measurements.
During the intervention, there were highly significant differences in lipid-lowering effect in favour of the active soya intervention group compared with the control group. The significant differences were for total cholesterol estimated mean difference 0. Plantas de soya cultivar Coodetec rr fueron inoculadas con diferentes concentraciones 5x, 10x, 15x, 20x, 25x y 30x de uredosporas.
Towards the development of a sustainable soya bean-based feedstock for aquaculture. Soya bean Glycine max L. Genetic approaches to add value to either component are ongoing efforts in soya bean breeding and molecular biology programmes. The former is the primary vegetable oil consumed in the world. Hence, its primary usage is in direct human consumption. As a means to increase its utility in feed applications, thereby expanding the market of soya bean coproducts, we investigated the simultaneous displacement of marine ingredients in aquafeeds with soya bean-based protein and a high Omega-3 fatty acid soya bean oil, enriched with alpha-linolenic and stearidonic acids, in both steelhead trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and Kampachi Seriola rivoliana.
Communicated herein are aquafeed formulations with major reduction in marine ingredients that translates to more total Omega-3 fatty acids in harvested flesh. Building off of these findings, subsequent efforts were directed towards a genetic strategy that would translate to a prototype design of an optimal identity-preserved soya bean-based feedstock for aquaculture, whereby a multigene stack approach for the targeted synthesis of two value-added output traits, eicosapentaenoic acid and the ketocarotenoid, astaxanthin, were introduced into the crop. To this end, the systematic introduction of seven transgenic cassettes into soya bean, and the molecular and phenotypic evaluation of the derived novel events are described.
Soya food intake and risk of endometrial cancer among Chinese women in Shanghai: Objective To evaluate the association of intake of soya food, a rich source of phytoestrogens, with the risk of endometrial cancer. Design Population based case-control study, with detailed information on usual soya food intake over the past five years collected by face to face interview using a food frequency questionnaire. Setting Urban Shanghai, China.
Participants incident cases of endometrial cancer in women aged of 30 to 69 years diagnosed during and identified from the Shanghai Cancer Registry; control women frequency matched to cases on age and randomly selected from the Shanghai Residential Registry. Main outcome measures Odds ratios for risk of endometrial cancer in women with different intakes of soya foods. Results Regular consumption of soya foods, measured as amount of either soya protein or soya isoflavones, was inversely associated with the risk of endometrial cancer.
Compared with women with the lowest quarter of intake, the adjusted odds ratio of endometrial cancer was reduced from 0. A similar inverse association was observed for soya isoflavones and soya fibre intake. The inverse association seemed to be more pronounced among women with high body mass index and waist: Conclusion Regular intake of soya foods is associated with a reduced risk of endometrial cancer. Then, the blends were exposed to natural weathering for 6 months. Effect of soya protein on blood pressure: Observational studies have indicated that soya food consumption is inversely associated with blood pressure BP.
Evidence from randomised controlled trials RCT on the BP-lowering effects of soya protein intake is inconclusive. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of soya protein intake in lowering BP. The PubMed database was searched for published RCT in the English language through to April , which compared a soya protein diet with a control diet.
We conducted a random-effects meta-analysis to examine the effects of soya protein on BP. Subgroup and meta-regression analyses were performed to explore possible explanations for heterogeneity among trials. Soya protein consumption significantly reduced SBP and DBP in both hypertensive and normotensive subjects, and the reductions were markedly greater in hypertensive subjects. Significant and greater BP reductions were also observed in trials using carbohydrate, but not milk products, as the control diet.
Meta-regression analyses further revealed a significantly inverse association between pre-treatment BP and the level of BP reductions. In conclusion, soya protein intake, compared with a control diet, significantly reduces both SBP and DBP, but the BP reductions are related to pre-treatment BP levels of subjects and the type of control diet used as comparison. Soybean meal-induced enteritis SBMIE is a well-described condition in the distal intestine of salmonids, and saponins have been implicated as the causal agent.
Moreover, the dose-response relationship has not been described. Saponins caused dose-dependent increases in the severity of inflammation independent of the basal diet, with concomitant alterations in digestive functions and immunological marker expression.
Thus, saponins induced inflammation whether the diet contained other legume components or not. However, responses were often the same or stronger in fish fed the corresponding saponin-supplemented LP diets despite lower saponin exposure, suggesting potentiation by other legume component s. Fermented soya bean tempe extracts reduce adhesion of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli to intestinal epithelial cells. This study aimed to investigate the effect of processed soya bean, during the successive stages of tempe fermentation and different fermentation times, on adhesion of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli ETEC K88 to intestinal brush border cells as well as Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells; and to clarify the mechanism of action.
Tempe was prepared at controlled laboratory scale using Rhizopus microsporus var. ETEC K88 bacteria were found to interact with soya bean extracts, and this may contribute to the observed decrease of ETEC adhesion to intestinal epithelial cells. Fermented soya beans tempe reduce the adhesion of ETEC to intestinal epithelial cells of pig and human origin. The results strengthen previous observations on the anti-diarrhoeal effect of tempe. This effect indicates that soya -derived compounds may reduce adhesion of ETEC to intestinal cells in pigs as well as in humans and prevent against diarrhoeal diseases.
Estimation of soya cultivation efficiency in conditions of Belarus lands polluted by radionuclides. Production of high-protein soya crop including lands polluted by radionuclides after the Chernobyl accident, causes to the necessity of carrying out research to study the radionuclide transfer into production of this crop. As a result of research the transfer factors of Cs and 90Sr from soil into seeds and green mass of various soya varieties have been determined to allow a prediction of radionuclide transfer into production. Limiting densities of radionuclide pollution for moderately improved sod - podzol sandy soils for production of the soya products corresponding of Cs and 90Sr content to the national permissible levels are established.
Use of the crop in plant cultivation and cattle-breeding branch is accompanied by high energy - conserving effects. Soya products contains high quantity of total energy per kilogram of forage. The most highly energy-conserving forages are waste products of soya processing: High profitability of this crop cultivation is provided by production for seeds.
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It is economically defensible a soya beans cultivation for processing and for fodder. For reception of seeds for food purposes there are restrictions on pollution of soil: Higher bioavailability of isoflavones after a single ingestion of a soya -based supplement than a soya -based food in young healthy males. Soya isoflavones, genistein and daidzein, are the focus of numerous studies investigating their potential effects on health and results remain controversial.
Bioavailability is clearly a crucial factor influencing their bioefficacy and could explain these discrepancies. This study aimed at assessing: Twelve healthy volunteers were recruited in a randomized two-way crossover trial and received 35 mg isoflavones equivalent aglycone either through supplements or through cheese, both containing different patterns of isoflavone conjugates and different daidzein: A specific ELISA method was used to assess the plasma and urinary concentrations of isoflavones and thus the pharmacokinetic parameters, which were then normalized to mg of each isoflavone ingested.
In conclusion, this work completes studies on isoflavone bioavailability and presents new data regarding isoflavone concentrations in soya -derivative products. Assuming that isoflavone conjugation patterns do not influence isoflavone bioavailability, this study shows that isoflavones contained in capsules are more bioavailable than those contained in soya -based cheese.
Although the supplement is more bioavailable, the relative importance of this is difficult to interpret as there is little evidence that supplements are biologically active in human subjects to date and further studies will be necessary for this specific supplement to prove its efficacy. Effect of gamma irradiation on the protein, amino acids and carbohydrate contents of soya -gari diet. Soya -gari diet, prepared by enrichment of gari Manihot esculanta Cranz with soya flour, methionine, lysine and salt mixture was irradiated with doses of Gamma irradiation of the soya -gari diet with doses as high as Krad had no significant effect on the amino acids, total proteins, soluble carbohydrates, hemicelluloses, cellulose and lignin contents.
Inability to detect significant absorption of immunoreactive soya protein in healthy adults may be relevant to its weak allergenicity. Soya and peanut are botanically closely related and share cross-reacting antigens, but compared to soya , peanut allergy has a higher prevalence with more severe allergic reactions. Furthermore, the threshold dose for eliciting reactions is higher for soya. A difference in undigested While we cannot totally exlude technical reasons, it may also reflect a true poor absorption in healthy adult volunteers.
This could, in turn, be relevant to the apparently weak allergenicity of soy protein by comparison with peanut protein in allergic subjects Development of soya milk extender for semen cryopreservation of Karan Fries crossbreed cattle. Egg yolk based semen extenders are used widely, with the potential risk of xenobiotic contamination. This study was designed to develop a soya milk based extender to substitute egg yolk based extender for bovine semen cryopreservation.
In the first experiment soya milk was prepared from fresh soya bean Glycine max. In the second experiment the Karan Fries semen was cryopreserved in SMT extender with 25 percent soya milk selected from the first experiment using different concentration of glycerol, as cryoprotectant, ranging from percent with a difference of 0. Glycerol at a final concentration of 6.
Further, semen samples were split and cryopreserved in newly developed SMT extender containing 6. In conclusion, the newly developed SMT extender maintained comparable semen quality as compared to EYT extender hence it can. Comparison of human IgE-binding soya bean allergenic protein Gly m I with the antigenicity profiles of calf anti- soya protein sera. In the food, particularly the feed, industry, large quantities of soya bean protein products are used for the formulation of end-products destined for human or animal consumption.
These basic ingredients and the final end products often have to fulfill specific requirements regarding the presence of. Soya bean expansion in Mozambique: Exploring the inclusiveness and viability of soya business models as an alternative to the land grab. Throughout the world, soya beans and seeds are typically cultivated in large plantations. Little has been discussed, however, about how large plantations evolve as they interact with various.
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Sticking power from soya beans: Soya beans have long been considered a miracle crop for their ease of growing; high concentration of vegetable oil and high protein content; and their ability to reintroduce nitrogen back into the soil. The origin of soya beans dates back to the early 11th century from the eastern half of China. They were introduced to Europe in and first Identity recognition in response to different levels of genetic relatedness in commercial soya bean.
Identity recognition systems allow plants to tailor competitive phenotypes in response to the genetic relatedness of neighbours. There is limited evidence for the existence of recognition systems in crop species and whether they operate at a level that would allow for identification of different degrees of relatedness. Here, we test the responses of commercial soya bean cultivars to neighbours of varying genetic relatedness consisting of other commercial cultivars intraspecific , its wild progenitor Glycine soja, and another leguminous species Phaseolus vulgaris interspecific.
We found, for the first time to our knowledge, that a commercial soya bean cultivar, OAC Wallace, showed identity recognition responses to neighbours at different levels of genetic relatedness. OAC Wallace showed no response when grown with other commercial soya bean cultivars intra-specific neighbours , showed increased allocation to leaves compared with stems with wild soya beans highly related wild progenitor species , and increased allocation to leaves compared with stems and roots with white beans interspecific neighbours.
Wild soya bean also responded to identity recognition but these responses involved changes in biomass allocation towards stems instead of leaves suggesting that identity recognition responses are species-specific and consistent with the ecology of the species. In conclusion, elucidating identity recognition in crops may provide further knowledge into mechanisms of crop competition and the relationship between crop density and yield.
Gamma-ray sterilization of peat carriers for the production of legume seed inoculants better production of soya bean. In the present work the first Yugoslav experiments on the application of gamma radiation for the sterilization of peat in the production of inoculants for soya bean production are summarised and briefly discussed.
A radiation dose of 50 kGy was used. The growth and survival of the soya bean nodule bacteria, Rhizobium japonicum, in the sterilized peat is shown. Granulomatous enteritis in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss associated with soya bean meal regardless of water dissolved oxygen level.
This study investigated morphological changes associated with soya bean meal-induced enteritis SBMIE in distal intestine DI of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss fed a soya bean meal SBM -based diet and exposed to normoxia or hypoxia created by optimal and low water flow rates, respectively. Distribution of soya -saponin in brain and peripheral tissue after peritoneal injection.

The results showed that the peak value of radioactive soya -saponin in all tissue appeared at 30 min after peritoneal injection. There were higher radioactivities in brain and suprarene comparing with other organs. The highest radioactivity was seen in hypothalamus among the every brain areas. It is a first report that soyasaponin can pass through the blood brain barrier when peripheral injection. The result also supported the opinion that soyasaponin might act on the hypothalamus and central regulation of cardiovascular system. Another finding was that soyasaponin also showed a higher affinity with adrenal gland, which indicated that the soyasaponin might possess of peripheral effect for regulation of cardiovascular system as well.
Grain product of 34 soya mutant lines;Rendimiento de grano de 34 lineas mutantes de soya. The association between soya consumption and serum thyroid-stimulating hormone concentrations in the Adventist Health Study Consumers may choose soya foods as healthful alternatives to animal products, but concern has arisen that eating large amounts of soya may adversely affect thyroid function. The present study aimed to examine the association between soya food consumption and serum thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH concentrations in North American churchgoers belonging to the Seventh-day Adventist denomination that encourages vegetarianism.
Participants completed six repeated 24 h dietary recalls within a 6-month period. Soya protein and soya isoflavone intakes were estimated, and their relationships to TSH concentrations measured at the end of 6 months were calculated using logistic regression analyses. Calibration sub-study of the Adventist Health Study Women n and men n who were not taking thyroid medications. In multivariate models adjusted for age, ethnicity and urinary iodine, soya isoflavone and protein intakes were not associated with high TSH in men. In women higher soya isoflavone consumption was associated with higher TSH, with an adjusted odds ratio highest v.
In women high consumption of soya was associated with elevated TSH concentrations. No associations between soya intake and TSH were found in men. Effect of soya lecithin on the enzymatic system of the white-rot fungi Anthracophyllum discolor. The present work optimized the initial pH of the medium and the incubation temperature for ligninolytic enzymes produced by the white-rot fungus Anthracophyllum discolor.
Additionally, the effect of soya lecithin on mycelial growth and the production of ligninolytic enzymes in static batch cultures were evaluated. The critical micelle concentration of soya lecithin was also studied by conductivity. Under these culture conditions, the maximum enzyme production was During the study of the effect of soya lecithin on A. On the other hand, in the presence of soya lecithin, A. The other enzymes were produced but to a lesser extent. The enzymatic activity of A. The critical micelle concentration of soya lecithin calculated in our study was 0. Soya protein antibodies in man: Circulating antibodies to soya -derived protein antigens have been measured in patients with duodenitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and coeliac disease.
Significantly raised antibody titres were found frequently in the coeliac group, particularly those patients showing a suboptimal response to a gluten-free diet, but rarely in subjects with other gastrointestinal diseases. Antisoya activity was not necessarily accompanied by antibodies to other common dietary antigens. We suggest that some coeliacs may have an associated dietary soya sensitivity which could adversely influence their response to gluten withdrawal.
Soya -saponins induce intestinal inflammation and barrier dysfunction in juvenile turbot Scophthalmus maximus. Soybean meal-induced enteritis SBMIE is a well-described condition in the distal intestine DI of several cultured fish species, but the exact cause is still unclear. The work on Atlantic salmon and zebrafish suggested soya -saponins, as heat-stable anti-nutritional factors in soybean meal, are the major causal agents. However, this conclusion was not supported by the research on some other fish, such as gilthead sea bream and European sea bass.
Our previous work proved that soybean could induce SBMIE on turbot and the present work aimed to investigate whether soya -saponins alone could cause SBMIE and the effects of soya -saponins on the intestinal barrier function in juvenile turbot. Turbots with initial weight At the end of the trial, all fish were weighed and plasma was obtained for diamine oxidase DAO activity and d-lactate level analysis and DI was sampled for histological evaluation and quantification of antioxidant parameters and inflammatory marker genes.
The activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase and intestinal glutathione level were selected to evaluated intestinal antioxidant system. Effects of inclusion level on nutrient digestibility and energy content of wheat middlings and soya bean meal for growing pigs. Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of inclusion level of wheat middlings and soya bean meal on apparent total tract digestibility ATTD of energy and chemical components of these ingredients in growing pigs.
Furthermore, the effects of the inclusion level on their contents of digestible energy DE and metabolisable energy ME were also determined by the difference method. In Experiment 1, six diets were fed to 36 growing pigs according to a completely randomised design. The basal diet was a corn- soya bean meal diet while the other five diets contained 9.
The content of DE in soya bean meal did not differ at For soya bean meal, the estimated energy contents was independent of its inclusion level, but not for wheat middlings. Therefore, the inclusion level of wheat middlings has to be considered for estimating their energy value. Relative efficacy of casein or soya protein combined with palm or safflower-seed oil on hyperuricaemia in rats. Diets that ameliorate the adverse effects of uric acid UA on renal damage deserve attention.
The effects of casein or soya protein combined with palm or safflower-seed oil on various serum parameters and renal histology were investigated on hyperuricaemic rats. Male Wistar rats administered with oxonic acid and UA to induce hyperuricaemia were fed with casein or soya protein plus palm- or safflower-seed oil-supplemented diets.
After 8 weeks, allopurinol treatment and soya protein plus safflower-seed oil-supplemented diet significantly decreased serum UA in hyperuricaemic rats one-way ANOVA; P soya protein and casein attenuated hyperuricaemia-induced decreases in serum albumin and insulin, respectively two-way ANOVA; P soya protein significantly decreased renal NO and nitrotyrosine and palm oil significantly decreased renal nitrotyrosine, TNF-alpha and interferon-gamma and increased renal transforming growth factor-beta.
Casein with safflower-seed oil significantly attenuated renal tubulointerstitial nephritis, crystals and fibrosis. Today, the percentage of deaths due to heart diseases has increased and along with the exercise training role in reducing obesity and cardiovascular disease, soy is a useful source of food in reducing blood lipid and obesity. The present study investigated the effect of combined selective short aerobic moderate intensity exercise and soya intake on serum lipids and obesity in obese postmenopausal women.
In the present quasi-experimental study conducted in on women of Urmia, Iran, 56 obese postmenopausal women were selected and randomly divided into four groups of 14 subjects as follow: The subjects of soya group and exercise- soya group had a gram soya nut intake daily for 10 weeks. After The training course, blood samples were taken from the subjects. Having soya along with exercise had significant impact on reduction of TG, tCho, LDL-C means p soya group after 10 weeks p soya intake, decrease obesity and serum lipids in obese postmenopausal women.
Effect of ultra high pressure homogenization treatment on the bioactive compounds of soya milk. Ultra high pressure homogenization UHPH is a useful novel technology to obtain safe and high-quality liquid foods. Total phytosterols increased with the higher combination of pressure and temperature. Total tocopherols in UHPH-treated soya milks decreased as the temperature and pressure increased. El punto en el que los costes del. Algunos autores han destacado que la diferencia con el. En algunos casos es sencillo distin-. Por ejemplo, la frecuencia del sonido producido.
Sin embargo, otros ca-. Por tanto, el modelo. Existen numerosos estudios correlacionales y experi-. Ausente tB tb Tb tB tb tB tb. B, b, machos con alta y baja viabilidad respectivamente; t , machos. Las negritas indican el tipo de macho. Michael R yan R yan , R yan y Rand ha llama-. Bajo este punto de vista, los caracteres. Diferencia entre machos en Pelean Ganador. B Que la diferencia entre machos en la actividad de. C Que la actividad de tamborileo. T amborileos por minuto. El modelo predice que la preferencia debe estar.
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En varios estudios se ha. Compatibilidad de los modelos. A Sonograma del canto de las ranas sudamericanas del grupo Physalaemus pustulosus, que en algunas especies incluye. B Filogenia del grupo, en la que se muestra el posible origen evolutivo de la. En todas las especies del grupo las hembr as. Balmford y Read , Lotem Se trata de un campo de estudio muy activo y de. Se trata de los amplificadores, que. Este modelo se opone a otras visiones del apareamiento.
T anto bajo el punto de vista del modelo del. Hay muchos estudios que han encontra-. Hay algunos estudios que demuestran que distintas. Por ejemplo, en el pez de agua. Por ejemplo, en el papamoscas ce-. En este caso, las hem-. Otra posibilidad es que los efec-. Las flores vistosas con diferentes formas y coloracio-. T al vez la predomi-. T odo esto hace que sea. Esto es indicativo de una pre-. Las flores masculinas suelen ser mayores que las femeni-. Como en animales, los papeles sexuales pueden dife-. Competencia por el acceso a los polinizadores.
Los gametos masculinos han de ser transportados por. Las flores vistosas han evolucionado para. Pero los dos sexos necesitan exhibir sus. Esta lucha ha favorecido, entre otros, los caracteres que. Cada grano de polen produce. Los mecanismos que conducen a diferencias en. En otros or ganismos, como la levadura Sacchar omyces. Las ventajas selectivas del reconocimiento de la es-. Los caracteres sexuales selecciona-. Por ejemplo, en la mariposa Pieris. W iernarz y Kingsolver Las hembras eligen a los.
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El mismo sesgo hacia machos en el nacimiento. Caracter es sexuales secundarios como indicadores de. V arios estudios han comprobado que el. Por otra parte, tam-. Probabilidad de que las hembras se reproduzcan y.
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T odos estos estudios demuestran que el conoci-. Al menos tres aspectos. Hay evidencias de que las preferencias y los caracte-. Gran parte de la competencia se desarrolla entre coalicio-. Estas variaciones se interpretan. No obstante, una parte im-. Los hombres prefieren universalmente en las mujeres. No obstante, en algunas socie-. T anto en hombres como en mujeres muchos de los. El atractivo facial como de otras zonas atracti-.
En consonancia con ello, la importancia del atractivo fa-. En algunos casos los caracteres sexuales secundarios. Queremos agradecer a Manuel Soler que contara con. Las siguientes editoriales nos concedieron permiso para. Elsevier Science T abla 3 , Academic Press. Why are female birds ornamented? T esting alternative models of. Intra-sexual selection in Drosophila. Female guppies agree to differ:. The dark side of sexual. An exteroceptive block to pregnancy in the mouse. Sexual signaling in the. Sexual selection for male body-mass and the.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Fluctuating asymmetry of invertebrate. Behavior and ecology of two sexes. Reproductive success in male and female red deer. Mate choice on multiple cues,. On the origin of species by means of Natural. Selection, or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for. John Murray , London. The descent of man and selection in relation to sex. Effects of sexual selection and life history on. Species flocks in African cichlids and Hawaiian. Durante el tiempo dedicado a escribir el. Effects of hunger on mate-choice copying in.
Más información sobre El Mostrador
Sensory ecology , receiver biases. The genetical theory of natural selection. Female bluethroats prefer males. Birds T ails as Signaling Devices - Markings,. Shape, Length, and Feather Quality. Parasites, bright males and the. This game contained none of those traits. Instead of Predator hunting Arnold Schwarzenegger, you are instead submitted to hours upon hours of what can only be described as a Predator desk job of finding targets for other Predators. The variety of targets is unvaried; for some reason, they are all sexual offenders.
After you locate a target, you aren't even awarded with being able to see the Predators hunt him down and disembowel him. In fact, unless they are all cloaked, you never even get to see a single Predator! It is simply a boring, uninspired addition to the sci-fi game market. If you are here expecting classic, nonstop, gory action featuring Predator, steer clear of this game! There were no reviews of this apps version, but it looks like some of the issues that were in the version prior are still the same.
I would like information regarding the specific area I live in or where my children and grandchildren live.
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