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Contents:A mi me lo robo la señora que limpia en mi casa. Yo lo tengo en casa pero esta apagado y no lo encuemtro. Valentina - 11 sep a las Perdí mi selularxfrente de mi casa y esta aba apagado como puedo encontrarlo porfabor contestame.
Antonio - 25 jun a las He perdido mi Mobil en un parque, solo tengo 12 años i me lo han quitado, al llamar la 1a vez salio din respuesta pero a la segunda lo hayan apagado, ayuda. Acabo a emperder mi celular esta apagado y no se donde lo deje. Jaak - 12 ene a las Hola mi amiga tiene un dia de deaaparecida y quisiera rastrear du movil porque su tel dice el numerl que ustef marco esta fuera del area de servicio.
Como encontrar el movil perdido en casa con la tarjeta sim dada de baja. Porfabor necesitó una ayuda secuestraron a un amigo y ya le apagaron el tlfn quisiera saber en que parte esta su tlf. The crystal chemistry and geochemistry of the elements are presented and the essay concludes with a discussion on the elements within their depositional environments.
The Marianas-San Marcos vein system: Mineralization consists of Upper Jurassic Ma epithermal Au- and Ag-rich veins of low to intermediate sulfidation style, hosted in and genetically related to Jurassic intermediate composition volcanic rocks Ma. Veins have a complex infill history, represented by ten stages with clear crosscutting relationships that can be summarized in four main episodes: The first three episodes are interpreted to have formed at the same time and probably from fluids of similar composition: The last tectonic-hydrothermal mineralization episode E4 , interpreted to have formed at lower temperatures, could be related to this late tectonic and hydrothermal activity.
Chlorine triggered de-alloying of AuAg Carbon nanodots: Towards fabrication of a dual signalling assay combining the plasmonic property of bimetallic alloy nanoparticles and photoluminescence of carbon nanodots. Integration of Au-Ag alloy and fluorescent carbon nanodots C-dots into a single platform resulted in a new dual sensing assay for chlorine.
Selective etching of Ag from AuAg C-dots was transformed into: Fast oxidizing of silver atoms incorporated in the bimetallic structure induced by chlorine resulted in selective de-alloying of bimetallic hybrid nanoparticles and an intense visible change of the colloidal dispersion color. Thus, the assay enables the detection of chlorine both under visible and UV lights with high sensitivity. The detection limit DL values were calculated as 6. Most importantly, it was demonstrated to be selective over common cations, anions and some reactive oxygen species ROS.
This assay was successfully applied to the determination of chlorine concentration in bleach solution and tap water. It is robust and is suitable for cost effective chlorine measurement in environmental samples. Analyse en retour de la catastrophe de la Josefina Equateur, This paper sets a description and reconstitution of Josefina disaster Ecuador, spring with particular attention on phenomenon and socio-economic aspects.
A special analysis about. A mineral quantification method for wall rocks at open pit mines, and application to the Martha Au-Ag mine, Waihi, New Zealand. Pit lakes that result from open pit mining are potential water resources or potential environmental problems, depending on lake water quality. This study presents a mineral quantification method to measure the distribution and concentration of wall rock minerals in open pit mines, and applies the method to the Martha epithermal Au-Ag mine, Waihi, New Zealand.
Heterogeneous ore deposits, like Martha, require a large number of wall rock samples to accurately define mineral distributions. X-ray diffraction analyses of wall rock samples identified the most abundant minerals in the wall rocks as quartz, adularia, albite, illite, chlorite, kaolinite, pyrite and calcite. Distribution maps of these minerals defined 8 relatively homogenous areas of wall rock referred to as 'mineral associations': X-ray fluorescence, Leco furnace, and neutron activation analyses of 46 representative samples produced the geochemical dataset used to assign quantities of elements to observed minerals, and to calculate average mineral concentrations in each association.
Thin-section petrography and calcite concentrations from Sobek acid-digestions confirm the calculated mineralogy, providing validation for the method. Calcite and pyrite concentrations allowed advanced acid-base accounting for each mineral association, identifying 3 potential acid-producing associations and one potential acid-neutralizing association. The results target areas, where detailed hydrologic and kinetic tests would be valuable in the next stage of pit lake evaluation.
Detailed understanding of wall rock mineralogy will help strengthen predictions of pit lake water quality. The energy resonance point of the prominent peak of the absorption spectrum of nitrogen-doped graphene is in the ultraviolet region. This limits its application as a co-catalyst in renewable hydrogen evolution through photocatalytic water splitting in the visible light region.
It is well known that noble metal films show active absorption in the visible region due to the existence of the unique feature known as surface plasmon resonance. The energy resonance point of the prominent peak of the composite nanostructure is altered by changing the separation space of two-layered nanostructures. We found the strength of the absorption spectrum of the composite nanostructure is much stronger than the isolated N-doped graphene monolayer. When the separation space is decreased, the prominent peak of the absorption spectrum is red-shifted to the visible light region.
Moreover, currents of several microamperes exist above the surface of the N-doped graphene and Au film composite nanostructure. The N-doped graphene and noble metal film composite nanostructure is a good candidate material as a co-catalyst in renewable hydrogen production by photocatalytic water splitting in the visible light region.
Induced accumulation of Au , Ag and Cu in Brassica napus grown in a mine tailings with the inoculation of Aspergillus niger and the application of two chemical compounds. Eight days after the application of the chemical compounds, plants were harvested for determining the total dry biomass, and the content of Au , Ag , and Cu in plant organs. Hydrologic models of modern and fossil geothermal systems in the Great Basin: Genetic implications for epithermal Au-Ag and Carlin-type gold deposits.
The Great Basin region in the western United States contains active geothermal systems, large epithermal Au-Ag deposits, and world-class Carlin-type gold deposits. C at shallow depths m. Those with minimal fluid?? Those with intermediate to large isotopic shifts e. Enthalpy calculations constrain the duration of Carlin-type gold systems to probably account for the amount of silica in the sinter deposits.
In the Carlin trend, fluid circulation extended down into Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks, which afforded more mixing with isotopically enriched higher enthalpy fluids. Computed fission track ages along the Carlin trend included the convective effects, and ranged between Older fission track ages occurred in zones of groundwater recharge, and the younger ages occurred in discharge areas. This is largely consistent with fission track ages reported in recent studies.
We found that either an amagmatic system with more permeable faults m2 or a magmatic system with less. En esta medida se plantea como paradoja el discurso deldesarr El Cuaternario en el macizo de Sierra Nevada. Particularmente significativos son los progresos realizados en el macizo de Sierra Nevada, en el sur peninsular. Full Text Available Orientation and length analysis of 2. A comparison of these results to the structural analysis of 1. This implies a greater influence of longer fractures in the endokarst development, which in most cases carrespond to faults which also control the most significant relief features of the massif.
The influence of the fractures network in exokarstic landforms, from lapiaz to large depressions, is also shown. El roble Quercus robur L. Full Text Available We report chorological and ecological information of 74 boreal plant species found in the Moncayo massif Soria-Zaragoza provinces, Spain. These plants have been grouped in five general habitats. Stable-isotope geochemistry of the Pierina high-sulfidation Au-Ag deposit, Peru: Influence of hydrodynamics on SOH2S sulfur isotopic exchange in magmatic-steam and steam-heated environments.
The Pierina high-sulfidation Au-Ag deposit formed The distribution of alteration zones indicates that fluid flow in the lavas was largely confined to structures but was dispersed laterally in the tuffs because of a high primary and alteration-induced permeability. The lithologically controlled hydrodynamics created unusual fluid, temperature, and pH conditions that led to complete SOH2S isotopic equilibration during the formation of some magmatic-steam and steam-heated alunite, a phenomenon not previously recognized in similar deposits.
Isotopic data for early magmatic hydrothermal and main-stage alunite?? The data imply the following genetic elements for Pierina alteration-mineralization: C, and 4 progressive neutralization of laterally migrating acid fluids to form a vuggy quartz??? Magmatic-steam alunite has higher?? D to ??? These data and supporting fluid-inclusion gas chemistry imply that the rate of vapor ascent for this. Before their crustal emplacement, the Lherzolite suffered several partial melting events, giving rise to depleted peridotites harzburgites and dunites as well as to pyroxenites and magmatic Cr, Cr-Ni and Fe-Ni-Cu sulfide ores.
The average Au content are strongly concentrated in the mineralizations, especially in the Cr-Ni ores, in contrast with the usual behaviour of the noble metals in magmatic ores related to mafic-ultramafic rocks. Au, Pt and Pd are concentrated in the Ni arsenides where most of the former elements are hidden in solid solution in the niccolite.
In most Fe-Ni-Cu sulfide ores, the Au content is very low. During ore formation, As played an important role as collector of Au as well as of Pt and Pd; therefore, the earlier As saturation of the liquids and the subsequent crystallization of the Ni arsenides produced Au-, Pt- and Pd-depleted Fe-Ni-Cu sulfide ores. Dichos macizos contienen gran variedad de rocas: Los contenidos medios en Au en los distintos tipos de rocas indican un comportamiento de elemento incompatible durante los. Full Text Available The discontinuity observed between the paleozoic outcrops of the Iberian Mountains and the ones of the Iberian Massif, has been the greatest incovenient to include those ones in a general Hercynian Iberian model.
Two hypothesis have been proposed to the respect. One initial hypothesis postulates the inclusion of the Iberian Mountains paleozoic racks in the West Asturian-Leonese Zone Lotze, ; Julivert et al. Other one postulates a double inelusion: In this work new geological data are provided for the geological conexion between Cantabrian Zone and the oriental part of the Iberian Chains; they can be summarised in three points. One of them is referred to the paralellism between the Narcea and Paracuellos antiforms. Those antiforms are divided by a tectonic accident, wich separates different Precambrian sequences.
Another point deals with the close relation of the stratigraphical sequences of the Paleozoic racks between the Cantabrian region and Iberian region at both sides of the Narcea and Paracuellos antiforms. Full Text Available This article deals a phytoclimatic characterization of a mountain massif included in Cantabrian central mountain and dominated by Curavacas peak 2.
As starting point are utilized field sampling vegetation plots combining with rainfall and thermal normalized data obtained of the SIGA Service of Agrarian Geographical Information and the data of 25 poles of measurement snow depth EHRIN program. The data was processed by statistical techniques multivariate and Cluster analysis for modelling the results with a geographical information system. The paper analyse the different abiotic variables altitude, latitude, longitude, aspect, slope or distance to the watershed or to the sea that influence in the distribution of vegetation and its relationships with climatic factors: The results reflect the strengths of bioclimatic, temperature and geomorphologic variables as predicting of the distribution of vegetation.
In addition, corological areas of identified taxa make it possible the classification and characterization of this massif as a eurosiberian- suboceanic type. Full Text Available Dolina Esquerda de les Alzines is the only known site in Garraf massif where abundant Palaeolithic artifacts have been recovered. However, the chronological framework and technological traits cannot place the site amongst one of the Upper or Middle Palaeolithic tool groups.
Its singularity is in the location, inside a dissolution doline, a rare deposit in the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic sites in Iberian Peninsula. The lithic assemblage is homogenous, 1, artifacts have been analyzed to determine their characteristics and the most significant feature of this assemblage is the dominance of flake-bearing core reduction methods and the manufacture of artifacts showing convergent morphologies. The recovery of some artifacts commonly found in Upper Palaeolithic assemblages should also be stressed. Se comentan datos sobre la historia de su descubrimiento en ese macizo.
Con el conjunto de todas ellas se elaboran varios mapas. An updated view of the situation within the Castro Valnera mountain range of three species of high regional interest is provided: The history data of their discovery within that mountain range is discussed. Collections data and field citations are gathered and listed for each of them and several maps are drawn with the whole of them. Finally, comments that contribute to the knowledge of their environmental performance are provided, as well as some guidelines and criteria to be considered for their protection. These petrological facies occur in a zonal arrangement: The various occurrences of mineralizations can be classified in two main groups: In both groups, the ores with the more refractory composition were the first to crystallize in the hotter core of the diapir while those other with a more differentiated composition were formed later within the external zones.
The close correlation between petrological and metallogenical roning supports a magmatic origin of the mineralizations related to the petrologic evolution of the mantle bodies. The former migrated outwards, from the internal part of the bodies, during which marked interaction with the enclosing rocks and complex fractionation processes took place under moderate to low pressure conditions. Rare earth elements REE and yttrium accompany uranium and copper mineralisation within the polymetallic Olympic Dam deposit. The light and heavy rare earths tend to occur in different host minerals.
Most of the light rare earths LREE are present as the essential structural constituents of LREE fluorocarbonates such bastnaesite and synchysite, or in phosphates such as florencite and monazite. Yttrium and the heavy rare earths HREE occur mostly as minor concentrations in the form of cation substitutions within uranium minerals such as uraninite and coffinite, as well as brannerite to a lesser extent.
Selective dissolution of uraninite and coffinite during acid leaching leads to the liberation of yttrium and HREE from their host minerals, resulting in higher percentage extractions of HREE than LREE in uranium bearing leach liquors. LREE liberation is more restricted because only the synchysite dissolves to any significant extent, while bastnaesite is more difficult to dissolve. Mineralogy of Se-type deposits at Pongkor, Cikidang, Cibaliung, Cisungsang, and Cirotan and Te-type deposits at Arinem and Cineam shows their different geochemical characteristics.
Mineralogical and geochemical differences can be explained by variation of physico-chemical conditions that existed during gold-silver deposition by applying the phase relation among sulfide, telluride, and selenide mineral association in the deposits. Even though the concentration of selenium in the hydrothermal fluid of Te-type deposits might have been similar or even higher than that in the Se-type, early substitution of selenium in the sulfide minerals prevents its concentration in the hydrothermal fluid to the levels for precipitating selenide minerals.
Alkaline sulfide pretreatment of an antimonial refractory Au-Ag ore for improved cyanidation. This paper presents the alkaline sulfide pretreatment of an antimonial refractory gold and silver ore. In the ore, gold occurs mainly as gold-silver alloys and as associated with quartz and framboidal pyrite grains, and, to a small extent, as the inclusions within antimonial sulfides.
Silver is present extensively as antimonial sulfides such as andorite. These findings suggest that alkaline sulfide leaching can be suitably used as a chemical pretreatment method prior to the conventional cyanidation for antimonial refractory gold and silver ores. Local structure of disordered Au-Cu and Au-Ag alloys. In the Au 0.
Aggregation Report: Aggregation using AS prepended PATH
Cell constants, densities, enthalpies, elastic constants and heat capacities are investigated. Calculations are performed in the solid phase. Rafii-Tabar combination rules are used and it is showed that these combination rules are valid for ternary alloys also. Additionally, temperature dependence of mechanical properties of alloys are investigated. Work, Gender and Protest in Bohemia AB - History Impact factor: Cupriferous sandstones-shales and magmatic copper-nickel deposits mark out the western and southern boundaries of the Siberian Craton accordingly.
Of special interest are the Paleoproterozoic deposits of the Udokan-Chiney mining district Gongalskiy, Krivolutskaya, Copper reserves and resources of this region are estimated at more than 50 Mt. Half of them is concentrated at the unique Udokan Deposit and the second half is distributed among sedimentary Unkur, Pravoingamakitskoye, Sakinskoye, Krasnoye, Burpala and magmatic deposits of the Chiney Rudnoye, Verkhnechineyskoye, Kontaktovoye , Luktur and Maylav massifs. It was established that the ores are characterized by similarity in chemical composition main, major and rare elements that are Ag, Au, PGE and mineral assemblages with varying proportions.
It is important to emphasize that Fe role in mineralization was previously ignored. It has been recently found that the Chiney titanomagnetite ores comprise commercially significant uranium and rare-earth metal concentrations Makaryev et al. These deposits differ from similar objects, the Olympic Dam in particular, by a much smaller content of fluid-bearing minerals. Copper mineralization at the Udokan is represented by chalcocite-bornite ores.
They occur as ore beds conformable with sedimentary structures or as cross-cutting veins.
The central zones of the former are often brecciated. They are rimmed by fine magnetite, bornite, and chalcocite dissemination. Bornite-chalcopyrite and chalcopyrite-pyrite veins are known at the lower levels of the Udokan ore bed. Such ore compositions are predominant in other ore deposits in sedimentary rocks Pravoingamakitskoye, Unkur and have a hydrothermal origin.
While the same vertical zones at the Rudnoye deposit have been confirmed over 0. Multielement and similar mineralogical composition ores of different deposits in the Udokan-Chiney area reflect long evolution of ore processes in very movable block of the crust. Observed combination of magmatic, sedimentary and partially hydrothermal deposits is a result of the telescoping of a wide range of metals into a limited area.
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Eco-friendly synthesis of gelatin-capped bimetallic Au-Ag nanoparticles for chemiluminescence detection of anticancer raloxifene hydrochloride. This study described the utility of green analytical chemistry in the synthesis of gelatin-capped silver, gold and bimetallic gold-silver nanoparticles NPs.
The preparation of nanoparticles was based on the reaction of silver nitrate or chlorauric acid with a 1. The gelatin-capped silver, gold and bimetallic NPs were characterized using transmission electron microscopy, UV-vis, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and were used to enhance a sensitive sequential injection chemiluminescence luminol-potassium ferricyanide system for determination of the anticancer drug raloxifene hydrochloride.
The developed method is eco-friendly and sensitive for chemiluminescence detection of the selected drug in its bulk powder, pharmaceutical injections and biosamples. After optimizing the conditions, a linear relationship in the range of 1. Statistical treatment and method validation were performed based on ICH guidelines. Influence of Ag Content. Full Text Available This paper describes the application of glassy carbon modified electrodes bearing Aux-Agy nanoparticles to catalyze the electrochemical oxidation of glucose. In particular, the paper shows the influence of the Ag content on this oxidation process.
A simple method was applied to prepare the nanoparticles, which were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction spectroscopy, and cyclic voltammetry. These nanoparticles were used to modify glassy carbon electrodes. The effectiveness of these electrodes for electrochemical glucose oxidation was evaluated. The modified glassy carbon electrodes are highly sensitive to glucose oxidation in alkaline media, which could be attributed to the presence of Aux-Agy nanoparticles on the electrode surface.
The voltammetric results suggest that the glucose oxidation speed is controlled by the glucose diffusion to the electrode surface. These results also show that the catalytic activity of the electrodes depends on the Ag content of the nanoparticles. Best results were obtained for the AuAg20 nanoparticles modified electrode. This electrode could be used for Gluconic acid GA production.
Controlled Living Nanowire Growth: Inspired by the concept of living polymerization reaction, we are able to produce silver—gold—silver nanowires with a precise control over their total length and plasmonic properties by establishing a constant silver deposition rate on the tips of penta-twinned gold nanorods used as seed cores. Consequently, the length of the wires increases linearly in time.
We analyze the spatial distribution and the nature of the plasmons by electron energy loss spectroscopy and obtain excellent agreement between measurements and electromagnetic simulations, clearly demonstrating that the presence of the gold core plays a marginal role, except for relatively short wires or high-energy modes. Full Text Available Olympic Dam is a world-class breccia-hosted iron-oxide copper-gold-uranium ore deposit located in the Gawler Craton, South Australia. The sample suite extends across the deposit and represents different sulfide mineralization styles chalcopyrite-bornite and bornite-chalcocite and breccias of various types, ranging from those dominated by clasts of granite, dykes, and hematite.
GA Institutional research plan: Ion-stimulated gas desorption yields of coated Au , Ag , Pd stainless steel vacuum chambers irradiated with 4. In order to study the effect of the surface oxide layer on the gas desorption, gold-, silver-, and palladium-coated LN stainless steel chambers and similarly prepared samples were tested for desorption at LINAC 3 and analysed for chemical composition by X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy XPS.
In addition, the effectiveness of beam scrubbing with heavy ions and the consequence of a subsequent venting on the desorption yields of a beam-scrubbed vacuum chamber are described. N-Heterocyclic carbenes on close-packed coinage metal surfaces: XPS reveals that at room temperature, coverages up to a monolayer exist, with the molecules engaged in metal carbene bonds.
Theoretical investigations for the case of Au unravel the charge distribution of a Au surface covered by Au NHC 2 and reveal that this is the energetically preferential adsorption configuration. Influence of the noble metals Pd, Au , Ag in the thermoluminescent signal induced by radiation in the ZrO2. When increasing the use of the ionizing and non ionizing radiations for example, gamma and ultraviolet radiation in different areas of the science and technology, there is necessary to apply more accurate safety measures and to avoid over-exposures that could put in risk the life of workers that manipulate radiation sources, patient that are exposed to this under some medical treatment, as well as materials that undergo intentionally to radiation.
Also, the UV radiation that arrives to the earth can cause some damages, to the one to weaken the protector layer of ozone the UV radiation increases that arrives to the earth surface being able to affect the alive beings and the materials. By this so much the development of new materials able to take a census of in a more accurate way, fields of gamma and UV radiation is becoming necessary. In this sense, this work presents the obtained results when quantifying radiation fields, through the analysis in the thermoluminescent behavior TL induced by the gamma and UV radiation in the zirconium dioxide synthesized by the sol gel method and doped with nanoparticles of Pd, Au and Ag.
It is necessary to mention that in reported works in this respect its mention that the zircon has good thermoluminescent sensitivity induced by these radiation types, however it has shown high thermoluminescent instability that is translated in an important lost of the information after the irradiation. For that through the incorporation of the metallic nanoparticles it was intended to stabilize the TL behavior of zircon. The results showed that the doped zircon has a high sensitivity to the gamma and UV radiation. These also show that the ionizing and non ionizing radiation induce a thermoluminescent curve consisting of two TL peaks with maxima located around 65 C and C and that the intensity is increased with the dose, following a lineal behavior in certain interval of dose exposure that is influenced by the presence of the nanoparticles.
Likewise it was observed that the presence of Pd is able to stabilize in more proportion the TL behavior of zircon, regarding the other metals. The thermoluminescent behavior of the doped zircon before these radiation types was correlated with the results of scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Finally one can say that the results here obtained increase the probability that the zirconium dioxide, with dopants presence, it can be used as system to quantify fields of ionizing and non ionizing radiation.
New data are presented on the geology and composition of volcanic and intrusive rocks of the Orochenka caldera, which is located in the western part of the East Sikhote Alin volcanic belt. The SHRIMP and ICP MS age of zircons of volcanic and intrusive rocks, respectively, and the composition of the volcanic rocks allow comparison of these complexes with volcanic rocks of the eastern part of the volcanic structure.
New data indicate the period of transition between subduction to transform regimes. Desorption yields for H2, CH4, CO, and CO2, which are of fundamental interest for future accelerator applications, are reported for different stainless steel surface treatments. In order to study the effect of the surface oxide layer on the gas desorption, gold-, silver-, palladium-, and getter-coated LN stainless steel chambers and similarly prepared samples were tested for desorption at LINAC 3 and analysed for chemical composition by X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy XPS.
In addition, pressure rise measurements, the effectiveness of beam scrubbing with le Low-excited f-, g- and h-states in Au , Ag and Cu observed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy in the cm -1 region. A simple approach for the sonochemical loading of Au , Ag and Pd nanoparticle on functionalized MWCNT and subsequent dispersion studies for removal of organic dyes: Artificial neural network and response surface methodology studies. In this study, the artificial neural network ANN and response surface methodology RSM based on central composite design CCD were applied for modeling and optimization of the simultaneous ultrasound-assisted removal of quinoline yellow QY and eosin B EB.
Initial dyes concentrations, adsorbent mass, sonication time and pH contribution on QY and EB removal percentage were investigated by CCD and replication of experiments at conditions suggested by model has results which statistically are close to experimented data. The ultrasound irradiation is associated with raising mass transfer of process so that small amount of the adsorbent 0.
Analysis of experimental data by conventional models is good indication of Langmuir efficiency for fitting and explanation of experimented data. The ANN based on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm LMA combined of linear transfer function at output layer and tangent sigmoid transfer function at hidden layer with 20 hidden neurons supply best operation conditions for good prediction of adsorption data.
The Cu ore of Ifri is a chalcopyrite stockwork hosted by Cambrian formations and was until now interpreted as a syngenetic massive sulphide deposit. Textural studies highlight two generations of pyrite early Py I and late Py II with respect to the regional deformation. The chalcopyrite stockwork overprinted Py II, outlining the epigenetic nature of the Cu mineralization.
To cite this article: Granitoides asociados a zonas de desgarre: The strike-slip regime was obtained using a mobile rigid basal plate sliding horizontally. Boundary conditions were chosen in order to analyze the influence of different rheologic profiles of the upper crust on the pattern of the intrusion. Lizio leucogranite of the South Armorican Shear Zone South Brittany, France emphasize that our experiments can explain the geometry of many syntectonic' granites emplaced along strike-slip zones. They further shed some light on mechanisms of pluton intrusion in the upper crust.
Los experimentos muestran que: We present a new geological map of the lower Ordovician materials cropping out in the Santa Maria la Real de Nieva Massif. The Ordovician sequence, Fm. The lower unit contains conglomerate with clasts of felsic volcanic rocks at its base, slates, and quartzite with cruziana. The upper unit is composed by the quartzite and slate, which is considered a regional equivalent of the sequence at the base of the Armorica Full Text Available In the present day research on physical geography, mass and energy budgets are of capital importance. The energy budget in an experimental area requires the previous estimate of the corresponding radiation budget.
In this paper, the obtaining of the components of the radioactive budget is explained for La Castanya Montseny experimental site. Measurements were carried out in October with the field instrumentation provided by the French co-author and under his supervision. Data from the 22nd October is analyzed in detail as an example of model characteristics. OMZ plagiogranites are related with Cambrian-Ordovician rifting and represent a part of the felsic members of a bimodal magmatic suite and show oceanic plagiogranites affinities.
SPZ plagiogranites are related with a Carboniferous volcano-plutonic calc-alkaline suite related with Variscan Orogeny. This is interpreted as a proof of cogenetic origin for SPZ plagiogranites and heterogeneous origin for OMZ plagiogranites, derived from the mix of different sources astenospheric, lithospheric and crustal. The quartz c-axis fabrics measured in the rocks of the high-grade unit of the Cerro Pelado massif northern Sierra de Comechingones, Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina allow to deduce a normal-sinistral sense of movement for the south-dipping shear zone separating the diatexite-metatexite domain to the north, from the gneissic terrane to the south.
The crystallographic fabrics also indicate that the activity of this shear zone took place under high-T conditions. The deduced kinematics can account Engineering ultrasmall water-soluble gold and silver nanoclusters for biomedical applications. Volume Issue 5 September pp Three dimensional nano-assemblies of noble metal nanoparticle-infinite coordination polymers as specific oxidase mimetics for degradation of methylene blue without adding any cosubstrate. The present 3D nano-assemblies exhibit highly efficient and specific intrinsic oxidase-like activity even without adding any cosubstrate.
Three men and one woman with an average age of The patients were submitted to a rehabilitation program for oropharyngeal dysphagia after a clinical evaluation of swallowing. The rehabilitation program consisted of daily sessions Influence of human papillomavirus on the clinical presentation of oropharyngeal carcinoma in the United States. Much of what is known about the significance of human papillomavirus HPV in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma is derived from single-institution retrospective studies, post hoc analyses of tissue specimens from clinical trials, and tissue bank studies with a small sample size.
The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of HPV on the frequency and clinical presentation of oropharyngeal carcinoma in a large, national sample with information from patients who underwent HPV testing. We identified a comprehensive national sample of 8, patients with oropharyngeal carcinoma and known HPV status diagnosed between and within the National Cancer Database.
Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess correlates of patient and tumor characteristics on HPV status. Among patients with oropharyngeal carcinoma, the frequency of HPV-related squamous cell carcinoma in the United States was HPV-related oropharyngeal carcinoma was associated with younger age, male sex, and white race P presentation P clinical profile, supporting efforts to re-evaluate the staging and treatment paradigm for HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer.
Public awareness of human papillomavirus as a causative factor for oropharyngeal cancer. To assess the public's awareness of human papillomavirus HPV as a causative factor for oropharyngeal cancer. Local shopping malls and Maxwell Air Force Base in Respondents were randomly chosen to participate in item survey at various local shopping malls and at Maxwell Air Force Base in However, the majority were not aware of the association between oropharyngeal cancer and HPV.
Furthermore, many respondents were not aware that HPV equally affects males and females and that the vaccine is available for both sexes. This underscores the need to educate the public on the availability of HPV vaccine and the association between HPV and oropharyngeal cancer. High-throughput continuous hydrothermal synthesis of an entire nanoceramic phase diagram.
A novel High-Throughput Continuous Hydrothermal HiTCH flow synthesis reactor was used to make directly and rapidly a sample nanoparticle library entire phase diagram of nanocrystalline Ce x Zr y Y z O 2-delta in less than 12 h. This allowed Rietveld-quality powder X-ray diffraction PXRD data collection of the entire sample library in rapidly mapped out phase behavior and sintering behaviors for the entire library.
Out of the entire sample heat-treated library, the PXRD data suggests that 43 possess the fluorite structure, of which 30 out of 36 are ternary compositions. The speed, quantity and quality of data obtained by our new approach, offers an exciting new development which will allow structure-property relationships to be accessed for nanoceramics in much shorter time periods. Semigroups of transcendental entire functions and their dynamics. We investigate the dynamics of semigroups of transcendental entire func- tions using Fatou—Julia theory. Several results of the dynamics associated with iteration of a transcendental entire function have been extended to transcendental semigroups.
We provide some condition for connectivity of the Julia set of the Entire solutions of nonlinear differential-difference equations. In this paper, we describe the properties of entire solutions of a nonlinear differential-difference equation and a Fermat type equation, and improve several previous theorems greatly.
In addition, we also deduce a uniqueness result for an entire function f z that shares a set with its shift [Formula: Dosimetric predictors of hypothyroidism in oropharyngeal cancer patients treated with intensity-modulated radiation therapy. Radiation to the neck has long been associated with an elevated risk of hypothyroidism development. The goal of the present work is to define dosimetric predictors of hypothyroidism in oropharyngeal cancer OPC patients treated with intensity-modulated radiation therapy.
Data for patients, with a median follow up of 4. Patients with elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone levels or with a clinical diagnosis were categorized as hypothyroid. Patient demographic parameters, thyroid volume, mean thyroid dose, the percent of thyroid volume receiving minimum specified dose levels VxxGy , and the absolute thyroid volume spared from specified dose levels VSxxGy were analyzed. Normal-tissue complication probability NTCP was also calculated using several recently published models.
Thyroid volume and many radiation dosimetric parameters were statistically different in the hypothyroid group. For the patients with initial thyroid volumes of 8 cc or greater, several dosimetric parameters were found to define subgroups at statistically significant lower risk of developing hypothyroidism. Patients with a NTCP of less than 0. Based on long-term follow up data for OPC patients treated with IMRT, we recommend plan optimization objectives to reduce the volume of thyroid receiving over 45 Gy to significantly decrease the risk of developing hypothyroidism.
The online version of this article doi: Clinical Outcomes and Patterns of Failure. To report outcomes, failures, and toxicities in patients treated with intensity-modulated radiotherapy IMRT for squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx. Twenty-two patients were treated postoperatively, and 85 were treated definitively. The prescribed dose was 66 Gy at 2. Median follow-up was 29 months among surviving patients range, months. Eight patients had persistent disease or local-regional failure at a median of 6.
Six local failures occurred entirely within the high-risk clinical target volume CTV one with simultaneous distant metastasis. One patient relapsed within the high- and intermediate-risk CTV. One patient had a recurrence at the junction between the IMRT and low-neck fields.
Seven patients developed distant metastasis as the first site of failure. T stage T4 vs. Distant metastases are a major failure pattern. No marginal failures were observed. HPV infection and P16 expression in oral and oropharyngeal cancer in Kazakhstan. Human papillomavirus HPV is an important etiologic factor in different cancers of anogenital region and also in a fraction of head and neck cancers HNC particularly oropharyngeal tumors.

It's a prospective analysis of patients with verified oral or oropharyngeal cancer. Sociodemographic and clinical data obtained on admission to treatment. Seventy six patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer tested for HPV. It is the first study mapping prevalence of HPV positivity in oral and oropharyngeal cancer in the Central Asian region. The rate of HPV positivity was higher in oropharyngeal than in oral cancer, the nonsmokers were significantly more frequent in the HPV positive group and HPV 16 was the most frequent type.
However, the HPV positivity rates are lower than referred in the western world. Past sexual behaviors and risks of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: The incidence of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas SCCs is increasing and is believed to reflect changing sexual practices in recent decades. For this case-case comparative study, we collected medical and life-style information and data on sexual behavior from patients treated at the head and neck clinic of a tertiary hospital in Brisbane, Australia.
Compared to the other three patient groups, the oropharyngeal SCC patients had overall more sexual lifetime partners kissing, oral sex and sexual intercourse. The very strong associations reported here between oral sex practices and risks of oropharyngeal SCC support the hypothesis that sexually transmitted HPV infections cause some of these cancers. Entire solutions of Fermat type q-difference differential equations.
In addition, we investigate the similarities and other properties among those solutions. The epidemiology of oral cancer is changing. At the same time there have been decreasing rates of OPC associated with the traditional risk factors of smoking and alcohol consumption. As the epidemiology changes, it is important that the dental community recognize these factors. Practicing dentists and dental hygienists from Texas dental professional networks and dental students from the three Texas schools of dentistry were recruited to participate in the study.
Participants were requested to access and complete a 7-item online survey. To ensure anonymity, a third party practice facilitator or department administrator disseminated the survey link to participants. Survey results across Texas dentists, dental hygienists, and Texas dental students demonstrated a lack of knowledge of the changing profile of oral cancer regarding HPV-associated OPC. This aim of this initial phase was to determine the baseline level of knowledge surrounding the risks associated with oropharyngeal cancer in the survey population. Our goal is to utilize these findings to develop educational interventions that will.
Quality of life in survivors of oropharyngeal cancer: Current combined therapies include significant risks of morbidity for the growing group of survivors. This systematic review and meta-analysis investigates how treatment affects quality of life QoL in survivors of oropharyngeal cancer. In a meta-analysis, weighted average QoL scores from the four most commonly utilised QoL instruments were compared with baseline and reference group scores using the concept of minimal clinically important difference.
The meta-analysis included data from patients from 25 studies and 12 countries. In conclusion, survivors of OPC face clinically important deteriorations in QoL that most markedly centre on xerostomia, dysphagia and chewing. These ailments indicate a potential for improvement in patient management. Planned neck dissection for oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers. Recently, the use of chemoradiotherapy for preserving organs in the treatment of head and neck cancer is increasing.
However, there is controversy about advanced neck node management in post-chemoradiation cases. We retrospectively analyzed our cases of chemoradiotherapy for oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer to examine the effectiveness and indications of planned neck dissection. Regional control rate and survival rate were superior in the neck dissection group. If the cases did not achieve complete response CR in imaging, planned neck dissection improved the regional control rate significantly. We should perform planned neck dissection immediately rather than 'wait and see' for this persistent disease.
However, in the cases achieving radiological CR, it is possible to omit planned neck dissection because of the high salvage rate of neck disease. However, in these cases, careful observation is essential. We clarified that the presence of pathologically positive lymph node is a prognostic factor. For evaluating persistent disease of cervical lymph nodes, positron emission tomography PET -CT was the most accurate method of imaging.
Oropharyngeal carcinoma treated with radiotherapy: Robert; Amos, Warren R. This study was done to determine the outcome in patients with oropharyngeal carcinoma treated at the University of Florida with radiotherapy alone to the primary site, for comparison with reported results of other types of treatment.
Of a consecutive cohort of patients with biopsy-proven, previously untreated, invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx, this report is based on the patients who had continuous-course irradiation with curative intent at the University of Florida between October and January All patients had a minimum 2-year follow-up.
The median radiation dose was 68 Gy for once-a-day treatment and Patients with advanced neck node disease had planned neck dissection s after radiotherapy. Radiotherapy results in tumor control and survival rates comparable with rates achieved with combined irradiation and surgery, with less morbidity. Effects of barium concentration on oropharyngeal swallow timing measures. The measures of interest were stage transition duration, pharyngeal transit time, and duration of upper esophageal sphincter opening.
Significant differences were observed in the timing measures of swallowing with respect to barium concentration. In all cases, longer durations were seen with the higher barium concentration. Barium concentration influences timing parameters in healthy swallowing, even between ultrathin and thin concentrations. Clinicians need to understand and control for the impact of different barium stimuli on swallowing physiology. HPV epigenetic mechanisms related to Oropharyngeal and Cervix cancers. Human Papilloma Virus infection is very frequent in humans and is mainly transmitted sexually.
The majority of infections are transient and asymptomatic, however, if the infection persists, it can occur with a variety of injuries to skin and mucous membranes, depending on the type of HPV involved. Some types of HPV are classified as high oncogenic risk as associated with the onset of cancer. This review is focused about epigenethic mechanism, such as MiRNAs expression, related to cervix and oral cancer.
Specifically it discuss about molecular markers associated to a more aggressive phenotype. In this way we will analyze genes involved in meiotic sinaptonemal complex, transcriptional factors, of orthokeratins, sinaptogirin, they are all expressed in cancer in a way not more dependent on cell differentiation but HPV-dependent.
Evaluation of oropharyngeal dysphagia: As flexible endoscopic examinations of swallowing become more widely used to evaluate patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia, it is important to be aware of research regarding the efficacy of this procedure as compared with the videofluoroscopy procedure. A recent evidence-based review of the field threw some long-held findings into question and has stimulated a surge of new research studying the sensitivity of the two instrumental examinations, health outcomes of patients who receive each procedure, and a look at different patient outcomes.
Since , one quasi-randomized clinical trial has directly compared outcomes of patients given a fluoroscopy versus a fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing FEES examination. This study showed no significant difference in pneumonia rates between the two groups of patients. A multitude of studies have shown a high level of agreement between the two instrumental examinations, and the use of the term gold standard as applied to fluoroscopy is no longer appropriate. The attempt to standardize each examination has been slow, and inter-judge reliability of results has come under fire.
Several new scales for quality of life and functional status are now ready to be applied to research that can measure outcomes other than pneumonia. Research to date has suggested that both instrumental examinations are valuable. It is likely that both will continue to be used and will be seen as complementary rather than competitors. Disorders of saliva production and taste sensation after oropharyngeal irradiation. Salivary secretion and disorders of taste sensation during and after radiotherapy of the oropharyngeal region were investigated in 20 patients.
Salivary glands and tongue were exposed to radiation in different extent. Telecobalt irradiations were given in daily doses of 1. The patients were asked for subjective statements on salivary secretion, taste disorders were measured by semiquantitative gustometry with different dilution ratios for the four basis qualities of taste. A statistically significant increase of the taste threshold appeared for all qualities of taste after 20 - 30 Gy. The criterion 'bitter' was primarily affected.
This radiogen disorder, apparently caused on the cellular level of the taste buds, seems to be reversible also for doses of 60 Gy 1, ret while radiogen functional disorders of the salivary glands are irreversible from 45 Gy 1, ret. Considering all sensual and organic effects of xerostomy dental caries, osteoradionecrosis it is advisable to keep the dose for at least one third of the salivary gland tissue below this critical value.
A dielectrophoretic method of discrimination between normal oral epithelium, and oral and oropharyngeal cancer in a clinical setting. Despite the accessibility of the oral cavity to clinical examination, delays in diagnosis of oral and oropharyngeal carcinoma OOPC are observed in a large majority of patients, with negative impact on prognosis. Diagnostic aids might help detection and improve early diagnosis, but there remains little robust evidence supporting the use of any particular diagnostic technology at the moment.
The aim of the present feasibility first-in-human study was to evaluate the preliminary diagnostic validity of a novel technology platform based on dielectrophoresis DEP. DEP does not require labeling with antibodies or stains and it is an ideal tool for rapid analysis of cell properties.
Results indicate that the current DEP platform can discriminate between brush biopsy samples from cancerous and healthy oral tissue with a diagnostic sensitivity of This result indicates that DEP has the potential to be developed into a low-cost, rapid platform as an assistive tool for the early identification of oral cancer in primary care; given the rapid , minimally-invasive and non-expensive nature of the test, dielectric characterization represents a promising platform for cost-effective early cancer detection. The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of oropharyngeal dysfunction with resultant aspiration in patients admitted after apparent life-threatening events ALTE and to determine whether historical characteristics could predict this oropharyngeal dysphagia and aspiration risk.
We retrospectively reviewed the records of all patients admitted to Boston Children's Hospital between and with a diagnosis of ALTE to determine the frequency of evaluation for oropharyngeal dysphagia using video fluoroscopic swallow studies VFSS and clinical feeding evaluations, to determine the prevalence of swallowing dysfunction in subjects admitted after ALTE and to compare presenting historical characteristics to swallow study results. None of the historical characteristics of ALTE predicted which patients were at risk for aspiration. Oropharyngeal dysphagia with aspiration is the most common diagnosis identified in infants presenting with ALTEs.
Oropharyngeal candidiasis and resistance to antifungal drugs in patients receiving radiation for head and neck cancer. Oropharyngeal candidiasis is a common infection in patient receiving radiotherapy for head and neckcancer. Accurate and rapid identification of candida species is very important in clinical laboratory, because theincidence of candidiasis continues to rise after radiotherapy. The genus Candida has about species that showdifferent level of resistance to antifungal drugs and have high degree of phenotypic similarity. The aim of this study wasto investigate oral yeast colonization and infection and resistance to antifungal drugs in these patients.
Thirty patients receiving a 6-week course of radiation therapy for treatment of head and neck cancer at theOncology Unit in Shafa Hospital, in , were enrolled in the study. Specimens from patients were cultured weeklyfor Candida. They were subcultured and submittedfor antifungal susceptibility testing nystatin, fluconazole, clotrimazole and ketoconazole and molecular typing. Candida albicans alone was isolated in Candida tropicalis was isolated from 5. The irradiation-induced changes of the intraoral environment such as xerostomia lead to increasedintraoral colonization by Candida species.
All yeast isolates were susceptible to nystatin. Thus prophylactic therapywith nystatin should be considered for these patients. The pretreatment plasma HPV DNA copy number correlated significantly with the nodal metabolic tumor volume assessed using 18 F-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography. The serial measurements in 14 patients showed a rapid decline in HPV DNA that had become undetectable at radiotherapy completion.
Clinical outcome and health-related quality-of-life following microsurgical reconstruction in patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer. L in patients with oral or oropharyngeal cancer following free flap reconstruction. All patients who underwent surgery for oral or oropharyngeal cancer followed by primary reconstruction Pade approximants for entire functions with regularly decreasing Taylor coefficients. This enables one to study the behaviour of parabolic sequences from Pade and Chebyshev tables for many individual entire functions.
The central result of the paper is as follows: Entirely saturated unilateral smear of laser spot in CCD. In the video of linear CCD camera being irradiated by nm CW laser, the entirely saturated unilateral smear of laser spot was found. The smear area does not represent the distribution of laser. Since this smear lies merely in one side of laser spot, it can not be induced by light leaking or carriers blooming, and it may be induced by charge transfer loss.
However, the feature that the smear area is entirely saturated can not be explained by the current constant model of charge transfer inefficiency. Based on the inner structure and operating principle of buried channel CCD, a new model of charge transfer inefficiency that varies with charge quantity is proposed, which can explain the entirely saturated unilateral smear of laser spot.
Entirely irrelevant distractors can capture and captivate attention. The question of whether a stimulus onset may capture attention when it is entirely irrelevant to the task and even in the absence of any attentional settings for abrupt onset or any dynamic changes has been highly controversial. In the present study, we designed a novel irrelevant capture task to address this question. Participants engaged in a continuous task making sequential forced choice letter or digit responses to each item in an alphanumeric matrix that remained on screen throughout many responses.
This task therefore involved no attentional settings for onset or indeed any dynamic changes, yet the brief onset of an entirely irrelevant distractor a cartoon picture resulted in significant slowing of the two Experiment 1 or three Experiment 2 responses immediately following distractor appearance These findings provide a clear demonstration of attention being captured and captivated by a distractor that is entirely irrelevant to any attentional settings of the task.
Salvage surgery for radiation failure in oral, oropharyngeal , and hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Few reports have covered salvage surgery after radiotherapy, especially with chemotherapy for oral, oropharyngeal , and hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. The feasibility of salvage surgery is unclear. We analyzed postoperative complications and prognosis after salvage surgery for local recurrence after definitive radiotherapy. Subjects were 37 patients with oral, oropharyngeal , and hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated from to Of these, 14 The 5-year overall survival rate after salvage surgery was Although there was no significant improvement, the prognosis was good in early-stage groups with primary tumors.
We found that salvage surgery after definitive radiotherapy was effective for recurrent oral, oropharyngeal , and hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. We stress the need to pay attention to postoperative complications in reconstructive operation and chemotherapy groups. Bedside screening to detect oropharyngeal dysphagia in patients with neurological disorders: Oropharyngeal dysphagia is a highly prevalent comorbidity in neurological patients and presents a serious health threat, which may le to outcomes of aspiration pneumonia ranging from hospitalization to death.
Therefore, an early identification of risk followed by an accurate diagnosis of oropharyngeal dysphagia is fundamental. This systematic review provides an update of currently available bedside screenings to identify oropharyngeal dysphagia in neurological patients. Only studies with sufficient methodological quality were considered, after which the psychometric characteristics of the screening tools were determined.
Identifying the causes of death in head and neck cancer patients can optimize follow-up and therapeutic strategies, but studies in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma OPSCC patients stratified by HPV status are lacking. We report cause-specific mortality in a population-based cohort of patients Causes of death were collected through medical files and the Danish National Cause of Death registry. Deaths were grouped as 1 primary oropharyngeal cancer, 2 secondary The cumulative incidence of death and specific causes of death were determined using risk analysis.
At follow-up, The median time to and cause of death were determined: A collaborative practice model related to Human Papilloma Virus HPV associated oropharyngeal cancer highlights the role of the dental hygienist in addressing this condition. The incidence of HPV associated head and neck cancer is rising. Multiple professionals including the dental hygienist can work collaboratively to confront this growing public health concern. A critical review applies the growth and utilization of interprofessional education IPE and interprofessional collaboration IPC to multi-disciplinary models addressing the human papilloma virus and oropharyngeal cancers.
A model related to HPV associated oropharyngeal cancer addresses an oral systemic condition that supports the inclusion of a dental hygienist on collaborative teams addressing prevention, detection, treatment and cure of OPC. Strategy for personalized treatment of human papillomavirus-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. We performed a retrospective analysis of the association between tumor HPV status and the demographic and clinicopathological parameters of 83 patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma at Hokkaido University Hospital, Japan, between and HPV status was established by multiplex polymerase chain reaction analysis.
HPV status is a significantly favorable prognostic factor in oropharyngeal cancer in Japan. In recent decades, several Western countries have reported an increase in oropharyngeal and anal cancers caused by human papillomavirus HPV. Trends in HPV-associated cancers in Asia have not been as well described. We describe the epidemiology of potentially HPV-related cancers reported to the Singapore Cancer Registry from — Joinpoint regression was used to evaluate annual percentage change APC in incidence.
Trends in social security benefits for oral and oropharyngeal cancer from to in Brazil. Selectable six-element multicoil array for entire spine imaging. This article introduces a new multicoil array that can provide entire spine imaging in two acquisitions with no need to manually reposition either the coil or the patient. A selectable contoured multicoil array with six elements was used to obtain coverage of the entire spine.
The overall coil length was approximately 75 cm. Oropharyngeal Dysphagia in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
48 respuestas
Although previous studies demonstrated that patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome OSAS may present subclinical manifestations of dysphagia, in not one were different textures and volumes systematically studied. The aim of this study was to analyze the signs and symptoms of oropharyngeal dysphagia using fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing FEES with boluses of different textures and volumes in a large cohort of patients with OSAS.
A total of 72 OSAS patients without symptoms of dysphagia were enrolled. The cohort was divided in two groups: Spillage, penetration, aspiration, retention, and piecemeal deglutition were considered. Depending on the DOSS score, the cohort of patients was divided into those with and those without signs of dysphagia. OSAS patients show signs of swallowing impairment in about half of the population; clinicians involved in the management of these patients should include questions on swallowing when taking the medical history. Scientific evidence on the impact of medication on the physiology of swallowing is scarce and mainly based on clinical case reports.
To evaluate the association between oropharyngeal dysphagia OD and chronic exposure to medication in older patients admitted to the acute geriatric unit AGU of a secondary hospital, we performed a retrospective cross-sectional study of patients admitted to an AGU from to We reviewed a diagnosis of OD assessed with the volume-viscosity swallow test, V- VST ; b chronic patient medication classified by anatomical, therapeutic, chemical codes; and c demographic and clinical data.
A univariate analysis was performed to determine which medications were associated with OD. A multivariate analysis adjusting for confounding clinical factors was performed to identify which of those medications were independently associated with OD. The age of patients included was A total of We found a possible protective effect of beta blocking agents on OD after the multivariate analysis OR 0. None of the categories of drugs was associated with an altered swallowing function after adjusting for confounding variables. The present study is the first one to widely investigate the association between drugs and OD, increasing understanding of their association.
The role of beta blockers in OD needs to be further studied as their potentially beneficial effects on the swallowing function in older patients could help to prevent complications. Oropharyngeal acid reflux and motility abnormalities of the proximal esophagus. To investigate the relationship between pathological oropharyngeal OP acid exposure and esophageal motility in patients with extra-esophageal syndromes. In this prospective study we enrolled consecutive outpatients with extra-esophageal symptoms suspected to be related to gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD.
We enrolled only patients with a reflux symptom index RSI score-higher than 13 and with previous lung, allergy and ear, nose and throat evaluations excluding other specific diagnoses. Patients were divided into two groups on the basis of a normal or pathological pH-metric finding Ryan Score and all manometric characteristics of the two groups were compared.
We examined patients with chronic extra-esophageal syndromes. Fifty-one were considered eligible for the study. Of these, 42 decided to participate in the protocol. Patients were divided into two groups on the basis of normal or pathological OP acid exposure. All the HRM parameters were compared for the two groups. This group also had a larger number of peristaltic contractions with breaks in the 20 mmHg isobaric contour Knowledge and risk perception of oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer among non-medical university students.
To assess non-medical university students' knowledge and perceived risk of developing oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among non-medical students of a private Midwestern university in the United States in May Questionnaire assessed demographic information and contained 21 previously validated questions regarding knowledge and perceived risk of developing oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer. Knowledge scale was categorized into low and high.
Risk level was estimated based on smoking, drinking, and sexual habits. Bivariate associations between continuous and categorical variables were assessed using Pearson correlation and Chi-square tests, respectively. Since oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer incidence is increasingly shifting towards younger adults, interventions must be tailored to this group in order to improve prevention and control.
The connection between human papillomavirus and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas in the United States: Results from studies conducted in the past several years suggest that some oropharyngeal cancers, those of the base of the tongue and the tonsils, are associated with high-risk types of human papillomavirus HPV. In this article, the authors summarize the available evidence regarding the epidemiology of HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancers in the United States, the available HPV vaccines and the implications of these for dentistry.
They also examine the differences in HPV prevalence between cancers of the oral cavity and those of the oropharynx. Molecular and epidemiologic evidence suggest a strong etiologic association of HPV with oropharyngeal cancers. The incidence of oropharyngeal cancers in the United States has increased between and , whereas that of cancers at other head and neck sites has decreased steadily.
Compared with HPV-negative cancers, HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancers are associated with certain sexual behaviors, occur more often among white men and people who do not use tobacco or alcohol, and may occur in a population younger by about four years median ages, years. Despite often having a later stage of diagnosis, people with HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancers have a lower risk of dying or recurrence than do those with HPV-negative cancers. The effectiveness of the HPV vaccine in preventing oropharyngeal cancers is unknown.
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