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Contents:Four doses were used; the average recommended dose R , 0. The effects were evaluated by measuring the activity of a commonly used stress indicator enzyme from leaf samples. Results showed that insecticides caused alterations on the enzyme system of plants treated with high doses. We found some differences among the insecticide effects, but all of them increased the superoxide dismutase SOD activity of hot pepper plants when applied in excess. The specific SOD activity was significantly increased by insecticide applications above the recommended doses.
Effect of some insecticides and promoter of growth on physiological variables and the yield of the tomato Lycopersicon esculentum L. Results show that when insecticides were applied in higher than the recommended doses caused harmful effects on physiological traits and yield of the plants. It was observed that the growth promoter helped to reduce the harmful effects from insecticides. Evaluation of ecophysiological variables in the Cayenne pepper Capsicum frutescens treated and compost and chemical fertilizer.
Plants were not successful under C because of high salinity. Soil compaction caused plant mortality in S and SC. The vapor pressure deficit and leaf temperature were the microclimatic variables with more effect on the ecophysiological ones. Number of leaves were highest under the chemical fertilizer treatment. The survival of SCF plants suggests that this condition could be an alternative for producers: Growth promotion of the seawater-irrigated oilseed halophyte Salicornia bigelovii inoculated with mangrove rhizosphere bacteria and halotolerant Azospirillum spp. Inoculation of the oilseed halophyte Salicornia bigelovii Torr.
Statistical analysis demonstrated that inoculation with Azospirillum halopraeferens, a mixture of two Azospirillum brasilense strains, a mixture of Vibrio aestuarianus and Vibrio proteolyticus, or a mixture of Bacillus licheniformis and Phyllobacterium sp. Some of the bacterial strains also increased the number of side branches and the size of the spikes. The bacteria did not affect the number of seeds or their weight.
Inoculation with the mangrove cyanobacterium Microcoleus chthonoplastes had no effect on plant foliage variables. At the end of the growing season, the N and protein content of the plant foliage was significantly reduced by bacterial inoculation; however, the N and protein content of seeds significantly increased. The P content in foliage increased significantly in plants treated with all the bacteria except M. In three inoculation treatments palmitic acid in seeds significantly increased and linoleic acid significantly decreased.
This study demonstrates the feasibility of using bacteria to promote the growth of halotolerant plants cultivated for forage and seed production in proposed seawater-irrigated agriculture. Species of the shrub-like halophytic weed, Salicornia, are grown widely in climates ranging from temperate to tropical Jefferies et al.
Monocultures and mixed cultures of Salicornia and other salt marsh weeds occur commonly in coastal salt marshes and inland salt pans where stands often exceed 10, plants m -2 Ellison Although the plants can tolerate freshwater to some extent, NaCI is required for normal growth Ayala and O'Leary Despite its high salt content, animals fed moderate levels of Salicornia gained as much weight as those whose diet included hay or other terrestrial weeds Swingle et al.
Inoculation of crop plants with plant-growth-promoting bacteria PGPB , is a contemporary agricultural practice used to improve crop yields. PGPBs include biocontrol strains that benefit plants indirectly by inhibiting fungal pathogens Ogushi et al. A proposal for conservation of exemplary stands of the giant cardon cactus Pachycereus pringlei [S. Four sites in the state of Baja California Sur, Mexico, support superb stands of the giant columnar cardon cactus Pachycereus pringlei [S. Giant cardon is not an endangered species in the region, but exemplary stands are rare and increasingly threatened by intensive agriculture and cattle ranching.
We have identified four stands of cardon worthy of national protection. The massive specimens of cardon that grow on these sites are unusually vigorous and healthy. The sites themselves are extremely scenic and accessible by tourists, are suitable for scientific study, and represent perhaps the best repositories of wild germplasm for the species.
We recommend that these exceptional representatives of Mexico's national natural heritage be protected for future generations, as has been done in Arizona and California USA for saguaro cactus Carnigea gigantea [Engelm] Britt. Effects of salinity on the germination and seedling characteristics of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata L.

Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata L. It is a hardy species capable of developing in soils of low fertility. In this study, the effects of different salinities and different submersion times on the germination and weight of seeds of cowpea treated previously were evaluated. The effect of irrigation with saline solutions on seedling shoot length and dry weight, stem height and dry weight, total dry weight, and leaf area was also studied.
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The results show that the weight of pre-treated seeds decreases linearly when submersion times were increased. Germination decreased quadratically when submersion times and salinity increased. Seedling total dry weight, leaf area, shoot length and dry weight, stem height and dry weight all decreased quadratically significantly when salinity increased.
Effect of salinity on transpiration level estimated by the stem heat balance method in pepper cultivation Capsicum annuum L. In pepper Capsicum annuum under greenhouse conditions. Sap flow gauges Dinamax, Inc. The SHB technique consists of a heated stem segment with a known and steady amount of heat from a thin flexible heater that encircles the stem. Measurement of sap flow depends on a thermopile to evaluate radial heat loss, and the temperature gradients estimated by thermocouples above and below the heater to evaluate vertical conductive heat loss.
The saline treatments consisted in five levels of electrical conductivity CE 6. The treatments continued for 22 days. Values obtained by this method were compared with gravimetric values Tg for estimation of accuracy, and adjusted using the relationship Te and Tg. On the other hand, the loner saline treatments 3. Te by SHB values in the 0. The transpiration by SHB was adjusted using a linear relationship. The maximum Te was observed in treatment 0. Physiological characteristics and yield of eight tomato cultivars under experimental greenhouse conditions. Cultivars Monte Carlo Lot.
Physiological characteristics were not different in cultivars. Differences by dates of evaluation, time of day and leaf position were observed. Photosynthesis measured against dates of evaluation: Photosynthesis and mater-use efficiency were better at 9: Screening and classification of cowpea genotypes for salt tolerance during germination. Twenty-five cowpea genotypes were tested to determine salt tolerance during germination to three salinity levels 0, 85, and mM NaCl.
Germination percentage decreased as salinity increased. Salt concentration affects cowpea genotypes seeds by delaying start of germination. Salinity lowered both germination rate and germination percentage. Two criteria were used to classify genotypes as tolerant: The rest were considered salt-sensitive genotypes. Path analysis of cowpea early seedling growth under saline conditions.
Our objective was to study the effects of salt on growth parameters of cowpea using path-coefficient analysis which describes a priori cause-and-effect relathionships. We used three salt levels with electrical conductivities of the irrigation treatments of 0, 7. The results show that as salt levels increased, all growth parameters decreased quadratically by a reduction of the main components of growth: These growth parameters are important in selecting for higher relative early growth rate of cowpea seedlings under saline conditions.
Effects of level and frequency of organophosphorus pesticide application on physiological parameters of the hot pepper leaf Capsicum annuum L. The toxic effects of four insecticides on the physiology of hot pepper Capsicum annuum L. Ancho San Luis are evaluated: Four doses were used: Three frequencies of application were tested: Toxicity was evaluated by measuring the response of physiological traits: These doses and frequencies are those common in commercial hot pepper fields in Mexico. Results show that toxicity caused by insecticides can be an important damage factor which can cause yield reduction.
There are some differences among the insecticides, but all affect the development of the hot pepper crop when applied incorrectly. Effect of organophosphorus pesticide application on hot pepper yield land its parameters -Capsicum annuum L,. Ancho San Luis yield and yield components. Three frequencies of application once and twice a week, and once every 15 d were tried, for six weeks, from the beginning of flowering.
The results showed that the improper application of insecticides may develop toxicity, finally impinging on harvest results. Seeds of caribe are considered edible by older inhabitants, yet despite these local testimonies their potential uses are unknown. We believe caribe has the potential to become a successful crop in semi-arid and arid regions.
The parameters proved to be good indicators to explain the photosynthetic efficiency and its variation in Opuntia spp genotypes through TAN. The response of physiological traits Dry Weight DW. The experiment was designed as subdivided plots within complete randomized blocks, with three replications. AN-V1 evidenced the highest photosynthetic efficiency, with 30 plants-m"-, but was statistically similar to AN-TV6, with either 40 or 50 plants-m''2.
Evaluation of the physiological traits of prickly pears Opuntia spp. Influence of organic fertilizers, crop density and plastic tunnel installations. The genotypes lunder study were established under half-forced plastic tunnels in the Universidad Autonoma Agraria "Antonio Narro", in Saltillo Coahuila Mexico , during Reults integration and analysis were carried out in the Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas del Noroeste, S. AN-V1 evidenced the highest photosynthetic efficiency, with 30 plants. Analysis of pathways related to efficiency of photosynthesis.
These genotypes were established under an intensive forced-growth system, by means of plastic tunnels. We assayed two levels of organic fertilizer and t. The main objective of this study was to determine by means of path analyses, which of the selected parameters are significant to explain the photosynthetic efficiency of the genotypes and to evaluate the relations among them to be used as explanatory variables of the system response to the variation of a specific parameter.
In general, the traits showed high positive correlation among them; the observed values evidenced a direct and strong effect on TAN. The effect of environmental conditions on the growth and development of the oilseed halophyte Salicornia bigelovii Torr. Due to its geographical situation, Baja California Sur is the most arid Mexican state, with the longest length of coast in the country. Hence, the study of halophytes for incorporation into rural agriculture is a priority for this region. In this research, the growth and development of a natural population of the oilseed halophyte Salicornia bigelovii Torr.
Four transects were traced in the field, with sample sites of 1 m2 every 3 m along each transect from which samples of soil and plants for laboratory analysis were taken, starting at the lowest seashore tide line. Edaphic and environmental factors as well as biomass, plant density, size, and dry matter were analysed through multivariate statistical methods.
Three edaphic factors showed correlation with growth and development of individuals: Part of the results are unexpected because most of the previous work had dealt only with the salinity factor. The results will enable us to determine the next steps to promote the economic use of this species in the study region.
The chemical and biochemical composition of leaf tissue from 24 mezquites Prosopis articulata was correlated with the ion content of soils and ground waters from six separate sites supporting plant growth. The peroxidase responses varied at different salinities; however, this enzyme activity decreased as the electrical conductivity of the ground water increased. Chlorophyll content of the leaves increased with the electrical conductivity EC of the well water, but the response was not statistically significant. Likewise, low molecular weight metabolites such as glycerol, amino acids, and hexoses showed no correspondence with the salt content in ground waters.
Of all the studied ions, chemical parameters, and biochemical compounds, EC in the ground water, leaves, and soil in the open field midway between mezquites, as well as peroxidase activity of foliar extracts showed the highest correlation with the salinity of ground water.
The results of this research suggest that measuring EC and biochemical mezquite parameters may provide an alternative to drilling to evaluate ground-water quality. Germinacion de Salicornia bigelovii Torr. The germination rate of seeds from two local populations of Salicornia bigelovii Torr. The seeds from Sonora germinated at a faster rate than the ones from Baja California. Highest percentage of germination was obtained under non-saline water conditions together with a considerable reduction in germination as concentrations were increased; germination rates were reduced considerably when salinity concentrations were increased for both populations.
No statistical differences were found between the mean values of germination after the nineteenth day of the experiment for both ecotypes. A positive correlation was found between low levels of salinity 9 ppm of total dissolved solids with total length and dry matter of seedlings. These results explain the high emergence of seedlings found in field conditions just after the rainy season occurs.
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Las semillas fueron sometidas a un gradiente de salinidad obtenido a partir de diluciones de agua marina. The program, SUNLIGHT, was designed and developed to determine the theoretical sunshine duration and related parameters needed to estimate evapotranspiration of crops by means of solar radiation equations.
The software was written in Gw-Basic Version 2. Inputs required are the latitude of the site, in degrees, and a selected period of time. Outputs are I mean solar declination for the period, II mean value of the cosin magnitude of the sun declination parameter, III average sunshine duration in light-hours per day, IV parameter percent of the number of light-hours per day related to annual total, V sunshine duration expressed as the total number of light-hours for the given period, and IV percent of light-hours for the study period related to the annual total.
A simple aridity equation for agricultural purposes in marginal zones. Analysis of the widely used dryness index proposed by Budyko reveals its limited usefulness in evaluating aridity of regions with very low precipitation coupled with high evaporation rates. Such is the case of a region in Baja California Sur, Mexico, where a better aridity index is needed to describe weather during months of limited, or null, rainfall.
An improved aridity index is proposed, retaining the physical meaning of null precipitation, a typical condition of many deserts. This is attained by preserving the inverse relationship of aridity and precipitation. Subranges of aridity can be defined with a better fitting according to desertic needs. The soil has a pH of 6. Five cowpea cultivars were used and established in the field under completed randomized block design with four replications. The data were analyzed by means of canonical discrimination, multivariate analysis, correlation, and simple and multiple linear regressions for the generation of green matter production PMV and dry matter production PMS functions.
Transportes Castores Manzanillo
In general, all variables showed significant differences P. Potencial forrajero del pasto salado Distichlis spicata L.
Forage potential of the non-domesticated saltgrass Distichlis spicata Gramineae was determined by analyzing its chemical and productive variables using principal components analysis PCA. Plants were collected from five sites amongst three locations, in areas including wetlands shores, centers, and beach. The results suggested that D. Based on these functions, four forage types were identified: Chametla wetlands shore is significantly influenced by NDF and ASH and qualified as forage with fiber and mineral content in association; Mar Azul, qualified as a balanced forage; Chametla wetlands center and beach, influenced by ash, qualified as mineral-source forage; and San Carlos, influenced by ADF and classified as a poorly digested forage.
The results suggest that different populations of D. Society depends on ecosystems to service its hydrological resources. This study's objective was an economic assessment of the La Paz aquifer. We used the Contingent Valuation Method vcm to estimate households' willingness to pay wtp to maintain their water supply. The results re- veal that the daily consumption of water determines the wtp.
This implies that households with higher consumption have lower wtp, whereas households that have rotating access to water have a higher wtp, compared with those with continuous flow of water. La Paz aquifer, 2. Parang aso, nahihinggil sa aso. Pananalitang tila awit; pananalitang malawig. Pakarimuting maigi ang kabayo. Maaliwalas, malwang, malwag, malawak. Ariing may kaya, ariing sapat. Magbuhat sa ulo hanggang sa paa. Kapa; sako, supot, bayong. Capital letter , n. Magtaob, itaob, magtiwarik, itiwarik. Pagkakapitan, pagkalagay na kapitan.
Taong hamak, taong walang tuto. Ang nauukol sa laman, ang nauukol sa kalayawan. Panakip sa dulang, panglatag sa sahig. Himatay, kalagayang parang patay. Pusang bundok na tila tigre.
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Pwang, ukit, butas, hukay, bitak. Cayenne pepper , n. Walang likat, walang pukat, walang tigil. Pumuna; pumimtas; punahin; pansinin; pumansin; pintasan; humatol; hatulan. Mapagsang-ayon sa kaugaliang maraming pasikotsikot. Mag-init, mapoot, mayamot; kuskusin upang mag-init, humagod, kumuskos. Panayan na lihim; sangguning lihim. Chamber maid , n. Chamber pot , n. Mahabagin, maawain, magandang-loob; mapaglimos. Malinis, wagas; mahinahon, mabait. Sumisi, sisihin; bigyangsala, kagalitan, kaalitan. Ugaling mahal, asal ginoo.
Kloroformo, [isang gamot na pangpatulog]. Kristyanuhin, binyagan sa pananalig kristyano. Kristyano, kampon ni Kristo. Papagkristyanuhin, maging alagad ni kristo. Taong bukid, taong bastos, taong masamang asal. Tawag na humarap sa gayong araw at oras, pagpapaharap. Paharapin sa paglilitis; banggitin, tukuyin. Kabutihan sa pamamayan, kabaitan, galang, pitagan. Paglalagay sa karampatan, paglalagay sa ayos. Uriin, ilagay sa ayos, ilagay sa karampatan.
Linis, kalinisan, kinis, kakinisan. May kalinisan, may kakinisan. Taong bastos, taong hamak. Abala, hadlang, kapansanan, kaabalahan. Walang ulap, maliwanag, aliwalas, malinaw. Pusong, payaso, bastos, hamak. Humawak, hawakan; sumunggab, sunggaban. Coal pit , n. Sasakyang dagat na pamaybay.
Cocoa palm , n. Babaing kasama sa mana. Cole wort , n. Lumubog [ang sasakyan,] mabagbag. Hawakan sa leeg, sakalin. Kaloob; ang kinakain sa gabi kung nag-aayuno. Ang nauukol sa kolehyo. Lupang sakop, lupang bagong pinananahanan. Larawan na totoong malaki. Come down , v. Come from , v. Come up , v. Pagganap, pagtupad, pagsunod, pagbibigay-loob. Alaala, handog, kaloob, regalo. Pag-unawa, pagwatas, pagbatid, pagdinig; kaalaman.
Tumuus, tuusin; kuruin, halagahan. Tungkol sa, hinggil sa. Pagpayag, pagkapayag, kapahintulutan, pahintulot. Libog, kalibugan, halay, kahalayan. Maghatid, ihatid, magtaguyod, itaguyod, pumatnugot, patnugutan, pumatnubay, patnubayan. Maghatid, magtaguyod, pumatnugot, pumatnubay.
Patotoo, patunay; pagpapatotoo, pagpapatunay. Makipaglaban, makipagtalo; lumaban, makipagaway. Magbunton, ibunton, magsalansan, tipunin. Nauukol sa pag-aasawa, nauukol sa kasal. Pagkasama, pagkalakip; pagkapisan; pang-ugnay. Pagkakasama, pagkakalakip, pagkakapisan; nauukol sa pang-ugnay. Iugnay, idugtong, isugpong, iugpong; ibagay. Kaugnay, karugtong, kasugpong, kaugpon. Kaugnay, karungtong, kasugpong, kaugpon. Pahintulutan, itulot, magpahintulot, pumayag.
Akalain, dilidiliin, bulayin, isipin, gunitain, wariin. Kalagayan, katibayan, kapanatilihan, pagkakaayon. Gulo, pagkatulig, takot, gulat. Pumigil, pigilin, umampat, ampatin. Umubos, gumugol, tumapos; maubos, maparam, matapos. Buong palibot, buong paligid. Bawal, labag sa kautusan. Matigas ang ulo, mapurol ang ulo.
Mapaghamak, mapaglait, mapanirang puri. Pahamak, lait, paninirang puri. Magsalin, humwad, pumaris; isalin. Tapat, tapat na loob. Katapatang loob, pagkatapat na loob. Mais, butil na gugulayin. Corpus-Christi day , n. Kalupain, kababayan; taga bukid, taga nayon. Hukumang militar; hukumang sundalo. Takip, tungtong, bubong karang, balot. Putok, lagutok; lahang lamat, basag.
Humiging, lumagitik, lumagutok, umalatiit. Servicio de envío desde un paquete el cual se consolida en nuestros centros de distribución para enviarse a su destino. En Grupo Castores estamos realmente comprometidos a que tu mercancía llegue a su destino no solo a tiempo, sino que también llegue en forma, por esta razón ponemos a tu disposición nuestros servicios de empaque y embalaje, para que tu paquetería y mensajería llegue segura a su destino.

Servicio mediante el cual un ejecutivo en las instalaciones del cliente lleva a cabo los reportes de seguimiento a sus envíos de acuerdo a las necesidades y requerimientos de su empresa. Nuestros clientes pueden contratar nuestros servicios para realizar viajes locales, ya se trate de una mudanza o un traslado de mercancía, grupo Castores es siempre su mejor solución en viajes locales. El servicio de desconsolidación de mercancías nos permite desagrupar embarques consolidados en un mismo documento de transporte u otro equivalente y que vienen destinados a diferentes consignatarios, presentando cada embarque individual con su respectivo documento de transporte, y se almacena temporalmente para posteriormente repartirse a su destino o que el destinatario pueda recogerlo en la sucursal.
Nuestro servicio de devolución de evidencias es un servicio a través del cual el cliente de origen recibe físicamente el documento probatorio de la entrega de su mercancía. Mediante este serivicio el cliente tiene la facilidad de elegir una fecha y hora en la cual se programa la unidad y el operador para cumplir con citas preestablecidas de carga y de descarga mediante carta de instrucciones, de acuerdo a las necesidades del cliente.
Servicio dedicado a la renta de unidades dedicadas de acuerdo a las necesidades del cliente por el tiempo que sea requerido, contamos con personal altamente capacitado y desarrolladores logísticos para que te experiencia con el servicio de renta de camiones y remolques sea inigualable. Nuestro servicio de entrega a domicilio consiste una entrega de puerta a puerta en el que nuestras propias unidades acuden al domicilio del cliente en destino de manera personal para hacer la entrega de la mercancía hasta tu domicilio.
Disfrute de nuestro servicio de Recolección a Domicilio, gracias al cual nuestras propias unidades acuden al domicilio del cliente de origen para recolectar su mercancía y que esta pueda enviarse a su destino. Gracias a este servicio el cliente puede acudir a nuestros Centros de Distribución para recoger su mercancía. Llevamos nuestros servicios a todo el territorio nacional.
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