Localizacion celular del glucogeno

  • Glucógeno - Outreach Wiki
  • The structure of placental glycogen
  • Recommendations
  • Metabolismo del glucógeno
  • By continuing to use this site, you consent to the use of cookies. Glycogen was purified from human term placenta and its structural features investigated. The beta-amylolysis limit and average chain lengths indicated that some degradation of the glycogen had occurred prior to its extraction. The sedimentation coefficient distribution of the purified glycogen showed that it contained a significant proportion of aggregated material. Diffusion coefficient measurements allowed calculation of the molecular weight distribution.

    The placental glycogen contained a significant proportion of high molecular weight material, although not as much as liver or skeletal muscle glycogens. Because the high molecular weight glycogen of liver and skeletal muscle is associated with the lysosome it is likely that this is also true of the large placental glycogen. Lysosomal glycogen is degraded hydrolytically to glucose and so placental glycogen may be involved in fetal glucose homeostasis. This chapter summarises important issues about the molecular and supramolecular structure of polysaccharides.

    It describes the terminology of polysaccharides systematically. The polysaccharides are divided regarding the molecular structures in glucans, polyoses, polysaccharides with amino functions, polysaccharides with acid functions and some miscellaneous. Polysaccharides with amino functions include the description of chitin and chitosan, hyaluronan or hyaluronic acid, glycosaminoglycans and murein. The polysaccharides with acid functions are described including pectins, alginates, agar-agar and carrageenan. Moreover, inulin, levan and xanthan gum are described.

    To determine the exact location of glycogen in trophoblast and decidual cell of the basal plate of human placenta at term for studying their distribution, features and quantity. U-Pb stains according to conventional transmission electron microscopy stains which stained protein material of glycosomes observed as obscure particles.

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    6. Glucógeno - Biopsicologia.

    Laboratorio de microscopia electronica. Glycogen was found distributed dispersed in the different cells with significant variations of concentrations. This new view of the distribution of glycogen in cells of basal plate permit to us understand its role as energy source in this cells buried by fibrinoid or to be used by proteolytic enzymes for beginning degenerative changes own of this area near to the line of placental separation. The effect of orally administered glycogen on anti-tumor activity and natural killer cell activity in mice.

    Glucógeno - Outreach Wiki

    Natural killer NK cells, innate immune effectors that mediate rapid responses to various antigens, play an important role in potentiating host defenses through the clearance of tumor cells and virally infected cells. By using enzymatically synthesized glycogen ESG with the same characteristics as natural glycogen, we examined whether orally administered glycogen enhances the innate defense of tumor-implanted mice and the cytotoxicity of NK cells.

    Oral administration of ESG led to the suppression of tumor proliferation and the prolongation of survival times of tumor-bearing mice. In addition, intraduodenal injections of ESG gradually and markedly lowered splenic sympathetic nerve activity, which has an inverse correlation with NK activity. These results demonstrated that orally administrated glycogen significantly enhanced the cytotoxicity of NK cells by acting on Peyer's patch cells and autonomic nerves, and eventually induced the potentiation of host defenses.

    The structure of placental glycogen

    We propose that glycogen functions not only as an energy source for life support but also as an oral adjuvant for immunopotentiation. The largest reserves of glycogen in a mammal are found in the liver and skeletal muscle, whereas a small quantity of glycogen is also present in other tissues such as brain, thymus, heart, skin, placenta and leukocytes Scott and Still ; Harmon and Phizackerley ; Blows et al. It is also well recognized that the major functions of glycogen are to supply energy in the muscle and to release glucose to the bloodstream from the liver Geddes Essential role of Toll-like receptor 2 in macrophage activation by glycogen.

    We prepared enzymatically synthesized glycogen ESG with the same characteristics as natural glycogen and investigated whether the macrophage-stimulating activity of glycogen was related to Toll-like receptors TLRs , which are important receptors for innate immunity. The activity of ESG completely disappeared after treatment with a glycogen-degrading enzyme, indicating that the activity derived from ESG itself and not from contamination with canonical TLR2 ligands such as bacterial lipopeptides.

    Taken together, these results demonstrated that TLR2 directly recognizes glycogen and that the recognition activates immunocytes such as macrophages to enhance the production of nitric oxide and inflammatory cytokines. In addition, it was suggested that TLR2 could be involved in the glycogen activity in vivo.


    We propose that glycogen act as an activator to potentiate the host defense through TLR2 on the macrophage. Structure and solution properties of enzymatically synthesized glycogen.

    Recently, a new enzymatic process for glycogen production was developed. In this process, short-chain amylose is used as a substrate for branching enzymes BE, EC 2.

    The molecular weight of the enzymatically synthesized glycogen ESG depends on the size and concentration of the substrate. The average chain length, interior chain length, and exterior chain length of ESG were 8. These values were within the range of variation of NSG. Paola Marcolongo 19 Estimated H-index: Inborn Errors of Metabolism: Advances in Diagnosis and Therapy.

    Vernon 7 Estimated H-index: Stephanie Austin 17 Estimated H-index: Detecting multiple lysosomal storage diseases by tandem mass spectrometry--a national newborn screening program in Taiwan.

    Metabolismo del glucógeno

    Hsuan Chieh Liao 2 Estimated H-index: Glycogen storage disease type I: Jan Peter Rake 13 Estimated H-index: Inherent lipid metabolic dysfunction in glycogen storage disease IIIa. Xin-Hua Li 7 Estimated H-index: La hormona insulina provoca la desfosforilación de las enzimas, en consecuencia la glucógeno fosforilasa se hace menos activa, y la glucógeno sintasa se activa, lo que favorece la síntesis de glucógeno.

    Es decir, que hormonas como la adrenalina y el glucagón favorecen la degradación del glucógeno, mientras que la insulina estimula su síntesis. Las glucogenosis o trastornos del metabolismo del glucógeno son un conjunto de nueve enfermedades genéticas , la mayoría hereditarias, que afectan a la vía de formación del glucógeno y a las de su utilización.

    La restauración del metabolismo normal de la glucosa generalmente normaliza el metabolismo del glucógeno de las siguientes maneras. Otro ejemplo son los errores innatos del metabolismo, que son causados por deficiencias en la cantidad de las enzimas necesarias para la síntesis de glucógeno.

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    • Este tipo de errores son conocidos como enfermedades de almacenamiento del glucógeno. Atletas de larga distancia, como corredores de maratones, esquiadores de fondo y ciclistas, a menudo experimentan la depleción de glucógeno, donde casi todas las reservas de glucógeno del atleta se agotan después de largos períodos de esfuerzo, donde no tienen suficiente consumo de energía. El agotamiento de glucógeno puede ser intervenido de tres maneras posibles.

      En general, el índice glucémico de la fuente de carbohidratos no importa, ya que la sensibilidad a la insulina muscular se incrementa como resultado del agotamiento temporal del glucógeno. Al experimentar la deuda de glucógeno, los atletas a menudo llegan a sentir extrema fatiga, hasta llegar al grado de no poder mover su cuerpo. Por ejemplo, los mejores ciclistas profesionales del mundo por lo general al terminar una carrera por etapas de 4 a 5 horas, usan las tres primeras etapas cuando llegan al límite del agotamiento de glucógeno.

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